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Cleaver invokes Hindu god, twists meaning of “amen” in prayer to open Congress

cleaver prayer

Emanuel Cleaver, a former Methodist minister who represents Kansas City and portions of central Missouri in Congress, offered an unorthodox prayer at the opening session on Sunday. “Eternal God, noiselessly we bow ...

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College student finds there is no mercy in today’s cancel culture

college student

It is one thing when, as an adult, you are held accountable for the choices you make, especially if you are unrepentant. It is another thing when, as a new college student, ...

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President and First Lady wish America a Merry Christmas

Americans were wished a Merry Christmas by President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump wished Americans a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, expressing gratitude to God and courageous citizens. “The President and I want to wish ...

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VIDEO: President Trump addresses nation about election battle

In a message to the nation late Tuesday, President Donald Trump explained to the American people why he is pursuing all legal and constitutional challenges to “stop the theft of the presidential ...

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Black church leaders call on GA Senate candidate Warnock to renounce abortion

Raphael Warnock, a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in Georgia, has declared himself a pro-abortion pastor. Twenty-eight prominent black leaders are calling on him to renounce his beliefs. Warnock pastors Ebenezer Baptist Church ...

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Senator Hawley: 74 million Americans are not going to ‘shut up’

Senator Josh Hawley, (R-MO) didn’t mince words Wednesday in Homeland Security Committee hearings on alleged voting irregularities in the 2020 election. Hawley said voters he’s talked to are angry and “not crazy” ...

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U.S. and Israel working together with aliens, retired general claims

President Trump recently was on the verge of confirming the existence of extraterrestrials beings, a retired Israeli general has stated. Haim Eshed told Israel’s largest daily newspaper that not only are aliens ...

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Surveillance video emerges of after-hours ballot counting in Georgia

georgia ballots

In a bombshell development surrounding alleged ballot fraud in Georgia, surveillance video was released Thursday by the company responsible for security at the State Farm Arena. The footage was released along with ...

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Fact-checker Politifact admits Biden NOT president-elect

politifact president-elect

A fact-checking website has admitted that Joe Biden is not president-elect. Politifact, a left-leaning site that media outlets, including Twitter and Facebook, rely on for “fact-checking,” had originally issued a “false” label ...

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Madison Cawthorn, youngest person elected to Congress in 55 years, shares his faith


Madison Cawthorn recently made history when he became the youngest person elected to Congress since 1965. He also is well known for standing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance during his speech ...

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Kanye West to launch gospel music university

Aspiring singers will get a boost from Kanye West who is launching a gospel music university. West made the announcement on “The Joe Rogan Experience”  Saturday. West talked for nearly three hours ...

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Dallas quarterback looks to ‘God’s plan’ after season-ending injury

The NFL season ended early for Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott after a devastating injury. However, he hasn’t lost the positive attitude and faith in God that have contributed to his success. ...

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Democratic Senate candidate Barbara Bollier backs gun confiscation

parties, gun, confiscation

Gun confiscation suddenly has become a hot topic in the final days of the Kansas race for the U.S. Senate between Republican incumbent Roger Marshall and Democrat challenger Barbara Bollier. The Marshall ...

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Democrats fearful about attacking Barrett’s faith during confirmation

Democrats courting Christian voters are now wary of using faith as a weapon against Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, whose confirmation hearings are taking place this week, according to ABC News. ...

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War between Christian Armenia, Muslim Azerbaijan risks pitting Russia and Turkey in larger conflict

Christian Armenia and Muslim Azerbaijan are at war and both Europe and Russia have reached out to the Trump administration for assistance to stop it. Diplomats from Washington to Moscow to Paris ...

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Fan reaction is mixed to social justice protests at Chiefs’ opening game

Thursday night’s game between the Kansas City Chiefs and Houston Texans at Arrowhead Stadium was a trial run for the NFL’s new social justice policies and support for Black Lives Matter. The ...

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Communist group to hold anti-Trump rally in Kansas City, other metros on Saturday

communist kansas city

Kansas City is one of more than 20 U.S. cities targeted by communist groups for anti-Trump rallies this Saturday. The event is scheduled for noon at 47th and Main Streets at the ...

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‘I pointed him to Jesus’: Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson on meeting Trump

“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson has revealed in a podcast interview the fascinating moment he shared the gospel with President Donald Trump.In the interview, Robertson says that he is confident the commander-in-chief ...

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Skillet lead singer John Cooper armed self to protect family against Kenosha rioters


John Cooper, lead singer for the Christian band Skillet, says he’s been forced to arm himself to protect his home and family from rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin. In an interview on Fox ...

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Cameras in nursing homes to motorcycle helmets: New Missouri laws go into effect today

missouri laws

Several laws passed by the Missouri Legislature during the second regular session of the 100th General Assembly take effect today. Missourinet provided a brief overview of these new laws. Motorcycle helmets. House ...

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Full transcript and video of President Trump’s Convention address

The Republican National Convention ended Thursday night with a 70-minute address by President Donald J. Trump. As is our tradition, Metro Voice is making the transcript available, void of media filters, for ...

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Skyscrapers shredded as Laura comes ashore in Louisiana


Lake Charles, Louisiana was shredded  by hurricane Laura as she roared ashore along the Gulf Coast overnight. The storm pounding residents who remained with a life-threatening sea surge, wind and historic rain. ...

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Police release video of arsonist setting blaze at local church

police church

A $5,000 reward is being offered by the Kansas City Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for information leading to the arrest of a suspect who lit ...

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Nikki Haley, Herschel Walker wow viewers of Republican Convention

‘America, Land of Promise’: Republicans Celebrate Trump’s Achievements on First Republicans celebrated President Donald Trump’s first term achievements, and praised American ideals and freedoms on the first night of the Republican National Convention. From ...

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St. Louis County prosecutor clears officer who shot Michael Brown

michael brown

Six years after a police shooting of Michael Brown triggered riots in Ferguson, Mo., the St. Louis County prosecutor has announced that his office will not seek charges against officer Darren Wilson. ...

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