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World regions where persecution will increase this year

If Covid taught us one thing, it was that both governments and religious majorities around the world used the pandemic as cover to persecute Christians.  In many countries, believers in Christ faced ...

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Number of atheists worldwide not keeping pace with religious growth

The number of religious people worldwide is increasing faster than the number of atheists, new research found. Lifeway Research has identified “7 Encouraging Trends of Global Christianity in 2022” based on data collected by ...

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Abortion once again was leading cause of death worldwide last year

Abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2021, with more than three times as many people losing their lives to abortion than the second-leading cause of death. Worldometer, a database ...

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John MacArthur urges pastors to preach on sexuality in response to new Canadian law

A new Canadian law effectively bans pastors from teaching that homosexuality and transgenderism are sins according to the Bible. C-4 unanimously passed both the House of Commons and the Senate before receiving ...

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Russia evacuates citizens from Kazakhstan as it sends in “peacekeepers’

Russia may be preparing to invade Kazakhstan after its military forces evacuated more than 1,400 of its citizens from the country over the weekend. The move comes as political unrest continues to ...

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Release International: Persecution of Christians to increase in 2022

West Africa is expected to be a hotspot for persecution of Christians in the coming year, according to the newly released Persecution Trends report from Release International. The organization pointed to several ...

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Lebanon faces grim future as Hezbollah holds the country hostage

As the masses across Lebanon deal with a collapsing economy and a paralyzed government, murmurings of dissatisfaction with Hezbollah, Iran’s terror proxy in Beirut, have begun to surface. But experts say it ...

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The story behind Keith and Kristyn Getty and “In Christ Alone”

The melody that changed the life of Keith Getty was first scratched out on the back of an electric bill in a humble flat in Northern Ireland. This isn’t great, he thought ...

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Pat Robertson stepping down as daily host of ‘The 700 Club’ on CBN

robertson cbn

Pat Robertson is stepping down as daily host of “The 700 Club,” CBN News reported. He announced last week on the 60th anniversary of CBN’s first broadcast that he is moving on to new ...

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Be part of a letter writing campaign for world’s persecuted Christians

letter writing

A letter-writing and prayer campaign that helped free a Christian dissident in Russia stamped a lasting impression on me. The late award-winning journalist Dan Wooding launched the campaign urging the release from ...

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Pope Francis states he opposes abortion and same-sex marriage

Although Pope Francis has been criticized for several of his more progressive views, he made a strong statement against abortion and same-sex marriage last week. “Abortion is murder; the church cannot change ...

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YouVersion Bible, illumiNations set ambitious goal to provide translations to 95 percent of world by 2033


The YouVersion Bible app team is teaming up with the Bible translation team illumiNations to provide access to scripture to 95 percent of the global population by 2033. “There’s a lot of ...

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For the Martyrs plans march in Washington to call attention to persecuted Christians

For the Martyrs

Christians under Taliban rule in Afghanistan are among more than 340 million people around the world suffering persecution for practicing their Christian faith. The annual March for the Martyrs will take place ...

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Organizations urgently call Christians to pray for Afghanistan

International Christian Concern and Gospel for Asia are among groups calling followers of Christ to urgently pray for Afghanistan and especially its underground Christians. The plea comes as almost 300,000 Afghan refugees ...

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Would you eat ‘upcycled’ food?

How would you like to dig into a “recycled” snack? Or take a swig of juice with “reprocessed” ingredients made from other food byproducts? Without the right marketing, these don’t sound like ...

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Kansas City-based Awakening Prayer Hubs working for worldwide revival

prayer hub

With the world’s spiritual crisis worsening, Awakening Prayer Hubs, a prayer movement contending for awakening and transforming revival in the nations, is transforming prayer warriors into prayer heroes in their cities. Jennifer ...

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Millions of Christians worldwide will share their faith on ‘GO Day’

More than 50 million Christians worldwide are expected to share their faith on the 10th anniversary of GO Day on May 29. May is GO Month, and Christians have been sharing their faith ...

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A warning from history about ‘listening to the science’

On his first day as president, Joe Biden, flanked by a portrait of Ben Franklin, called on the federal government to “advance environmental justice” and “be guided by the best science.” In ...

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See the powerful videos as Israel stops to remember the Holocaust

The nation of Israel paused on Thursday to remember the Holocaust. For 24 hours, restaurants and entertainment venues shut their doors and TV stations dedicated their programming almost exclusively to Holocaust documentaries ...

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Campaign kicks off to translate Bible into every language by 2033

bible translation

The largest Bible translation campaign to ever be introduced on social and digital media is launching just in time for Easter. The effort to translate scripture into the last remaining languages will ...

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World Water Day highlights crisis few are talking about

water crisis

The world is on the brink of a devastating water crisis that could be “much more worrying” than the COVID-19 pandemic, says a disturbing new report coinciding with World Water Day, March 22. ...

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Ethiopia comes apart as ethnic Tigray Christians battle the government and each other

ethiopia tigray

Christians in the Tigray region of Ethiopia are reporting a campaign rape and torture at the hands of government forces with tens of thousands of civilians dead. The region is involved in ...

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6 ways to remember persecuted Christians in 2021

christians 2021

As Christians around the world face rising persecution, Metro Voice regularly shares stories that highlight their plight.  As we’ve reported, persecution has increased, especially in an age of Covid as governments use ...

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Wycliffe Associates sees record completed Bible translations in 2020

bibles china, wycliffe 2020

Despite a worldwide pandemic, Wycliffe Associates saw the completion of more Bible translations in 2020 than in any other single year. “Instead of slowing down because of COVID-19, for some national Bible ...

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Christian persecution up as governments, extremists leverage Covid restrictions

covid persecution

Violence, discrimination and oppression surged against the world’s Christians in 2020 according to research by Open Doors USA. Their latest report on persecution lists underlying reasons including the Covid restrictions, more and ...

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