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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Here’s how the census will affect Missouri congressional seats

missouri census

Census numbers released Tuesday show primarily Democrat states will lose seats in Congress while red states like Florida, Texas and Montana will gain seats. The numbers show that although much of the ...

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May 3 seminar looks at the ‘gender revolution,’ unlocks biblical truth

biblical gender

There’s a “gender revolution” taking place with huge implications for the health of children, family, education, the church and society. Recent polls show that 15% of young people now question their biological ...

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Missouri Congressman Jason Smith to visit Mar-a-Lago as he considers Senate run

Missouri Congressman Jason Smith, who is considering a campaign for the U.S. Senate, will hold a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago later this month. The invitation lists Gov. Mike Parson, South Dakota Gov. Kristi ...

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John Kerry asked to resign after leaked Iranian audio

After John Kerry leaked classified information to the terrorist regime of Iran, calls are being made for his resignation. Kerry, who currently serves as U.S. Special Climate Envoy, disclosed the number of ...

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Advice for churches to address cancel culture

Churches need to be prepared to handle the onslaught of cancel culture, a leading Christian media expert said. “As the controversial idea of becoming `woke’ pervades our culture, I’ve been getting more ...

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Planning a vacation? Here’s the states that still have mask mandates

vacation mask

If you’re planning a summer vacation you are probably wondering which states have mask mandates. More and more states are dropping the regulations as Covid rates decline and pushback from the public ...

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CDC issues strange summer camp guidelines

The CDC has issued new summer camp guidelines that many say are arbitrary and contradictory. The rules are being mocked on social media as out-of-step with reality. The new guidance says that ...

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Hundreds of events will celebrate Missouri bicentennial

missouri bicentennial rule

Missouri Statehood Day on Aug. 10 will mark 200 years since the Missouri Territory became the 24th state of the union. More than 200 bicentennial events are taking place this year, with ...

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Biden wins praise, condemnation for Turkey genocide declaration

President Joe Biden has won praise from Armenian groups who have long sought the U.S. to declare actions by the Ottoman Empire-the predecessor to Turkey in the early 20th century–as genocide. But ...

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Senate candidates Greitens, Schmitt tied in polls

The two declared Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate in 2022 are in a dead heat, according to a recent Remington/MO Scout poll. If the primary election were held today, 40 percent ...

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Math and Music: Why Do I Have To Learn This?

“Why do I have to learn this? I’m NEVER going to use it.” It is likely that you have heard this (or even said it yourself) many times. Students question the usefulness ...

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Pat Robertson issues call to action against extreme liberal agenda in Washington

Pat Robertson, the founder of CBN, warned on “The 700 Club” this week that Democrats in Washington have launched an aggressive campaign on multiple fronts in a blatant power grab that’s designed ...

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Missouri considers providing greater choice in public education

school choice parson missouri program

Education bills pending in the Missouri Legislature address charter school expansion, public funding of private schools and homeschooling. The effort comes as the state nears banning the New York Times’ uber-controversial 1619 ...

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Arizona begins recount of 2 million 2020 election ballots

Maricopa County, Arizona is recounting ballots for the 2020 election. The hand audit of more than 2 million was scheduled to have begun Friday. Materials and equipment, including 385 tabulators, were delivered ...

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Home Depot targeted for boycott after saying it will stay out of Georgia politics

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is defending Home Depot from a boycott organized by Georgia church leaders. Kemp said the group is made up of political partisans who have made untrue representations about ...

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Famous atheist Richard Dawkins canceled over transgender comments

The American Humanist Association this week canceled atheist Richard Dawkins for criticizing transgender ideology. Dawkins, author of “The God Delusion,” had his 1996 Humanist of the Year revoked because of a tweet ...

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‘Every child deserves a family’: Missouri Gov. Parson signs adoption, foster care bills

foster adoption

Sweeping new adoption and foster bills will help kids find forever homes after Missouri Gov. Mike Parson on Thursday signed them into law. HB 429 will allow Missourians who serve as foster ...

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Disney deletes Jerusalem from Passover greeting

disney jerusalem

Disney, not known for historical accuracy, deleted Jerusalem from a common Jewish greeting on Passover. Disney Channel aired the public service announcement for the most sacred Jewish holy day and replaced a ...

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How people end up living at airports for months or … years

Are people really living in airports? In January, local authorities arrested a 36-year-old man named Aditya Singh after he had spent three months living at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. Since October, he ...

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Montana passes laws protecting free speech on campus

montana speech

Montana has joined other speech-friendly states in passing its own laws abolishing speech codes and zones on public college campuses within its borders. HB 218 prohibits speech zones, requires school policies that ...

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Justin Bieber warns against celebrity ‘pastor worship’

Justin Bieber has become an unlikely teacher on fame and “pastor worship” for the modern church. In a lengthy front page feature article in the May issue of GQ, Bieber chronicles his own ...

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Three reasons your church should be praying for Africa and Mozambique

Metro Voice is launching a new “Watch and Pray” column. The goal is to live out the biblical imperative. This week we focus on Africa and Mozambique. 1. We underestimate the power ...

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Christians gathered to pray arrested in Eritrea

eritrea christians

Christians gathering to pray in Eritrea are being arrested. Two prayer meetings were recently raided by soldiers in the African nation leading to the arrest of 35 individuals – many of them ...

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St. Louis attorney who defended home from protestors may run for U.S. Senate

The St. Louis attorney who made national headlines last summer for using a gun to defend his home from protestors is thinking about running for the U.S. Senate next year. “I can ...

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Missouri House expels member for first time since Civil War

missouri house

The Missouri House on Wednesday voted unanimously to expel Rep. Rick Roeber of Lee’s Summit. His House legislative page has already been wiped clean. He allegedly abused his four adult children when ...

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