Home / Dwight Widaman

Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Church returns wallet found stashed in vent for 75 years


A church renovating an old high school has reunited a woman with a wallet that was stolen 75  years ago.  The wallet was discovered — along with 14 others — as the ...

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Epstein connections run deep with Clintons

Billionaire Democrat donor Jeffrey Epstein, 66, sits in jail after pleading not guilty this week to federal charges of running a child sex trafficking ring involving dozens of underage girls. Prosecutors say ...

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Attorney General Barr rules in favor of census question

Attorney General William Barr ruled the Trump administration can legally add the citizenship question to the 2020 census. The Supreme Court ruled 5–4 that the rationale the administration provided for adding the ...

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Chick-fil-A celebrates the cow, offers free food today


Got your cow costume ready? How about a white shirt while you say, “MOOO!” Today marks Chick-fil-A’s annual ‘Cow Appreciation Day’ – a holiday the restaurant chain invented 15 years ago to ...

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Ocasio-Cortez blames flooding on Republicans

Talk about “draining the swamp,” Washington, DC area residents are hoping the region drains today after drenching rains and flooding hit the area Monday. New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was again quick ...

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National rallies July 10 on behalf of persecuted Christians

A dozen religious freedom rallies are being organized nationwide Wednesday, July 10, to bring awareness to the suffering of persecuted Christians worldwide. The effort is being spearheaded by Save the Persecuted Christians (STPC) ...

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CNN reports Antifa attack on reporter while others whitewash

Antifa, a group of leftist terrorists, wants to violently shut down your opinion. Any ideas other than their own are not only wrong, they’re dangerous and must be stopped by, and I ...

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Be My Eyes app lets volunteers help the blind

A new app developed to aid the blind in completing daily tasks actually uses complete strangers to make it work. It is an example of Galatians 6:2 which reads, “Carry each other’s ...

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Area church home after mission trip to Alaska


A youth mission team from Connection Point Church, Raytown, Mo, shared the love of Christ in Alaska during June. The youth mission team partnered with Grace Works, a ministry in Anchorage that ...

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Starbucks forced to apologize to police

Starbucks has issued a public apology following an incident in which a group of police officers was asked to leave after a customer allegedly complained about feeling “unsafe.” Six officers from the ...

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Gillibrand promotes bill backed by discredited Southern Poverty Law Center

Democratic presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand is throwing her weight behind legislation that would have the government catalog hate crimes, something the FBI already does. But waste and redundancy are nothing new in ...

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Gracious Trump congratulates soccer team and their critical team captain

The United States won its record fourth Women’s World Cup soccer title and second in a row, beating the Netherlands 2-0 Sunday night when Megan Rapinoe converted a penalty kick in the ...

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One in five Dutch churches converted to secular spaces

As fewer and fewer people follow the Christian faith in the Netherlands, a new study shows that one fifth of all churches there have been converted into libraries, apartments, offices, and other ...

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Auschwitz exhibit examines faith in survival instinct

An exhibition that offers the public a glimpse into the role of faith as a mechanism for survival during the Holocaust opened at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Poland on Monday. “Through ...

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National Right to Life endorses Trump 2020 campaign

The United States’ largest pro-life organization officially announced their endorsement of President Donald Trump for the 2020 presidential election. The National Right to Life Committee released a statement on Independence Day stating their ...

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Nigerian 7-year-old recounts Fulani attack on family

As a Baptist church member tried to fight off an armed Muslim Fulani herdsmen in a village in north-central Nigeria, he told his 7-year-old nephew and other relatives to run. The boy ...

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Famous atheist Bill Hayden finds Christ


Bill Hayden was one of the world’s most well-known atheists. In fact, the Australian politician  was an atheist all of his life and as an adult would use his public platform to ...

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Mind control camps in China exposed by BBC

In a scene reminiscent of a Hollywood movie on mind control, a video has emerged in a disturbing documentary from the BBC revealing re-education camps. The film shows Christians, Muslims and other religious minorities ...

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Biden gets heat for Russia meddling ‘not on my watch’

Former Vice President and 2020 Democrat candidate Joe Biden is getting widespread criticisms over his claims that Russian meddling “didn’t” happen “on my watch” in a recent cable news interview. During the interview ...

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An afternoon of hate for Israel

Jeff, are you a masochist? Why would you choose to spend a precious Sunday afternoon at a program featuring Jewish Voice for Peace, an anti-Israel group, that was sponsored by the public library ...

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Sliced bread festival brings Republicans, Democrats together

sliced bread Chillicothe

It’s the best thing since sliced bread! Really! Seven thousand people are expected to turn out for this weekend’s “Sliced Bread Days” event in northwest Missouri’s Chillicothe. State Rep. Rusty Black, R-Chillicothe, ...

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Egypt legalizes 127 churches in positive move

A sweeping move by Egyptian authorities is being celebrated by religious rights activists. A government committee has approved 127 churches which were previously being run in an illegal capacity under the country’s ...

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Second, larger earthquake strikes California

A quake with a magnitude as large as 7.1 jolted much of California, cracked buildings, set fires, broke roads and caused several injuries, with 11 times more force than an apparent foreshock that rattled ...

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Census citizenship question by executive order possible


President Donald Trump said on July 5 he is considering issuing an executive order to add a question about citizenship to the 2020 census. The order is one of “four or five” options on the ...

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Full remarks of President Trump at July 4th celebration

Metro Voice is providing the full text of President Donald Trump‘s remarks at the national Independence Day Celebration. We do this as a service to readers as we provide news in context ...

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