Home / Dwight Widaman

Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

China forcing churches to spout communist propaganda

chinese church china propaganda religious

Churches and other religious bodies in China are being forced to spout communist propaganda as the country has become “increasingly hostile to faith, said a bipartisan U.S. federal government commission. According to ...

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Enough fentanyl to kill 20 million Americans seized


Enough opioid fentanyl to kill 20 million Americans–has been seized in California. The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) on April 23 seized the drug, in a massive law enforcement operation. “ACSO detectives ...

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“The Northman” is a sweeping Norse saga


“The Northman” is a sprawling Viking revenge epic in the way of Terrence Malick‘s “The New World”. It is grand in its scale and beautiful its in scenery. Robert Eggers’ usual penchant ...

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Missouri House advances bill to allow local votes on protecting women’s sports

Missouri residents are one step closer to being able to decide if biological male athletes can compete on K-12 girls’ sports teams. The Missouri House voted 89-40 in favor of adding Republican ...

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Missouri Republican legislators want to return $1 billion to taxpayers

Missouri Republican lawmakers have some good news for taxpayers as the filing deadline approaches. Republican legislators have announced a plan to use $1 billion from the state’s historic surplus for tax rebates. ...

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How Christians can help shape the broader culture, not just their own

christians culture

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but when Christians imitate culture or some popular movements, the results are often not very flattering. I’m evangelical, and there are many flattering things ...

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“We can’t just sit here.” How Russian Americans are helping Ukrainians

In Alaska, A Russian-Speaking Church Becomes A Hub For Helping Ukrainians. An elevated cross reaches toward the blue sky at a nondescript corner of Alaska’s largest city. Viewed from the right vantage ...

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CNN slams children’s books that don’t espouse liberal ideology

cnn books

Last week, CNN published an opinion piece arguing that the “right-wing children’s entertainment complex is upon us.” Prominently featured as a case in point were the Tuttle Twins children’s books, created by Connor Boyack to offset ...

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Pat Robertson’s wife and ministry partner dies at 94 after lifetime of sharing the gospel

wife pat

Dede Robertson, the wife of Christian Broadcasting Network founder Pat Robertson, died on April 19 at her home in Virginia Beach, Va., at age 94. “My mom was a rock,” her daughter ...

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Pro-lifers rally in Jefferson City to support restrictions on abortion

rally jefferson

Pro-life Missourians filled the state Capitol in Jefferson City Wednesday to rally in support stronger pro-life policies. The Midwest March for Life drew Republican policymakers, including Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, joined ...

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Biden to overturn Trump conscience clause on abortions

Bowing to pressure from pro-abortion groups, the Biden administration is ending the Trump administration’s religious conscience rule over the abortion issue. The rule, which had been heralded by religious liberty advocates and ...

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Netflix loses historic number of subscribers from sharing, boycott

netflix drops sharing crackdown

Boycotts, account sharing, and streaming competition has led Netflix to lose subscribers for the first time in over a decade. The streaming service made the announcement to investors on April 19. It ...

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National Faith at Work Summit in Kansas City April 28, 29

faith at work

“We’re in a culture war that continues to undermine our Christian faith in the workplace,” states Mike Willich, Director of Network Engagement with Unconventional Business Network (UBN). Willich is one of a ...

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After attacking Jews, Christians on Easter, Palestinians fight police

palestinians easter

Israeli police continue to deal with Palestinians on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount after Muslims attacked worshippers on Passover and Easter Sunday. The violence comes after Islamic Imams preached in advance of Ramadan, that ...

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Americans less likely to support Disney after its opposition to Florida parental rights law

Disney may pay a steep price for opposing Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act. Nearly seven in 10 likely American voters said they are less likely to do business with Disney as ...

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Opinion: Missouri House approves Parents’ Bill of Rights

missouri parents

The Missouri House has approved legislation that would give parents a greater say in the education their children receive. The House gave first-round approval to HB 1858, which creates the Parents’ Bill ...

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Vladimer Putin demands control of this Jerusalem church

Vladimir Putin is attempting to take control of a church in the Old City of Jerusalem. The Russian leader, who in February invaded Europe’s largest democracy, sent a strongly worded letter to ...

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Warner Bros. Won’t Say Gay in China

warner bros

It is beyond ironic that, at the very same time Disney is using all its might to oppose Florida’s Education Bill (falsely named the “Don’t Say Gay Bill”), Warner Bros. has announced ...

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What Was In Jeremy’s Egg?

jeremy's egg

The Easter story of Jeremy’s egg has touched millions since the story was told. Jeremy was born with a twisted body and slow mind. At the age of 12 he was still ...

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5 Easter movies not to miss this year

easter movies

As Christians prepare for Easter Sunday, many may be searching for a movie to include in their weekend activities. But what to watch? Here’s what others are including in their “top Easter ...

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Bible reading among Americans hits all-time low

Half of Americans believe the Bible includes “everything a person needs to know to live a meaningful life.” Nevertheless, many of them don’t bother reading it. Bible reading and usage are at ...

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The collectivist horrors against Ukraine by Russia are unmatched in its history

collectivist ukraine

During Ukraine’s long history, there have been no shortages of geopolitical manipulations against the Ukrainian people. Long before the current conflict, they can be seen in the Russo-Turkish Wars and Catherine the Great’s settling ...

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‘Father Stu’ is one of the best faith-based films ever, but will people see it?

father stu pg-13

“Father Stu” nails the faith-based formula better than maybe any other faith-based film. But it remains to be seen if audiences will come out to see a faith-based film with so much ...

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IRS backlog affects churches, ministries, leaving donors in the dark

irs donors abolish republicans credit changes

As the filing deadline nears, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service continues to experience delays in processing last year’s tax returns. Millions of tax returns and filings are still backlogged, including those in ...

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Staffing shortage harming ability  of Children’s Division to help foster kids

Churches and ministries may want to pay extra close attention to children in their communities. Darrell Missey, the new director of the Missouri Children’s Division, says a severe staffing shortage is hurting ...

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