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Church & Ministry

‘State of the Plate’ poll: most churches see giving decline

A new “State of the Plate” poll involving more than 1,000 churches across all 50 states shows that more than six out of 10 churches have seen a decline in offerings since ...

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Pandemic causing young people to embrace the Gospel

Although churches are livestreaming services by necessity because of the pandemic, this digital gospel ultimately could lead to a great awakening. That’s the view of Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship ...

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Billy Graham chaplains minister during pandemic and tornadoes

billy graham tornadoes

Samaritan’s Purse, the disaster relief arm of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, is being stretched by pandemic response and the tornadoes that raged across Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana overnight last week. Teams ...

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City drops ban on drive-in church after legal action

The Mississippi city that banned drive-in church services earlier this month due to the COVID-19 pandemic has issued a new order lifting the ban. The Greenville City Council lifted the ban after ...

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President Trump redirects part of WHO funding to Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse will receive part of the money originally earmarked for the World Health Organization. President Donald Trump halted funding to the WHO earlier this month after arguing that the U.N. body ...

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Federal lawsuit filed against Christian health care sharing ministry            

A company purporting to be a Christian health care sharing ministry has scammed people and failed to provide coverage, according to a new lawsuit. Aliera Companies and Trinity Healthshare has been charged ...

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Family Research Council documents erosion of religious freedom as pandemic continues

religious freedom pandemic

Several Christian organizations are expressing concern about how government health policies are encroaching on religious freedom guaranteed in the Constitution. In a newly released issue brief, “Restrictions on Religious Freedom During the ...

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Nearly half of pastors hope to be back in churches by May

pastors churches may

Nearly half (47 percent) of pastors hope to be back in their churches by May, according to a new Barna survey. However, an increasing number are shifting their expectations to later this ...

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California county restricts singing in livestreamed church services

Mendocino County, Calif., has made it difficult to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. It has banned more than four people singing live and the playing of wind instruments during livestreamed ...

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Hope Faith Ministries seeks donations to help homeless

The coronavirus pandemic is especially tough on Kansas City’s homeless, and Hope Faith Ministries is stepping up to meet essential needs. The ministry seeks donations to assist its ongoing work. READ: Chiefs ...

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What livestreaming churches can learn from televangelists

Televangelists who may have been criticized in the 1980s and 1990s have now become good examples for churches that are livestreaming during the current lockdown, according to Phil Cooke, a Christian media ...

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Pastors: Join this call to learn about your rights during COVID-19 crisis

Pastors area asked to join a call with the Family Research Council and the nation’s top lawyers to learn about your rights and how the Trump administration is defending them against over-zealous ...

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Back to the Bible offers free digital app for churches

digital app for churches

To help churches stay connected and minister to their members during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, Back to the Bible is offering a free digital app for churches. The BttB.App platform offers ...

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Attorney General William Barr opposes Mayor de Blasio plan to shutter churches

Easter weekend underscored the tensions between the authority of the government to quarantine citizens and constitutional rights of freedom of worship and assembly. U.S. Attorney General William Barr supports religious organizations and ...

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World Vision activating distribution network to help needy families

world vision network

World Vision is activating its widespread network of existing partners to distribute food and supply kits to needy families during the coronavirus pandemic. The ministry is working from 13 strategic locations across ...

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Crown Financial Ministries offering free Covid-19 financial resources

One of the biggest challenges for any family or organization during the pandemic is making wise financial decisions. Crown Financial Ministries is offering sound, biblical advice at no expense. Thats even more ...

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The Easter Story – Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection

On this Easter Sunday, as Christians celebrate the Resurrection in their own homes, we take a look at the story of Easter from the Bible, including the Last Supper, Judas’ Betrayal, the ...

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Message to churches: Just streaming your service won’t cut it

With all of the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing churches and pastors can be sure about is that streaming an online service is simply not enough. As ministers of the ...

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How are pastors handling ungathered worship?


Pastors are used to thinking on their feet. Sermon prep is set aside when a beloved church member is injured and taken to the hospital. A carefully written prayer is discarded when ...

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Will drive-in church be the new normal during COVID-19 outbreak?

Several churches are trying a new kind of service — one that is completely safe during the coronavirus pandemic. They’re calling it “drive-in church.” Paul Daugherty, pastor of Victory church in Tulsa, ...

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Christian groups work to help small churches at risk of closing            

The ongoing pandemic is hard for all churches but especially so for smaller ones that may lack the resources to weather the financial storm. Many are at risk of closing. Help is ...

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Trump administration offers CARES Act relief to faith-based groups

cares act

Churches and faith-based organizations are eligible for loans under the recently passed CARES Act. Jovita Carranza, head of the Small Business Administration, announced that houses of worship and faith-based organizations are eligible to ...

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Pastors advised to protect their mental health during pandemic

Pastors are struggling as they cope with stressed-out congregations during the pandemic. Their denominational leaders caution them to also look out for their own wellbeing. The National Association of Evangelicals shared advice ...

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Increase in pandemic-induced substance abuse expected

Churches and ministries that work with those struggling with substance abuse may become more critical than ever during the ongoing pandemic. Mark Stringer, director of the Missouri Department of Mental Health, expects ...

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Child Evangelism Fellowship provides online tools for explaining pandemic to children

The ongoing coronavirus epidemic is hard enough for adults to comprehend, much less children. Child Evangelism Fellowship is providing online help with conversing with children about such troubling situations as the coronavirus ...

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