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Rare coin discovered in Israel by high school students

rare coin

A rare coin was discovered by students in Israel, and it is the first of its kind discovered in the country, according to experts. Ninth grade students from Haemeq Hamaaravi High School ...

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Trump’s Middle East peace plan to be revealed after June 5

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner told a group of ambassadors Wednesday that President Donald Trump’s Israeli-Palestinian peace plan will be unveiled sometime after the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which ends ...

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Israel achieves moon landing but ‘not in the way we wanted’

moon landing

Israel’s Beresheet moon lander lost its main engine this afternoon just a few miles above the surface of the lunar surface. The engine was reignited but too late to prevent the spacecraft ...

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Israeli spacecraft to land on the moon today

Israel will become only the fourth nation to land on the moon today, April 11, as the Beresheet spacecraft separates  it’s landing craft for the controlled decent to the surface. In addition ...

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Polls indicate dead heat in Israeli election

Israel is just hours away form having an official winner to lead the country as prime minister. Rivals Benny Gantz and Benjamin Netanyahu are each claiming victory as exit polls show the ...

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Archaeologists make amazing discoveries in City of David

The Bible continues to spring to life in the Holy Land.  Israeli archeologists have made two extremely rare discoveries in the City of David pointing to people mentioned in the scriptures. The ...

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Hamas brutally beating reporters covering protests; media strangely silent

Reports out of Gaza indicate that not only has Hamas fired on its own citizens since protests against the Hamas regime started last month, but 17 reporters were arrested and the U.N. ...

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Two more nations to move embassies to Jerusalem

Two more nations will move their embassies to Jerusalem: Romania and Honduras are the latest to do so. The official announcement for Romania was made Sunday at the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, D.C., ...

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The Golan Heights is rightfully Israel’s, Trump acknowledges

vetoes golan

In June 1967, the combined armies of Syria, Egypt and Jordan (and with arms supplied by the Soviet Union) attacked Israel with the clear purpose expressed by Egypt’s President: “Destruction of Israel.” ...

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Land of the Monasteries becomes Israel’s ‘must see’

An entirely new area of modern tourism is opening up to the faithful in Israel but it’s been a few years in the making. An area of abandoned churches and monasteries along ...

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Palestinians rewriting history with highway signs

The Palestinian Authority is rewriting history by renaming ancient streams and hiding the historical evidence of the ancient kingdom of Israel. Israelis and tourists noticed something was not right after new highway ...

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Israel says Palestinian Authority trying to spark violent ‘Religious War’ on Temple Mount

Jerusalem authorities have re-opened the Temple Mount following a violent clash on the holy site last week. Israeli forces had temporarily closed the compound after police say a firebomb was hurled at ...

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Kansans for Israel Rally to be held at the State Capitol

Kansans who want to show support for Israel will have an opportunity on Tuesday, March 19. The Kansans for Israel Rally will take place at the Kansas State Capitol. Kansans for Israel ...

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‘Prophecy fulfilled” as tech leaders in Israel for global summit

JERUSALEM, Israel – Nearly 20 thousand innovators and investors from almost every nation on earth came to see the largest tech meeting in the history of Israel, the OurCrowd global summit. Betty Wu ...

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Israeli moon lander craft sends first photo from space

Israel’s Beresheet historic Moon landing spacecraft sent back its first image from more than 20,000 miles above the earth. The spacecraft, which is the first one Israel has sent to the moon ...

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1,600 year-old estate of wealthy Samaritan unearthed in Israel

The Israel Antiquities Authority has unearthed the sprawling 1,600-year-old estate of a wealthy Samaritan man. The estate was found at Zur Natan on the southern Sharon Plain and is believed to have ...

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Anti-Israel Congresswoman using Israeli technology

Well, that’s awkward. After calling for a worldwide boycott of Israel, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), America’s first Palestinian-American Congresswomen, has been caught using Israeli technology. Tlaib, known for her hate-filled comments about Israel ...

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Israel reaches for the stars, Moon launch successful

Israel blasted into space history Thursday night (Friday Israel time) with the launch of its first-ever private spacecraft that will land on the moon. A dramatic nighttime launch from Cape Canaveral sent ...

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Israel to make history this week with Moon landing

In another show of God’s promises fulfilled in restoring the Jewish people to their land and destiny, Israel will make history this week when it launches a ship into outer space. When it lands ...

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Israelis give historic rock star status to the name ‘Trump’

What’s in a name? Israeli’s joke that President Donald Trump could run against Benjamin Netanyahu in the upcoming April elections for prime minister…and win hands down. So popular is the American president, ...

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Could invite for Abu Dhabi prince to visit Israel lead to peace?

It has been over 40 years since an Arab nation has signed a peace agreement with Israel. Some are hoping that Abu Dhabi may be the next and are encouraging dialogue between ...

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US State Department lied to hide Palestinian terrorist efforts

A new report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office says the U.S. State Department lied to Congress in recent years regarding actions by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA. It concerns ...

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New Congresswoman continues anti-Jewish tweets

The hatred of Jews from one freshman U.S. Congresswoman is seething from her Tweets and forcing the Democrat Party to publicly denounce her just months after celebrating her election. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) ...

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Israeli scientists claim to have found cure for cancer

A team of scientists in Israel have claimed to have found the first complete cure for cancer and say they expect to have a complete cure within a year. Scientists from Accelterated ...

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Rabbi from famous TV commercials supporting Holocaust survivors dies


Christians and Jews have lost a good friend and partner who worked tirelesly to support Holocaust survivors in Israel and Russia. Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, who readers may recognize from late-night TV commercials ...

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