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Walmart will be closed on Thanksgiving this year

Walmart announced on Tuesday it will close all of its stores on Thanksgiving this year. The move shocked retail analysts who point to a trend in recent years in which Black Friday ...

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Christian leaders concerned about rising attacks on churches

churches attacks

Attacks against churches is rising at alarming rates, said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. “It looked like something out of a 2015 news report — a picture from ISIS, ...

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Rioters attempt to burn down Portland Federal Courthouse

Rioters tried breaking into a U.S. courthouse in Portland overnight as they and federal forces clashed with rioters for a third night. Several areas of the building were set ablaze. Video footage ...

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New Republican-led stimulus focuses on ‘kids and jobs’

Discussions on the next stimulus relief effort will bring Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to Capitol Hill on Tuesday. Mnuchin said the next round of ...

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Liberal evangelical leader urges Biden to moderate positions

A Liberal evangelical opposed to Donald Trump is asking Joe Biden to do more to appeal to conservative evangelicals concerned about abortion and religion freedom. The plea comes as Biden has moved ...

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Gov. Newsom sued for banning church singing but not protest yelling

Civil rights proponents say Gov. Gavin Newsom has once again trampled on religious freedom as he bans gatherings, not only in houses of worship but also prayer groups and bible studies in ...

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New school year brings new sexual harassment and assault regulations

sexual harassment

Universities and K-12 schools are reworking internal policies on how they comply with new sexual harassment and assault regulations from the U.S. Department of Education. The changes, which fall under the federal ...

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Effort to defund Fort Worth police defeated by voters

The defund the police movement has been rebuked in the nation’s 13th largest city where voters approved the continuation of a tax that funds the city’s police department. More than 64 percent ...

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Trump-backed candidates sweep House, Senate primaries

Candidates who tied themselves closely to President Trump swept Republican primaries across the nation on Tuesday as voter enthusiasm among Republicans reaches historic levels. Two of the races have huge implications for ...

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Supreme Court will hear Christian college student’s case against ‘free speech zone’

The Supreme Court has agreed to review a First Amendment lawsuit in which a Georgia college belatedly expanded free speech on campus after a Christian student ran afoul of its constitutionally suspect campus “speech ...

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Trump criticized for Stone commutation while Obama had 1,712

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) suggested on Saturday that the House may introduce a bill to limit presidential pardon power following President Donald Trump’s decision to commute the sentence of his longtime associate and former ...

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Forget the polls as political science professor says Trump headed for a landslide

Four years ago national polls showed Hillary Clinton 12 points ahead of then candidate Donald Trump. On election day, Trump won in an electoral college landslide. Fast forward to 2020 and polls ...

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Supreme Court protects religious freedom from Obamacare contraceptive mandate

court contraceptive

In another win for the Trump administration and religious liberty advocates, the Supreme Court today ruled 7-2 that the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause exempts religious organizations from employment discrimination lawsuits. It also ...

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Father of teen killed in ‘CHOP’ says Donald Trump is only leader who’s called him

A man who’s son was fatally shot inside the Seattle “Chop” zone has said black leaders and Democrats have all ignored him. Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr., whose son was fatally shot inside ...

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Supreme Court unanimously upholds ‘faithless elector’ laws

faithless electors

The Supreme Court has unanimously affirmed the constitutionality of “faithless elector” laws that allow states to fine or remove Electoral College members who fail to vote for the presidential candidate they were pledged to ...

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Weekend shootings shock nation, including Missouri

shooting violent crime minneapolis effect

It was a virtual blood bath in many cities across the U.S. as Fourth of July weekend shootings shocked the public. That was the case in Kansas City, Kansas City and Columbia, ...

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Ben Carson discusses agenda of Black Lives Matter organization

Although everyone agrees that black lives matter, the Black Lives Matter organization is something else entirely, according to Dr. Ben Carson, secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Carson discussed ...

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Judge slaps down Gov. Cuomo church restrictions

A federal judge slapped down a major portion of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s restrictions on religious institutions. The ruling lifted a capacity cap on services as churches, mosques, temples and similar ...

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Minnesota Gov. now wants $500 million to rebuild after protests

After telling President Donald Trump he did not need help dealing with rioting in Minneapolis, the state’s Democrat governor now wants millions in taxpayer money to clean up the destruction and rebuild. ...

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Minneapolis residents see “a spiritual war”

Racial injustice and unrest are a spiritual battle that must be fought with spiritual weapons, according to African-American leaders in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Earlier this month I visited Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, ...

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Nation sees second record-breaking month of job growth in June

President Donald Trump was met with virtual silence from the media this morning as he read the June jobs numbers in a press conference. Trump reported 4.8 million jobs were added across ...

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Reaping billions for his company, Hunter Biden also got Secret Service protection

In another bombshell dealing with the Obama administration and Hunter Biden, newly released records detail it was given an official stamp. Judicial Watch announced Tuesday it received records from the U.S. Secret Service ...

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Black Lives Matter leader calls Jesus “the most famous black radical revolutionary”

black jesus

Part of the fallout from the current social unrest is an attempt by some to redefine the message of Jesus. Hawk Newsome, head of Black Lives Matter of New York, told Marth ...

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13,000 Christians from 500 churches march in Atlanta for racial justice

More than 13,000 individuals representing 500 churches across the denominational and cultural spectrum gathered Friday, June 19 (Juneteenth) in Atlanta’s Centennial Olympic Park before marching to the State Capitol to petition both ...

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Former Princeton professor: Black Lives Matter using blacks to advance ‘cultural Marxist agenda’

Black lives matter marxist

Respected former African American Princeton Carol Swain, is denouncing the Black Lives Matter movement and the politicians who support the group. “It’s part of the cultural Marxist agenda against America, and many ...

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