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Kansas small businesses eligible for disaster loans from the Small Business Administration

Governor Laura Kelly announced today that the U.S. Small Business Administration approved her request to make loans of up to $2 million available to Kansas small businesses disrupted by coronavirus. The disaster ...

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Guidelines for Kansas City’s stay-at-home order

Beginning Monday Night at midnight, Kansas City and most suburbs will enter into a mandatory stay-at-home order. Below is the official announcement with guidelines and instructions from Mayor Quintin Lucas. Kansas City ...

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U.S. government asks faith community for help

government church covid-19

The federal government is reaching out to faith communities this week, hoping that they can help to stop the physical spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and the accompanying fear that many are experiencing. ...

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Evangelicals approve of Trump’s handling of coronavirus

Nearly 70 percent of white evangelicals approve of the way President Donald Trump is handling the coronavirus outbreak, according to a HuffPost/YouGov poll conducted last weekend. By contrast, 45 percent of Americans ...

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Christians around world asked to join in prayer Sunday

Global prayer ministry leaders and church networks have called for worldwide prayer Sunday, March 22, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has affected millions of people around the world ...

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When good men do nothing

good men do nothing

What happens when good men do nothing? Edmund Burke said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” In the 1930’s, the likes of ...

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Ways to avoid the new tax increase on retirement accounts

Last month we discussed the SECURE Act and its projected $15.7 billion tax increase on beneficiaries of tax deferred retirement accounts (like 401(k)s, 403(bs), TSPs, IRAs, etc.). The only ones excluded from ...

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Kansas state parks & lakes remain open; licenses & permits available online

During this time of social distancing and isolation, Kansas state parks, fishing lakes and wildlife areas will remain open to the public. But effective March 23, 2020, all Kansas Department of Wildlife, ...

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Topeka small businesses want to help those affected by the coronavirus

small businesses

Now that we are all “social distancing,” it’s obvious from time spent on social media (what else can we do?) that many small businesses in Topeka are hurting. From restaurants and bars ...

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Missouri coronavirus cases jump 60% in one day

missouri coronavirus schools, red zone, missouri

The number of coronavirus cases in Missouri grew by 60% in one day giving health officials concern that the virus is now spreading person-to-person. The figures were released just as the Jackson ...

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List of major retailers closing stores or reducing hours in response to coronavirus

As California and New York issued mandatory “stay at home” orders, more retailers across the nation are closing their doors. The effort is seen as a way to help prevent the spread ...

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In urgent message, Surgeon General asks young people to donate blood

Millennials and Generation Z are being asked to step up and save the nation’s blood supply. In a plea to young people, the Surgeon General on Thursday asked more people to donate ...

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What my parents taught me: Lessons for a year in crisis

year in crisis

It was tumultuous much like today. The United States again sent their sons to fight a war far away in Korea. At home, distrust was high with the Cold War. Polio raged ...

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Sandi Patty has the coronavirus

sandi patty coronavirus

As the coronavirus spreads around the world, its impact is reaching well-known public figures. Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson were in Australia when they were diagnosed with the disease. So, ...

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Good news for Sudan’s Christians and their churches

Sudan’s transitional government has abolished committees formed under the Islamist regime of former President Omar al-Bashir that were used to take over hundreds of churches and other Christian property. Nasreldin Mofreh, Sudan’s Minister ...

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Early American History you should know…but probably don’t: ‘In God We Trust’

Since the concept of God’s superintending care in the founding of America is so often mentioned in the writings of the Founding Fathers and the Pilgrims and Puritans who preceded them, it ...

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Richard Jewell: A true story of how the media and FBI destroyed a life

richard jewell

Richard Jewell just wanted to help people. Ever since he was a boy growing up in Georgia, Richard looked up to law enforcement. While other kids were dreaming of becoming astronauts or ...

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New Zealand votes to expand abortion to birth

In a law passed on Wednesday, the New Zealand parliament narrowly voted to allow abortion up to birth. 10 Daily reports MPs voted 68-51 in favor of the legislation and sent it to ...

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Media exposed for using term ‘Chinese virus’ long before Trump

President Donald Trump is being criticized for his use of the terms “Chinese” and “Wuhan” when he describes the virus which originated in Wuhan, China.  The harshest criticism comes not only from ...

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Online church attendance spiked last weekend as members watched from home

Many people turn to religion in times of crisis, if only temporarily. After the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, church attendance across the country briefly spiked, as people sought community and meaning in ...

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‘Terrified’ emergency room nurse pleads with public to get serious over coronavirus

A Kansas City nurse’s Facebook post has gone viral around the world for her scolding of those not taking the coronavirus situation seriously. The nurse, who works in an emergency room, does ...

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Results posted for point-in-time count of homeless in Topeka

count of homeless

The point-in-time count of homeless persons in Topeka took place on January 29th. This one-day event produces a snapshot of the individuals in the community experiencing homelessness as defined by Housing and ...

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President Trump locks up nomination with primary victories in Florida, Illinois

Although it was overshadowed by coronavirus news and the Democrat primaries, President Donald Trump secured the Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday. He won both the Florida and Illinois primary elections. In a ...

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Senator shares encouraging scripture to calm virus fears      

Senator Josh Hawley, R-Mo., is using his daily Twitter messages to share scripture as well as updates on the virus threat the world faces. Earlier this week, he tweeted Joshua 1:9: “Be ...

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Missouri establishes hotline for residents with coronavirus questions

News about coronavirus is changing on a daily basis. Missouri residents now have a convenient source to find the latest information and find answers to their questions. The Missouri Department of Health ...

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