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Thirteen Nigerians murdered in latest attack on Christians

Thirteen Nigerian Christians are dead after a group of Fulani Muslim terrorists targeted their Christian village. The attack took place last week and news of the atrocity is just now making it ...

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In procedural move, Democrats block vote voicing support for Iranian protesters

House Democrats Tuesday afternoon moved to advance two resolutions that, in a procedural vote, blocked a resolution that voiced support for Iranian protests against recent actions by their government. The vote to ...

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UK, France and Germany change tune, now backing Trump on Iranian sanctions


The United Kingdom, Germany and France have announced today they’re fed-up with Iranian violations of the 2015 nuclear deal and put the blame solely on the Iranian regime. That’s contrary to American ...

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Trump admin asks Supreme Court for help over immigration

In an emergency request to the nation’s highest court, the Trump administration has asked for assistance in how it interprets and administers immigration laws. The Supreme Court is being asked to lift ...

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Missouri Legislature considering LGBTQ discrimination bill this session

The Missouri Legislature is back in session and lawmakers again are considering a bill that would add Missourians who identify as LGBTQ to a class of protected minorities such as blacks, women ...

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Missouri judge dismisses lawsuit over religious exemptions for vaccinations

A federal judge in Missouri has ruled against a student at a Christian school who challenged the state’s religious exemption form for vaccinations. Senior U.S. District Judge Howard Sachs dismissed the lawsuit ...

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Poll: Young liberals OK with America losing its top dog status

Are young liberals digging a grave for the future of America? That’s what some are asking after a new poll shockingly found that a majority of Democrats under the age of 30 ...

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The Chiefs scored so much on Sunday that the stadium ran out of touchdown fireworks

The Kansas City Chiefs have an offense that’s capable of scoring 50-plus points, but even the pyrotechnics crew at Arrowhead Stadium wasn’t quite prepared for the scoring onslaught that unfolded during Sunday’s ...

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Iranian female Olympic medalist Alizadeh defects over regime’s lies about airliner

Iran’s downing of a passenger jet is having fallout in the sports world. Taekwondo fighter Kimia Alizadeh, Iran’s only female Olympic medalist, has defected. The athlete, who has rock star status in ...

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World Evangelical Alliance equates US with Iran, gets pushback from Christians

Is the US the same as the rogue regime of Iran which kills thousands of its citizens each year? That’s seems to be the message from the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). The ...

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New documentary ‘Unseen Realm’ reveals fresh look at supernatural world

unseen realm

“The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible,” a new original documentary film from Faithlife TV productions, reveals the strange and enigmatic realm of the supernatural described within the pages ...

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Rockets again fired at Iraq military base

As Iranian protests against the Ayatollah and their president spread, the Islamic regime may be trying to divert attention with more rockets fired in Iraq. On Sunday rocket rained down on the ...

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Several Tennessee Titans players make faith a higher priority than football

The Kansas City Chiefs have the Tennessee Titans to thank for not having to face the New England Patriots in the Dec. 12 playoff game at Arrowhead Stadium. The Titans knocked the ...

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Kansas City Library Director Crosby Kemper confirmed to lead federal agency


The Kansas City Public Library is looking for a new executive director after current head Crosby Kemper III takes new job. Kemper has had a major influence in the area as a ...

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Houston Texans star J.J. Watt supporting veterans with shoe sales


J.J. Watt, the All-Pro defensive lineman for the Houston Texans, is about the last person that Chiefs fans want to see during Sunday’s playoff game at Arrowhead Stadium. Off the field, however, ...

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Missouri voters may decide on riverboat gambling near Lake of the Ozarks

The Lake of the Ozarks is a popular spot for boating, water skiing or just relaxing. Riverboat gambling may join that list if a state lawmaker has his way. Rep. Rocky Miller, ...

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Furious Iranians protest their government over jetliner downing

As Iranians continue to pour into the streets to protest their government downing of a Ukrainian jetliner, the United States has expressed its support for them. President Donald Trump and American diplomats ...

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Sharknado! A Kansas find reveals a 17-foot, long-extinct shark species


Kansas was once home to a shark species. A whopper. Paleontologist Mike Everhart had found a rib from a plesiosaur — an ancient ocean reptile — on the Ringneck Ranch in north-central Kansas ...

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Community rallies to support family of firefighter Chuck McCormick


The Kansas City community is coming together to honor firefighter Chuck McCormick and help his family. McCormick, who had been working for the West Peculiar Fire District for only three weeks, died ...

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Iran admits shooting down jetliner

After growing world outrage, Iran announced that it shot down the Ukrainian jetliner that crashed on Wednesday, killing all 176 aboard. The crash occurred just minutes after taking off from the Iranian capital’s ...

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HUD Secretary Ben Carson discusses fair housing at Governor’s Prayer Breakfast

Ben Carson, an outspoken Christian and secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, was the keynote speaker at the Governor’s Prayer Breakfast on Thursday in Jefferson City. He had ...

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Study on pets finds Evangelical Christians and Catholics more likely to own a dog

By their pets ye shall know them. That is one of the takeaway messages from a recent study about the relationship between pet ownership and religion, first published in the “Journal for ...

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Bipartisan effort hopes to update Missouri HIV laws

prescription drug

Modernizing Missouri’s current HIV laws is a top priority for lawmakers of both parties as the 2020 legislative session gets under way in Jefferson City. Rep. Holly Rehder, R-Scott City, hopes legislative ...

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8 New Year’s Resolutions for Christians

New Year’s resolutions can seem, overall, pretty silly. No one ever sticks to them, no matter what plan or goal they set for themselves. Those 100 new members at your gym the ...

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Kansas City files lawsuit over what it calls illegal firearms trafficking

kansas city trafficking

Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas has made reducing violent crime his top priority for 2020. He and the city council this week announced a lawsuit against a gun manufacturer for ignoring what ...

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