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Local pastor/missionary to be recognized for lifetime achievement

Rev. Max Manning, one of the original founders of Topeka Rescue Mission, has been serving the Kingdom of God since the 1950s. The pastor and missionary is the Director of Global Missions, ...

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News Briefs: Elon Musk warnings on AI; No ‘gay’ gene detected; Comey leaked secrets

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Second quarter revised up Second-quarter GDP was up a seasonally adjusted, annualized 2%, the Commerce Department said—a solid pace and on par from the previous second-quarter estimate of 2.1%. Weakness in inventory investment and ...

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ANALYSIS: James Comey roasted in devastating Justice report

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz has released a report detailing how former FBI Director James Comey leaked personal memos to his attorneys, a personal friend, and the media. Comey had told the IG that he ...

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US officially launches new Space Force

President Donald Trump officially opened the U.S. Space Command, the first stage of the new branch of the military, the Space Force, that Trump announced last year. “SpaceCom will ensure that American ...

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Here’s how to really view the economy

As media headlines focus on underperforming areas of the economy, the early story is not getting told.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released some revised employment numbers showing 500,000 fewer jobs ...

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Last remaining Jews in Sudan move to Israel with emotional greeting

The last remaining Jews of South Sudan finally arrived in Israel this week after being separated from their relatives for more than 10 years. Suzi Makoriel and her three children made the ...

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Ken Burns’ ‘Country Music’ on PBS leads September’s family-friendly lineup


More than a few of my childhood nights were spent sitting in my bedroom, wondering why my father was watching a “boring” PBS documentary on the Civil War. But then I grew ...

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Prayer Concern: The silent suppression of Christians in Turkey

ISTANBUL – A recent report published by the Middle East Forum noted that “There is an atmosphere in Turkey right now that anyone who isn’t Sunni (Muslim) is a threat to the ...

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Queen approves Boris Johnson suspending Parliament

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has received Queen Elizabeth II’s agreement to suspend Parliament until mid-October, just a few weeks before the Brexit deadline. His opponents are calling it a maneuver to ...

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News Briefs: Gellibrand drops out; MSNBC host sorry; Taylor Swift and Equality Act; Nurse gets support

Kirsten Gellibrand drops out of Presidential primary Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) is the latest Democratic candidate to announce that she has ended her bid for the 2020 presidential race, becoming the seventh Democratic candidate to ...

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Trump administration supports Vermont nurse over conscience and abortion


On Wednesday, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced it’s issuing a notice of violation after a medical center in Vermont forced a nurse to violate her conscience by assisting ...

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Bees are disappearing and evidence shows herbicides are to blame

The humble honeybee is sending a warning about the environmental disruption that affects not just this key link in our food production, but affects multiple species, with serious, negative effects on human ...

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Court rules atheists can be banned from legislative opening prayer


A federal appeals court has ruled that a Pennsylvania House of Representative’s policy banning atheists from offering the legislative “opening prayer” does not violate the Constitution. A number of atheists and agnostics ...

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Move on to expel Omar from Congress

In response to Minnesota Congresswoman Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic and often anti-American rhetoric, state Republican organizations are urging action. Alabama’s Republican Party is requesting the state’s congressional delegation launch a process to expel ...

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News Briefs: Biden’s brother sued for fraud; Missouri pro-life law partially blocked; Democrats and ‘luxury’ taxes

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Companies sue Joe Biden’s brother for fraud Biden, the brother of presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden, told potential business partners that their health care startups could get more business through ...

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Part of Missouri pro-life law blocked by judge


Portions of a Missouri law banning abortions after 8 weeks has been temporarily blocked by a federal judge. Other aspects of the law will go into effect this week. Judge Howard Sachs said ...

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Biden’s connections flaunted by brother to defraud startups, lawsuit alleges

James Biden, the brother of presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden, told potential business partners that their health care startups could get more business through Joe Biden’s government and union connections, ...

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Media says G-7 a failure but facts tell different story

President Donald Trump has secured a major concession from leaders of the Group of Seven after they issued a declaration on Aug. 26 committing to fair trade.  It has been Trump’s central effort ...

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America’s poor consume more than world’s wealthiest countries

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Americans in the bottom 20 percent of income-earners consume goods and services than the national averages for people living in most of the wealthiest countries of the world, including those in Europe. ...

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News Briefs: America’s poor better off than Europeans; Economy boost coming?; Risky mortgages are back; ‘Beto’ all in for abortion until birth

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Here’s your daily news briefs. President Trump considering economy-boosting measures President Trump said he is considering measures to bolster the economy, including a reduction in capital-gains taxes. He also continued to press ...

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Media hypes Amazon fires as Brazil turns down help

As wildfires spread across a small corner of the Amazon, the media may be misrepresenting their impact and size compared to other large fires. The government of Brazil, while struggling to contain ...

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Life lessons. We were out of town visiting family as the adults talked and Zechariah and his cousin played in the other room. I stood in the kitchen, attempting to engage in ...

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‘Black & Pro-Life in America’ author: Abortion worse than homicides

Black homicides are at epidemic levels in the United States but there’s another even bigger killer. According to the Violence Policy Center, a national nonprofit educational organization that conducts research on violence ...

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Israel strikes Palestinian terror cell in Lebanon

A Lebanese state news agency is reporting that Israel carried out three raids on Sunday night that targeted a Palestinian terrorist organization based in Lebanon. The report, from the state-owned National News ...

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Canadian healthcare denies home health care, pays for assisted suicide

Many Democrat politicians and other critics of the private American healthcare system point to Canadian healthcare as a model the U.S. should emulate. But one Canadian family is fighting the Canadian healthcare ...

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