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Is Snapchat pushing pedophilia?

Snapchat is under fire again, after a photo-sharing app they recently featured included a filter called “Love Has No Labels.”  The app promotes LGBTQ Pride Month but one of the categories included by ...

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Kim Komando: Better sleep with the right technology

Most of us know about “circadian rhythms” and the “sleep cycle.” We have a basic idea of REM, and know it’s not best to wake up during a “deep sleep.” But all ...

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Active shooter drills terrorizing children, says columnist

School districts are actually terrorizing children rather than making them feel safe with active shooter drills. New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz says they are unnecessary and should not be a staple ...

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Political historian thinks voters will stand by Trump in 2020

A number of political observers are still dissecting the 2016 campaign for answers to how Donald Trump won voters and beat 16 Republican rivals and Hillary Clinton to take the presidency. While ...

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Remarks of Queen Elizabeth and President Trump in Buckingham Palace

Metro Voice continues our tradition of providing transcripts of  speeches and remarks of President Trump. We do this in an attempt to provide readers with news that is unfiltered by the media, ...

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Former Governor Brownback to be honored with Mahatma Gandhi Award

Former Kansas Governor Sam Brownback will be honored for his work as U.S. ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom by the Hindu American Foundation (HAF). HAF plans to give Brownback its Mahatma Gandhi ...

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Pastor’s son saved lives, then died in Virginia shooting


One of the 12 killed in Friday’s shooting at a Virginia Beach Municipal Building is being hailed as a hero by two survivors who say he saved many lives. Ryan “Keith” Cox ...

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Wiedmann Bible stretched around National Mall

There was no ‘separation of church and state’ on the National Mall in Washington, DC this past weekend. The entire Bible was on display. But it wasn’t just words on pages. It ...

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Bible translation effort to begin in country where evangelism is illegal

bible translation

The Wycliffe bible translation organization is ready to begin scripture translation for 10 languages in an undisclosed nation where the government fiercely opposes Christianity, and evangelism is illegal. The international ministry, known ...

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4 things to know about Indian elections, persecution

The Indian elections last week saw a landslide victory for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist party. It has Indian Christians and other minority faiths fearing increased persecution. Since ...

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Third of all Kansas counties eligible for disaster assistance

One third of all Kansas counties are now eligible for emergency disaster assistance as a result of flooding and tornadoes. Fifteen more counties were added over the weekend. President Trump made the ...

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President prays and receives prayers at Virginia church

President Donald Trump made an unannounced stop at McLean Bible Church Sunday afternoon to pray for the victims of the recent shooting and for the community of Virginia Beach. The presidential motorcade ...

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Lost cat from Denver found in Topeka

When a black long-haired cat was brought to Helping Hands Humane Society in Topeka recently as a stray, the admissions counselors there thought it would be another usual day at the shelter—yet ...

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Transcript shows Mueller team lied by omission

A transcript in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report was selectively edited to artificially buttress the narrative that President Donald Trump was obstructing the special counsel investigation. The Mueller report quotes a transcript of a Nov. 22, ...

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Cocaine and sugar addictions have similar withdrawal


It’s true. A sweet tooth can be more addictive than cocaine is for a crackhead. A new study confirms obesity increases the risk of disease and early death and that if you try ...

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Historic security summit to be held Jerusalem

For the first time ever, US officials have brokered a joint meeting between Israel, the United States and Russia. The unprecedented meeting will be attended by security officials from all three countries ...

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‘Holy Spirit’ saves German driver from speeding ticket

holy spirit

German police are having some fun with a speeding driver who was spared a hefty fine because of the “Holy Spirit.” The rogue motorist was saved from receiving a penalty after traveling ...

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NY Times dehumanizes unborn baby heartbeat

heartbeat texas supreme

When is a heartbeat not a heartbeat? Apparently not when it’s beating in an unborn child according to the New York Times. The liberal newspaper has single-handedly changed biological science in its ...

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Christians across U.S. praying for the President today

Franklin Graham is calling on Christians nationwide to pray for President Trump today.  During a cable news appearance, the son of the late Billy Graham said it’s not a political endorsement, but simply ...

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How ‘Game of Thrones’ is part of human trafficking problem

game of thrones

International evangelist and author, Christine Caine, has boldly suggested that people can put an end to sex trafficking by abstaining from watching pornography and TV shows like HBO’s Game of Thrones. “I’ll ...

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Death toll rises to 12 in Virginia Beach shooting

Twelve people are dead after a city employee opened fire at the Virginia Beach City Municipal Center. The attack, which ended Friday afternoon, ended when the shooter was killed d in an ...

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Rolling Thunder to fill Washington if impeachment proceeds

Organizers of the Rolling Thunder motorcycle ride predicts bikers will descend on Washington if Democrats try to impeach President Trump. “I think he’s doing a great job, and I wish Nancy Pelosi ...

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West Quincy evacuated as levee breaches

Residents continue to flee West Quincy, Mo. this morning as part of a mandatory evacuation, following a levee breach along the Durgens Creek. State Rep. Louis Riggs, R-Hannibal, says a levee from ...

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Tebow has advice for millennials on staying grounded

When Tim Tebow met a young boy from the Philippines who was born with a congenital knee deformity, it altered the direction of the athlete’s life. Tebow was just 15 at the ...

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Missouri road closures from flooding near record levels


As levees breach in Northeastern Missouri, officials now say 300 road and highway closures are in effect across the state. The Missouri Department of Transportation says that the closures include a 67-mile ...

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