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Politics & Policy

VIDEO: Biden claims “You ain’t black” if you support Trump

biden blacks

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden made an extraordinary claim to the black host of The Breakfast Club radio show. Biden, who has remained in seclusion in his Delaware basement for the last ...

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Covid-19 cases vary widely between red and blue states

covid-19 states

An analysis of red and blue states, and red and blue counties, indicates liberal areas were more affected by the Covid-19 virus than conservatives ones. The survey is an interesting insight into ...

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Largest contract yet awarded for border security wall

President Donald Trump has awarded a North Dakota construction company a major $1.3 billion contract to build a portion of the security wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. In the largest contract to ...

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Missouri attorney general questions decision to expand mail-in voting

voting ashcroft

Attorney General Jay Ashcroft wants all Missourians to be able to vote as safety as possible. He just isn’t sure that expanded mail-in voting is the best way to do it. “It’s ...

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Former Democrat Congresswoman denies Holocaust death toll

Cynthia McKinney, a former Democrat U.S. congresswoman and notorious anti-Israel activist and conspiracy theorist has engaged in Holocaust denial on social media twice over the past three days. McKinney, 65, a bombastic ...

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Cuomo snaps when asked about his nursing home death scandal

New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo snapped at a reporter during a press conference on Sunday when asked about families who lost loved ones in nursing homes from COVID-19 after Cuomo forced ...

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Stopping George Soros’ Clean Missouri law, motorcycle helmets among bills taken up this session

The Missouri Legislature has adjourned after wrapping up business during the coronavirus outbreak. Legislators passed several key bills, and await the signature of Gov. Mike Parson. They include a measure to let ...

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Rising optimism about economy bad news for Democrats in November

Americans are famous for their optimism. What does that foretell for the economy and the 2020 election as the nation opens back up? The New York Times recently ran a piece declaring ...

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Poll looks at who believes President Trump is ‘anointed’

Nearly half of white Protestants who regularly attend church believe President Donald Trump is “anointed by God,” according to a new report. “Trump the Anointed?” published by Religion in Public found that ...

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Globalist movement may be a casualty of worldwide pandemic

Virus-related disruption to supply chains and China’s threat to withhold medications from Americans has exposed the vulnerability of the United State’s reliance on sources in foreign countries. That’s the growing consensus among ...

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Senator Rand Paul tells Fauci: ‘You’re not the end-all’

paul fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, was forced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) Tuesday to answer tough questions over Fauci’s often contradictory statements.  In regards to when to ...

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Earthquake: Republican Garcia wins seat held by Dems since 98


In an election that pundits say could foretell the November elections, Republican Mike Garcia has won back a Congressional seat last held by a Republican in 1998. Democrat Christy Smith was defeated ...

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Groups organize to force widespread mail-in ballots in Missouri, raising concerns over voting fraud by others 


The way in which Missouri voters cast their ballots this November will change if a growing group of Jewish leaders and other clergy have their way. Not so fast, say others who ...

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‘Completely dishonest editing’: White House says of NBC video clip

In another example of what media analysts say is media bias, NBC admitted spreading an edited video clip of Attorney General William Barr that was abruptly cut off, dramatically altering the meaning ...

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Vice President Pence supports church in dispute with state

Can government arrest a church pastor for hosting small groups in their buildings? The growing verdict across the nation is no.  Now, Vice President Mike Pence is joining other members of the ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley calls for investigation of meatpacking industry

The coronavirus pandemic is exposing many flaws in the nation’s supply chain for essential items such as food. Sen Josh Hawley, R-Mo., is calling on the Federal Trade Commission to begin an ...

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Just released Democrat House Committee found ‘no evidence of collusion, coordination, or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russians’

In a bombshell development that again have destroyed Democrat assertions of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday released previously sealed transcripts of interviews from its ...

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Obama office will release records involving Ukraine and 2016 election

The Obama administration has backed down from an earlier refusal to release information about its involvement in Ukraine and the 2016 election of Donald Trump. A Republican senator is now responding to ...

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Poll: Evangelical support for President Trump remains high

White evangelical Christians continue to be among the biggest supporters of President Trump, according to a poll conducted last week. Overall, approval ratings have returned to previous levels before the coronavirus outbreak. ...

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Missouri cuts budget after shut-down reduces taxes

missouri budget

The Missouri House on Wednesday approved an operating budget with about $146 million in cuts. The total budget is $34.9 billion. Business closings during the coronavirus outbreak have reduced tax revenues, and ...

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Kansas City policy requires churches keep ‘lists’ of those entering

A Kansas City phased reopening guideline requiring churches to keep “lists” of attendees, has alarmed many who see it as an infringement on religious liberty and privacy. In the policy issued by ...

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Ted Cruz aims to stop Communist Chinese propaganda from Mexican radio station

cruz communist propaganda

US citizens are hearing Communist propaganda beamed from a radio station in Mexico that the Chinese Communist Party bought in 2018. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) plans to introduce a measure that would plug ...

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Attacked by Democrats for his support of Trump, black legislator vows to fight on

jones democrats

After being threatened by fellow Democrats and being forced to resign for his support of President Trump,  black Democrat and Georgia state legislator State Rep. Vernon Jones has decided to reverse his ...

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Here’s the reopening schedule with all 50 states as COVID-19 flattens

The debate whether the nation’s governors and mayors overstepped Constitutional boundaries will be debated for years. In fact, lawsuits charging unconstitutional restrictions of freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, have already ...

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The ‘Squad’ wants $14,000 debit card for illegal immigrants

Unpopular Democrat Congresswoman Rep. Ilhan Omar has been joined by three other  Democrats, commonly referred to as “The Squad,” in calling for American taxpayers to pay out stimulus funds to illegal immigrants.  ...

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