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Politics & Policy

Bipartisan group organizes tour of Holocaust Memorial in DC

A bipartisan group has organized a private, after-hours tour of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., for members of Congress on July 16. An invitation was released on Thursday by ...

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Poll: Trump hits 50 percent approval rating after Independence Day

President Donald Trump’s approval rating has increased since the Salute to America celebration on Independence Day, according to the Rasmussen Reports’ Daily Presidential Tracking Poll. The Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday ...

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How Orange County was lost and the Republican plan to take it back

orange county

Last November, the Democratic Party gained control of the U.S. House of Representatives after eight years in opposition, and the historically Republican stronghold of Orange County, California unexpectedly gained national attention. Four ...

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President uses executive order to determine citizenship status

President Donald J. Trump described a new plan to gather information about the citizenship status of people living in the United States, both legal and illegal, in a Rose Garden announcement Thursday afternoon. Trump ...

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Immigration raids this weekend will target gangs, law breakers

The Federal government this weekend is planning immigration “raids” to arrest individuals who have criminal records and entered the country illegally. In addition, those who have overstayed their visas in violation of ...

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Trump wins court case that alleged he profited from office

A federal appeals court dismissed a case against President Donald Trump on July 10. The dismissal was a huge setback for Democrats who alleged Trump illegally profited personally from his time as ...

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Ocasio-Cortez blames flooding on Republicans

Talk about “draining the swamp,” Washington, DC area residents are hoping the region drains today after drenching rains and flooding hit the area Monday. New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was again quick ...

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Gillibrand promotes bill backed by discredited Southern Poverty Law Center

Democratic presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand is throwing her weight behind legislation that would have the government catalog hate crimes, something the FBI already does. But waste and redundancy are nothing new in ...

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Biden gets heat for Russia meddling ‘not on my watch’

Former Vice President and 2020 Democrat candidate Joe Biden is getting widespread criticisms over his claims that Russian meddling “didn’t” happen “on my watch” in a recent cable news interview. During the interview ...

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Census citizenship question by executive order possible


President Donald Trump said on July 5 he is considering issuing an executive order to add a question about citizenship to the 2020 census. The order is one of “four or five” options on the ...

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Pope Francis praises President Trump for peace efforts

Putting past differences aside, Pope Francis has expressed his support for President Donald Trump. The comments came after Trump became the fist president to step foot in North Korea and announced diplomatic ...

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Obama admitted DACA was unconstitutional, now Supreme Court decides

The Supreme Court decided June 28 to review the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s highly controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. For seven years the executive order, which many scholars believe was ...

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Photos reveal AOC protest reaction was at empty parking lot

Earlier this week, media around the world showed images of U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez clutching her face in despair and weeping at what was implied to be immigrants at the U.S. border. The ...

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Young cancer patient credits Trump policy for recovery

A young woman credits the “Right to Try” law in helping her battle cancer and thanked President Trump for backing the legislation.  Her appearance at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference brought her onstage with ...

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Google inserting political agenda to impact election

Google is surreptitiously pushing its political agenda onto its users through its products in an effort that one employee described as “preventing the next Trump situation.” The company has cloaked its political agenda ...

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Sen. Ben Sasse says Democrats ‘ridiculously extreme’ on abortion

United States Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) has called out Democrats from Senate floor for their increasingly extreme positions on abortion. The well-respected conservative legislator contrasted how far the Democratic Party has even ...

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Use of food stamps continues to decline

food stamps

Over 5.8 million people are no longer on food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first month in office in February 2017, according to the new data by the U.S. Department of Agriculture ...

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Black pastor had ONE question for Trump

Many of you may know of Mark Burns, a black pastor from South Carolina who boldly supports President Donald Trump. At a time when many across the U.S. believe Trump and the ...

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Biden says ‘physical revolution’ needed to combat poverty

Without presenting actual data, former Vice President Joe Biden stated Monday a “physical revolution” could help overcome what he sees as Republican opposition to left-leaning poverty initiatives. He failed to mention the ...

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Top faith leaders predict evangelicals will show up in force for Trump in 2020

Some of the nation’s top Christian faith leaders believe President Donald Trump will once again enjoy the strong backing of evangelicals in 2020, noting he now has a record, and not just ...

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Amendment needed in Kansas Constitution to regulate abortion

For 84 days in 2015, the state of Kansas led the nation by banning live dismemberment abortion, then a Judge found a new “right” in our Kansas Constitution, and ordered that live ...

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‘Risk of abuse’: DOJ slaps down Democrat efforts to obtain Trump’s tax returns

The U.S. Department of Justice asserted in a legal opinion released June 14 that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s refusal to hand over President Donald Trump’s tax returns to Congress was not in violation of the law. The ...

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Pork barrel spending includes fruit flies, teapots and snakes

Pork barrel spending through “earmarks” is on the rise, even after it was supposedly banned in 2011 under the Republican Congress. The increase comes after Democrats took over the House and the ...

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Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand states pro-life, Christian views like ‘racism’

Christians and pro-life voters are again in the crosshairs of another Democrat candidate for president. In startling comments, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) has stated that pro-life views are “not acceptable” and compared them ...

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Deal reached with Democrats for Mueller Documents

The Department of Justice (DOJ) made an accommodation for Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee on June 10 by agreeing to begin releasing underlying evidence and documents for the final report by ...

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