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Politics & Policy

Nikki Haley calls out political climate of hate

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley warned at an event over the weekend that American politics is “reaching the point of hate.” Haley was the marquee speaker at Turning ...

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Romney may not endorse in 2020

Failed US Presidential candidate, and Utah Senator, Mitt Romney says he is not sure if he will endorse President Donald Trump for the second term.  He added that he won’t necessarily support ...

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Joe Biden moves to left, flip-flops on gov’t funded abortions

In what many political observers see as an attempt to shore up his sagging poll numbers, U.S. Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said on June 6 that he no longer supports a long-standing ...

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Giving to churches up in booming economy

It seems the nation’s booming economy under the Trump administration is having a positive impact on America’s ministries and evangelical churches. Across the country, churches and non-profit organizations saw an increase in ...

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Trump pulls funding from gov’t scientists using aborted body parts

In yet another act solidifying its place as the most pro-life presidency in history, the Trump administration announced Wednesday that government scientists will no longer conduct research using elective aborted baby body ...

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Chemical castration planned for Alabama child molesters

Child sex offenders convicted in Alabama will receive chemical castration with drugs to suppress their sexual urges before being released from prison. The move is part of legislation sent to the governor ...

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Political historian thinks voters will stand by Trump in 2020

A number of political observers are still dissecting the 2016 campaign for answers to how Donald Trump won voters and beat 16 Republican rivals and Hillary Clinton to take the presidency. While ...

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Rolling Thunder to fill Washington if impeachment proceeds

Organizers of the Rolling Thunder motorcycle ride predicts bikers will descend on Washington if Democrats try to impeach President Trump. “I think he’s doing a great job, and I wish Nancy Pelosi ...

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Mueller: investigation closed, rebuffs efforts for testimony

In a greatly anticipated press conference Wednesday morning, Special Counsel Robert Mueller rebuffed Democrat leaders’ attempts to force him to testify before Congress saying the investigation is closed. He said he was ...

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Democrats invite radical Islamic Imam to lead prayers in Congress

backlash imam

Are Democrat leaders of the US House anti-Semitic? That’s what some in Washington and across the nation are asking after House Democrat leaders invited a radical Imam to lead a prayer on ...

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US ambassador to Germany is a gay Trump supporter and Germans can’t handle it

BERLIN – It’s no exaggeration to say that the German establishment and media, much like that in the US, cannot stand Donald Trump. And that means the president’s ambassador in Berlin is ...

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Protesters upstage New York mayor’s ‘Green New Deal’ event

Many New Yorkers have had enough of ultra liberal mayor Bill de Blasio. Under the mayor’s leadership the city has passed ultra-leftist regulations on everything from the size of soft drinks to ...

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Twitter bans parody of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Twitter is being questioned after it banned a user for doing a parody of Democrat representative. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).  The social media giant permanently suspended @AOCpress for allegedly “violating Twitter rules” by ridiculing ...

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Dem candidates silent about terrorist rockets fired into Israel

The silence is deafening. That’s the conclusion of a report studying the response of the leading 2020 Democratic candidates and their reaction to a barrage of nearly 700 rockets fired by Hamas ...

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Religious freedom strengthened, Trump praised for protections

Health care workers and organizations that object to procedures like abortion or assisted suicide on moral or religious grounds, will have their religious freedom empowered thanks to President Trump. “Just today we ...

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New York Times admits Obama Admin used spies against Trump campaign, two years after Trump was mocked for calling it

The New York Times admitted on Thursday that the Obama administration deployed multiple spies against the Trump campaign in 2016, confirming recent comments by Attorney General William Barr that ‘spying did occur’ ...

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MO House votes to let voters reconsider George Soros’ Clean Missouri

The Clean Missouri Amendment, the measure funded by radical billionaire George Soros, leftist activist groups and pro-abortion operations, may get a re-write by Missouri voters. The Missouri House has passed a measure ...

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AZ governor stands by Christian Facebook post despite calls to remove

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey refused to give in to pressure from a state secular organization this week, publicly affirming that he has no intention of removing religious messages posted to his gubernatorial ...

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‘We Will Work, We Will Pray and We Will Fight,’ against opioid crisis says president

The Trump administration is increasing the commitment in the fight against the opioid crisis. Trump says the federal government will continue to invest billions of dollars into the fight and is finalizing ...

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Herman Cain withdraws name for Federal Reserve seat

Businessman and strong Christian Herman Cain has withdrawn from consideration for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board, President Donald Trump said on April 22. Cain is a vocal critic of the ...

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Democrats to issue subpoena for Mueller report in defiance of law

Democrats announced on April 19 they will break Department of Justice regulations and national precedent in obtaining a subpoena for the full unredacted Mueller report. The redactions were made as required by ...

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Attorney General releases report: No evidence of collusion

Attorney General William Barr stated again at an April 18 press conference that Robert Mueller, the special counsel, discovered no evidence to establish that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to influence ...

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Is this Indiana mayor who espouses faith the new Obama?

ANALYSIS. More than a decade ago, a man by the name of Barack Obama burst onto the political scene with charisma and communication skills that propelled him to the presidency. Part of ...

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Has Cher had an awakening on illegals? “State can’t take care of it’s own…how can it take care of more?”

Recent comments by legendary singer Cher have many wondering if she has had an awakening of some sort. Cher took to Twitter on Sunday to make this point: “I Understand Helping struggling ...

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President’s approval numbers rise as Democrats investigate

In spite of, or possibly in reaction to, announcements of new Democrat investigations into him, President Donald Trump’s approval rating grew to 53 percent. That’s according to a polling firm on April ...

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