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Tag Archives: ballots

Today’s News Briefs: Gaza pier ends; Ballot ruling; Biden has covid

israel blame gaza ballots

Today’s News Briefs: Gaza pier ends; Ruling on mailed ballots; Biden has covid.   Nevada judges rules on counting late ballots Ballots that come in four days after Election Day can still ...

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Supreme Court unanimously rules Trump cannot be kicked off ballots

trump ballot

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled former Donald Trump cannot be banned from Colorado ballots.  The decision overturns a Colorado ruling that said he engaged in an insurrection and likely applies to ...

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Kansas, Missouri voters head to polls today

Voters across Kansas and Missouri casting ballots today that will determine whether Democrats or Republicans control Congress and their state offices. Tuesday’s outcome could derail the final two years of Joe Biden’s ...

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Supreme Court rules against counting late Pennsylvania mail-in ballots

main-in ballots pennsylvania election lawsuit

The Supreme Court on Tuesday vacated an appeals court decision that required Pennsylvania to count mail-in ballots even if there is no date on the envelope. “The judgment is vacated, and the case is remanded ...

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Absentee voting in Missouri and Kansas to begin

missouri kansas absentee

This is expected to be one of the biggest midterm elections in terms of voter participation. That includes Kansas and Missouri where absentee voting is set to begin this month. But before ...

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Maryland voters finally get their 2020 ballots in the mail

main-in ballots pennsylvania election lawsuit

Maryland residents are getting a blast from the past. They’ve finally received their 2020 election ballots in the mail. The blank ballots were found in a tray and were delivered over the ...

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New Jersey Democrat has ‘found’ more ballots after he was defeated by Republican truck driver

The New Jersey Democrat speaker of the house says he’s “found” more ballots that would overturn his loss to a Republican truck driver. Edward Durr, a Republican, won 52 percent of the ...

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Michigan Gov. Whitmer vetoes election security reform

Democrat Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is fighting against election reform. On Friday the she vetoed numerous bills aimed at tightening election security in the state. She alleges, without evidence, that the legislation ...

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Recounts uncover discrepancy in official Maricopa County ballot count

Ballots in Maricopa County, Arizona will be counted a third time after it was revealed Tuesday the first two audits do not match official numbers reported from the 2020 election. Arizona Senate President ...

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Arizona election audit nears end while more states send observers

Arizona officials say that the audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County is nearing the finish line as legislators from numerous states visit to observe the process. In addition to having ...

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Arizona begins recount of 2 million 2020 election ballots

Maricopa County, Arizona is recounting ballots for the 2020 election. The hand audit of more than 2 million was scheduled to have begun Friday. Materials and equipment, including 385 tabulators, were delivered ...

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In dead of night, Democrats pass controversial election ‘reform’

Democrats have passed an “election reform” bill that some say actually weakens the democratic process and moves control of elections nationwide to Congress. The bill, which contains sweeping and controversial changes, was ...

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Walmart deletes tweet that dissed Sen. Hawley

As the hashtag #BoycottWalmart trends on social media, the Walmart is apologizing to U.S. Senator Josh Hawley. The company now says that an employee “accidentally” used the company’s account to post a ...

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Obama loses spot as “most admired man” to President Donald Trump

Barack Obama has been dethroned as America’s most admired man and many are saying it’s another clue into a 2020 election result that doesn’t align with polling. The Gallup polling organization asked ...

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Congressman Matt Gaetz joins growing number objecting to Electoral College tally

Congressman Matt Gaetz says he will vote his conscience and join other Republicans Jan. 6 and vote not to affirm the Electoral College results. The Congressional is needed to certify the presidential ...

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Trump campaign files challenge to Pennsylvania in U.S. Supreme Court

The Trump re-election campaign has filed an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a lower court ruling. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court had upheld changes to the election process made by ...

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Missouri House to debate resolution declaring lack of faith in presidential election

house election

The Missouri House continues to debate the results of the presidential election. On Monday evening, a committee will hear testimony that would declare that Missouri has no faith in election results from ...

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Prominent conservatives urge swing states to appoint own electors

democrat states, elelctors, conservatives

Some of the nation’s leading conservatives have joined Republicans in Congress penning a letter urging swing states to “exercise their plenary power” to call up electors to the Electoral College. They say ...

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17 states have now joined Supreme Court election lawsuit

In a public show of unity that spans the nation, seventeen states have joined the Texas lawsuit before the Supreme Court to challenge the 2020 election results in four battleground states. The states ...

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Missouri, Kansas join Texas in lawsuit alleging serious ‘swing state’ illegality

Missouri and Kansas are joining a growing list of states, led by Texas, in contesting the legality of how four states handled the Nov. 3 election. Eric Schmitt announced that the “Show-Me ...

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From police reform to expanded mail-in ballots, the Missouri Senate prepares for 2021 session

missouri senate

Like everyone else, the Missouri Senate is eager for 2021 to arrive. These are some of the pre-filed bills that will be addressed in the upcoming legislative session. The session will cover ...

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Surveillance video emerges of after-hours ballot counting in Georgia

georgia ballots

In a bombshell development surrounding alleged ballot fraud in Georgia, surveillance video was released Thursday by the company responsible for security at the State Farm Arena. The footage was released along with ...

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Pennsylvania Senate testimony includes 47 missing USB devices

An official poll observer from Pennsylvania’s Delaware County, told a Senate GOP Policy Committee hearing in Gettysburg on Wednesday, that he witnessed a range of Election Day irregularities, including 47 USB cards ...

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Conservative justices to hear lawsuits in 4 contested states

lawsuits courts

When the Trump campaign‘s lawsuits over alleged ballot fraud and other legal issues are heard by Supreme Court justices, they might find sympathetic ears. The Supreme Court on Nov. 20 released the ...

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Former top Michigan election official: evidence needs ‘court intervention’

The former top election official in Michigan has signed a sworn affidavit calling for a state-wide recount, citing sufficient evidence of election fraud. Ruth Johnson said the allegations made in a recent ...

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