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Tag Archives: christians

Iranian intelligence agents arrest 8 Christians


News has emerged from Iran that Eight Iranian converts to Christianity, including five from one family, were arrested at their homes. The coordinated operation was carried out by Ministry of Intelligence agents ...

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Syrian Christians plead for protection

President Donald Trump is expected to intercede on behalf of Syrian Christians pleading for protection. The US-backed Syriac Military Council (MFS) is calling on the United States to defend thousands of Christians ...

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Average of 10 Nigerian Christians killed each day

What’s persecution like in the rest of the world and especially for Nigerian believers? David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA, wants American Christians to understand their Christian brothers around the globe ...

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Mind control camps in China exposed by BBC

In a scene reminiscent of a Hollywood movie on mind control, a video has emerged in a disturbing documentary from the BBC revealing re-education camps. The film shows Christians, Muslims and other religious minorities ...

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Egypt legalizes 127 churches in positive move

A sweeping move by Egyptian authorities is being celebrated by religious rights activists. A government committee has approved 127 churches which were previously being run in an illegal capacity under the country’s ...

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Jihadists attack Mali villages killing 100 Christians

As Metro Voice has reported, much of Africa is burning. That is, Christian communities are burning at the hands of Islamic jihadists who have instituted a campaign of genocide against them. News ...

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Nigerian women testify on Facebook Live today about genocide as VP Pence gets involved

Two Nigerian women will become truth-tellers to the world in a live Facebook event Wednesday as they testify to the horrific genocide against Christians in their country. Their testimonies will be Live-streamed ...

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Nigerian Christians fear they will be ‘extinct’ as more villages burn


The Nigerian genocide against Christians continued this week as Fulani Muslim herdsmen burned hundreds of homes. The attack killed 13 people on Monday, including three children, and destroyed four Christian villages in ...

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Top faith leaders predict evangelicals will show up in force for Trump in 2020

Some of the nation’s top Christian faith leaders believe President Donald Trump will once again enjoy the strong backing of evangelicals in 2020, noting he now has a record, and not just ...

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Chinese Christians memorizing scripture: ‘Can’t take away what’s hidden’


Wayne Cordeiro, pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Hawaii, is praying that American Christians become more like Chinese Christians, including memorizing the Bible. METRO VOICE: China Continues Religious Persecution of ...

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Kmart bans Christian words in self-serve photo kiosks

Kmart is under fire after customers in Australia noticed that certain Christian words were banned from printing at the store’s photo kiosks. Anthony and Marelynda Dorsett were attempting to have photos printed ...

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Hear in person, the stories of persecuted Christians

Metro Voice publishes stories almost daily of persecuted Christians around the world. For many, it is a top concern and the news is most often disheartening and discouraging. But with persecution comes ...

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‘No Christian anymore,’ as 19 killed in Burkina Faso villages

burkini faso

At least 19 Christians were killed in an attack June 9 on the village of Arbinda in Africa’s northern Burkina Faso causing a mass migration of Christians from their villages, the AFP reports. ...

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Muslim leader prevents terrorist attack on Coptic church

Every now and then, good news emerges from an area of the world where attacks of Christians is frequent.  In an incredible act of compassion and unity, a Muslim leader foiled a ...

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Elaine Beck is on a mission to unite Christians with new social media app

Elaine Beck is on a mission to unite Christians. But her efforts are not alone as ministries push for harmony in today’s often divided church. Ministries host events for people of different locations, ...

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Giving to churches up in booming economy

It seems the nation’s booming economy under the Trump administration is having a positive impact on America’s ministries and evangelical churches. Across the country, churches and non-profit organizations saw an increase in ...

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Large family target of attacks in Uganda

“Fire!” came the yells from outside the eastern Uganda home Yusuf Tulo as he and his sizeable family. Neighbors continued to shout, “Fire!” until Yusuf came to the door. When they went ...

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Advocates for Nigerian Christians fear a Rwanda-type genocide

The populous nation of Nigeria has been a hotbed for violence against Christians. Those who defend religious freedom in countries like Nigeria fear another genocide along the lines of Rwanda is a ...

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Calls to stop social media censorship grows

After a seemingly endless stream of conservative personalities being banned from social media platforms, the right-leaning community and even many anti-censorship supporters on the left have increasingly backed the idea that the ...

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After bus crash, Chinese church bridges culture gap

bus crash

It was a typical Tuesday morning at Grace Chinese Baptist Church when I received an unexpected call from the church secretary, Evelyn Yao. My heart grew heavy as her words “bus crash” ...

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Chick-fil-A popularity surges despite boycotts

After a multi-year boycott effort against the chain for its founder’s view on biblical marriage, Chick-fil-A is set to become the third largest fast-food chain in the United States. Even New Yorkers ...

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‘Hindu Extremists’ launch brutal attack on Indian Christians during prayer meeting

A group of Indian Christians was brutally attacked while gathering during a prayer gathering earlier this month. The savage beatings, perpetrated by six violent Hindu nationalists, took place at Praise the Lord ...

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Nigeria on fire: A day in the life of their Christians

Nigeria is on fire. Not that you would know that from the news coverage of the Western press, which rarely mentions the deadly killing sprees in this wealthiest nation of Africa. In ...

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VP Pence praises faith of black church arson victims in Louisiana

Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Louisiana on Friday to praise the members of three predominantly black churches for the inspiring way they responded to the destruction of their church buildings by an ...

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Iranian intelligence minister admits citizens finding Christ

For over a decade, news of Iranians coming to Christ has leaked out of Iran.  For the first time, Iran’s intelligence minister has admitted publicly that Christianity is indeed spreading throughout Iran. ...

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