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Tag Archives: lgbt

Court: Artists can’t be forced to make LGBT wedding invitations


The Arizona Supreme Court ruled Sept. 16 that the city of Phoenix can’t use a criminal law to compel two artists to produce custom wedding invitations for LGBT couples because that would force them ...

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MTV to add ‘gender fluid’ contestants to dating show


MTV, the network that has lost 50% of its viewers, is trying to lure more eyes to its dating show. For the first time in the history of dating shows on television, ...

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Cartoon Network promotes ‘pride month’ to kids

pride month

The Cartoon Network is promoting LGBT pride month by encouraging children to “stand proud.” June has been designated “pride month” by LGBT activists across who have entered into an agreement with the ...

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LGBT diversity “Dyke March” discriminates against gay Israelis


A leading LGBT organization on Friday withdrew its support from the 2019 “Dyke March in Washington, DC,” following the organizers’ decision to ban “pro-Israel paraphernalia,” including Jewish symbols such as the Star ...

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Christian adoption agency reverses policy, will place kids with ‘LGBT’ couples

Rather than take a stand for the biblical definition of marriage, Michigan’s largest Christian adoption agency waved the white flag last week, informing its employees that it will comply with a decision ...

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Half of pastors are worried about offending someone if they speak out on social issues

Pastors are pressured from all sides to speak out on hot button issues, but struggle with just how to address those topics, such as LGBT issues and same-sex marriage. In a new ...

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United Methodist delegates vote to uphold Biblical stance on sexuality

methodist, hamilton

In a vote late Tuesday, delegates to the international convention of The United Methodist Church upheld its Biblical position that homosexuality is contrary to Christian teaching, The contentious vote follows days of ...

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Church of the Resurrection’s Adam Hamilton at center of possible break-up of Methodist denomination

The United Methodist Church, the nation’s second largest denomination, is on the brink of splitting. The news comes after more than half the delegates at an international conference in St. Louis voted ...

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Video: Chris Pratt talks Prophet Daniel and fasting on Colbert

Popular Christian actor Chris Pratt is responding to critics who are attacking his church’s biblical beliefs about sexuality. The criticism comes after he appeared on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and ...

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Amazon changes course again, will ban ‘No Dress for Timmy’

dress for timmy

[Editor’s note: as of 1/28/2019, Amazon has again banned the book.] Amazon, the retailing giant that will sell just about anything, has backed down and will sell a children’s book titled, “NO ...

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Vice President Pence’s wife attacked for new job at Christian school

The battle to force private schools and churches to hire LGBT and cross-gender teachers, pastors and staff is heating up after the new job of the wife of Vice President Pence was ...

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Forget abstinence says Canada’s largest Christian University

Canada’s largest Christian university will no longer require students to sign a Community Covenant agreeing to abstain from same-sex and other relationships outside marriage between a man and a woman. Trinity Western University, ...

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Anglican priest calls Bible “silly” for its teaching on homosexuality

An Anglican priest on the Caribbean island of Barbados has been strongly condemned for attacking the Bible as “silly.” At a gay pride march last week, Father Clifford Hall told marchers that ...

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Netflix fills new Anne of Green Gables with LGBT characters and sexual sub-plot


The new Netflix adaptation of the 1908 novel Anne of Green Gables has been revised to include multiple homosexual characters, according to the series creator, Moira Walley-Beckett. In the Northwood Entertainment-produced series, ...

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Planet Fitness revokes woman’s membership after complaining about man in locker room

A Planet Fitness gym in Florida has revoked a woman’s membership after she voiced discomfort with a man, who claimed to be a transgender woman, being in the locker room while she ...

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Maine Gov. vetoes bill that would have banned LGBT therapy

The governor of Maine has vetoed a controversial bill that would ban “conversion therapy,” also known as reparative therapy, for LGBT minors. Numerous former LGBT individuals had come out against the bill ...

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Policy of allowing male inmates in women’s prisons reversed

A gender policy instituted by the Obama administration that allowed male inmates who “identify” as the opposite sex to be placed women’s prisons has been dismantled by the Trump administration. The new ...

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“There is revival in the LGBT community,” says Pulse nightclub survivor who accepted Christ

nightclub survivor

Luis Ruiz heard the gunshots, smelled the gun powder, and felt sheer terror as a muslim gunman brutally mowed down 49 people inside Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, FL in June ...

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People who left LGBT lifestyle to rally in Washington

lgbt march

Former lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender men and women,  including an Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting survivor, will gather in the nation’s capital for a worship event next weekend. They plan to proclaim ...

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Kansas faith-based adoption agencies under attack by ACLU


When Cara DeCoursey faced an unplanned pregnancy 28 years ago, the Catholic teen knew she was going to give her child up for adoption. “I found strength in a faith-based adoption agency. ...

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Irish Catholics upset World Meeting of Families features LGBT couples

Catholics from around the world will gather in Dublin, Ireland this August for the Catholic Families conference to promote the church’s constant and unchanging teaching on marriage and family life. It coincides ...

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Proposed law allows 5-year-olds to select their own race, gender

“All students enrolled in a Delaware public school may self-identify gender or race,” a proposed Deleware state regulation states. Children as young as five would be permitted to choose their own race ...

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Gay activists demand NCAA expel Christian colleges

Campus Pride, an LGBT activist group, is pressuring the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to cut ties with Christian colleges over their views on transgenderism and homosexuality. Ever since the Obama administration ...

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