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Today’s News Briefs: Russian warships near Florida; Congressional baseball protesters; rare animal chokes

russian florida

Here are today’s news briefs including Russian warships off Florida, anti-Israel protesters booed at baseball game, hearing on Biden papers, and rare animal chokes on child’s drink cap. Anti-Israel, climate protesters disrupt ...

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Germany acknowledges limits of green energy as it fires up coal plants

Germany is realizing that going green is not a reliable economic plan in the face of an energy crisis. Europe’s largest economy is returning to the reliable stand-by of coal and ditching ...

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Arrested “gender-fluid” Biden official graduated from Kansas State

Sam Brinton, the “gender-fluid” Biden administration nuclear official arrested for theft, has local ties. He was born in Iowa and graduated from Kansas State University. Brinton, deputy assistant secretary of the Office ...

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Israel News Briefs

James Bond composer, American views toward Israel, Biden on nukes, and Ukrainian Aid make up today’s Israel News Briefs. Poll: Younger Americans more negative towards Israel A new Pew report found that 56% of ...

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Russia using most deadly bomb just short of nuclear warhead

Evidence has emerged of Russia using its most powerful weapon shy of a nuclear bomb on Ukrainian civilians. A vacuum bomb, or thermobaric weapon, sucks in oxygen from the surrounding air to ...

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House Republicans demand answers from Biden on Israel, Iran policy

More than 30 House Republicans this week signed letters to President Biden and U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield demanding answers about U.S. policy toward Israel and Iran. “The American people expect this administration ...

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Israel has successful test of space missile defense system

As the Biden administration inches closer to a nuclear deal that many say will allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons, Israel has announced a major breakthrough in its defense. Israel Defense Forces ...

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As threat of nuclear Iran grows, Israel prepares defense

Israel is stepping up its defense strategy as Iran moves closer to developing a nuclear weapon. An Israeli security official, speaking to media outlets, says that Iranians today “are closer to creating ...

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Local Navy vet explains the new hypersonic missile arms race reality


I was a NATO Seasparrow System Technician in the US Navy. We fixed the WHOLE system – we ran the radars and firing consoles – we fired the missiles – we did ...

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Japan talks of possible war as China threatens it and Taiwan

Japan is supporting Taiwan and preparing for possible war with China as the Chinese communist regime continues threatening Taiwan, and now Japan, with illegal military incursions. The warning came from Japanese Foreign ...

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Iran continues to violate agreements, could be 10 weeks from nuclear weapon

The Islamic Republic of Iran already is violating an agreement it made with the International Atomic Energy Agency just a few weeks ago. The deal reached between the two sides would allow ...

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Netanyahu ends 12 years of service as Bennett becomes prime minister

A record twelve years straight of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister came to an end Sunday night as Naftali Bennett was sworn in. The new government, which at least temporarily, ends a roadblock ...

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U.S. to lift sanctions on Iran as regime continues enriching uranium

sanctions iran

President Joe Biden has reversed course and will lift sanctions on Iran put in place by the Trump administration. The sanctions have been credited with defunding the regime, the world’s largest sponsor ...

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Christian group sends urgent letter to Biden over Israel policy

A group of leaders from a broad section of American Christianity is lobbying the Biden administration over its policy towards Israel. It comes after growing alarm in both Israel and the United ...

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After a month, Biden calls American ally Israel

It took a month but President Joe Biden has finally spoken to perhaps America’s most important ally – Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his American counterpart called him on Wednesday. The ...

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Netanyahu blasts six European nations breaking US sanctions on Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump spoke Sunday night about the grave threat Iran poses to world peace, sanctions and other important issues, the White House said in a ...

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Uranium found in Iranian ‘secret atomic warehouse’

Traces of uranium have been found in Iran, indicating it is building a nuclear weapon. Because of the process necessary to get to that point, it means Iran began breaking the Obama ...

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After Russian cheating, US officially withdraws from nuclear treaty

After having been breached by Russian military nuclear expansion, the treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation is dead. The United States on Aug. 2 formally withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces ...

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U.S. imposes sanctions on Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif

The United States on Wednesday imposed sanctions on Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control said on its website. The Treasury Department said it was ...

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Pope Francis praises President Trump for peace efforts

Putting past differences aside, Pope Francis has expressed his support for President Donald Trump. The comments came after Trump became the fist president to step foot in North Korea and announced diplomatic ...

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Trump makes history going to North Korea

President Donald Trump made history on Sunday as the first sitting US President to physically step foot into North Korea. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un accepted Trump’s invitation to revive discussions on ...

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Rocket explodes near US Embassy in Iraq


As Iran ratchets up threats against the United States, a rocket was fired into Iraqi capital Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, exploding near the U.S. Embassy overnight. There were no casualties according ...

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Trump ends summit with North Koreans

With echoes of President Ronald Reagan walking away from negotiations with the Soviets at a summit in Iceland during the 1980s, President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s second ...

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‘Great opportunity’ Trump calls summit with North Korea

President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un exchanged greetings as they kicked off their second historic nuclear summit today in Hanoi, Vietnam. Trump told reporters he and Kim are looking ...

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Japan nominates President Trump for Nobel Peace Prize

Ahead of his second meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, the leader of Japan is nominating President Donald Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize for his work to open up a ...

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