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Tag Archives: palestine

News Briefs: D-Day; Charles on money; Spain’s diplomats revolt


Today’s news briefs include Biden in France for D-Day, Executive Order limiting immigration, King Charles on British banknotes. President in France for D-Day commemoration President Joe Biden landed in Paris Wednesday for ...

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Shooter at Joel Olsteen’s church had ‘Free Palestine’ written on rifle

joel shooter

The shooter at Joel Osteen’s church may have been connected to pro-Palestine protests. Genesse Ivonne Moreno, who was identified through a warrant, reportedly entered the Lakeland Church in Houston on Sunday afternoon ...

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Never again? No, again.

never again

For 78 years the Jewish community, joined by many around the world, has chanted, “Never again!” We would take action to avert another Jewish Holocaust. Six million dead at the hands of ...

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Christmas tourism is up around Bethlehem but Arab Christians are leaving

bethlehem christians tourism

Much to the relief of tourism officials, Christians are returning to holy sites this year after the pandemic ended. While Christmas won’t be a record year like 2019, the numbers are strong ...

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Fellow Democrats blast Squad member for her latest anti-Semitic remarks

People from across the political spectrum again are criticizing squad founder Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., for her latest bigoted remarks. She previously had even tweeted about eliminating Israel completely. Speaking at an ...

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South Korea accepts Israeli vaccine doses that Palestinians turned down

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Palestinian leaders have lost the opportunity to immediately vaccinate residents after refusing Israel’s offer of a vaccine swap. Now South Korea says it will take the 700,000 doses from Israel. Under the ...

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Palestinians say they’re in a police state not of Israel but of their own leaders

Palestinians say they’re living in a police state. But contrary to what some may think, it’s not at the hands of Israel, but their own Palestinian leaders. Earlier this year, Palestinian Authority ...

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Everything you need to know about Israel and Hamas and how it started

Israel is a country that everyone seems to have an opinion about. What’s unfortunate is that most form their opinions based on a headline, social media post or Facebook news feed that ...

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Biden administration defends Israel, rejects ‘apartheid’ label


In a move that some had doubts would happen, the Biden administration this week defended Israel by rejecting a one-sided report that labeled the Middle East’s only democracy as an “apartheid state.”  ...

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Black Lives Matter is anti-Israel says Black Solidarity With Israel leader

anti-israel black

As the Black Lives Matter movement now aligns itself with radical anti-Israel groups, the head of a leading black organization that supports Israel is having none of it. On Tuesday the group ...

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Jewish groups rebuke Rashida Tlaib for calling Israel racist over vaccinations

Jewish organizations are criticizing Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan for calling Israel a racist state that deprived her grandmother of the COVID-19 vaccination. “I think it’s really important to understand Israel ...

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Palestinian leader: Jesus was a suicide bomber to be imitated

The Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority has said Jesus was a suicide bomber who shows young Arabs how to practice “martyrdom-death.” The startling comments came during a Christmas dinner last week. ...

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Rep. Rashida Tlaib retweets phrase about eliminating of Israel

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Minnesota on Sunday retweeted a phrase that is associated with calling for the elimination of Israel. StopAntisemitism.org highlighted the tweet that Tlaib retweeted, which stated: “From the ...

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Riots and Protests: What America can learn from Israel: Q&A with David Rubin

Israeli David Rubin knows something about the personal cost of terrorism. It touched his family in a horrific way. Rubin is the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel and was with his then ...

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Jewish leaders criticize anti-Israel platform of Black Lives Matter

Liberal Jews who support Black Lives Matter have been surprised to learn that the organization is anti-Semitic and has an anti-Israel agenda, “The Washington Times” reported. The agenda, which is clearly laid ...

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Israeli Sovereignty Is the Key to Lasting Peace

sovereignty ramallah

Opinion: Sovereignty declaration over the Israeli heartland of Judea and Samaria could come as early as July 1. In the coming months, Israel is expected to apply its civilian law and administration ...

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Military will help Israel go to total lockdown

As the coronavirus pandemic spreads in Israel, its military (IDF) is preparing for a potential total lockdown. It would include a mobilization of eight battalions to aid authorities in enforcing the lockdown. ...

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Islamic state of Sudan moves to normalize relations with Israel

The Arab League on Saturday voted to “officially” oppose the peace plan put forth by the Trump administration. And while media outlets call the plan a failure, an announcement by Sudan about ...

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Ambassador says new Peace Plan preserves the Biblical heartland

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman is optimistic about a new peace plan between Israel and Arabs living in the areas of Judea and Samaria – known as the “West Ban.”  Some ...

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In amazing show of support, Arab nations send ambassadors to peace plan unveiling

Peace between Israel and Palestinians living in the Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria, known as the West Bank, has been elusive for 75 years. On Tuesday President Donald Trump released a ...

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Israeli-Palestinian peace details could come Tuesday


The United States may reveal a peace plan that could end the Israeli-Arab conflict. President Donald Trump stated on Thursday that the plan, supported by Israel and designed in part with Gulf ...

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People triggered by Bethlehem response on ‘Jeopardy!’

Although most children in Sunday school know that Bethlehem is in Israel, the location stirred up some controversy on a recent episode of “Jeopardy!” Bethlehem is roughly six miles south of Jerusalem ...

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Democrats today set to vote giving Judea and Samaria to Arabs

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are pushing through a vote Friday on their two-state resolution that would give the Biblical heartland of Israel to the Palestinian Authority. This  “two-state solution” ...

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News Briefs: San Francisco labels NRA ‘terrorists’; Former Zimbabwe dictator dies; Google antitrust probe; Was Joshua a Palestinian?

news briefs

Here’s your daily news briefs. Antitrust probe of Google starts next week State attorneys general will formally launch antitrust probes into Facebook and Alphabet’s Google unit next week. A bipartisan group of three ...

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US to unveil major peace plan after Israeli elections

The Trump administration has announced that the Israeli-Palestinian peace plan will be released after Israeli elections on Sept. 17. Trump stated that there have been “decades of hate” between Israelis and Palestinians ...

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