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Tag Archives: pennsylvania

Today’s News Briefs: Is this woman the missing 8-year-old?; Putin threatens; Japan and drinking; Raffah push may end soon

woman gen z

Here are today’s news briefs including a woman who claims she a girl who disappeared 50 years ago from a bus stop; Gen Z drinking less; Putin threatens West, and Israel makes ...

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“Jesus Disrupts” campaign taking gospel to nation’s elite colleges

elite gospel

The youth organization Christian Union hopes to reach 75,000 students at elite secular universities with the gospel during an upcoming eight-week evangelism tour. Matt Bennett, founder and president of the group, says ...

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National Park Service will not remove Penn statue after outcry


A famous statue of William Penn, for whom Pennsylvania is named, will not be removed by the National Park Service after bi-partisan opposition. Penn is known for establishing religious freedom in the ...

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Parents concerned about Satan Club at Olathe school

olathe satan

Parents of students at Olathe Northwest High School continue to express concerns about attempts to organize a “High School Satan Club.” The club has not yet been approved, according to the school. ...

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The naked public square and Lancaster, Pennsylvania


A couple of weeks ago I was in Lancaster, Penn., for the annual meeting of the Evangelical Press Association. I had been to Lancaster before, but this trip caused me to fall ...

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Bible2School works with in system to provide Bible teaching to public school students


Amid the debate over critical race theory, one organization has found a way to get the Bible into Pennsylvania public schools. “Bible2School is a 40-year-old nonprofit organization, and we equip parents, moms, ...

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Supreme Court rules against counting late Pennsylvania mail-in ballots

main-in ballots pennsylvania election lawsuit

The Supreme Court on Tuesday vacated an appeals court decision that required Pennsylvania to count mail-in ballots even if there is no date on the envelope. “The judgment is vacated, and the case is remanded ...

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Christian group to spend up to $42 million in midterm elections

The Faith & Freedom Coalition, a social conservative national grassroots organization headed by longtime Christian activist Ralph Reed, will spend between $36 million and $42 million on a nationwide effort to target ...

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Republicans hold strong lead in voter turnout during primary elections

republicans voter

If Tuesday’s primary elections were any indication, Republicans will have a large advantage in voter turnout this year. In Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Kentucky, Idaho and Oregon, Republicans made up 55 percent of ...

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The Satanic Temple sues school district over denial of club

The Satanic Temple has filed a civil lawsuit against a Pennsylvania elementary school after the school turned down a request to form an after-school Satan Club. The proposed club for Northern Elementary ...

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It wasn’t Wormwood of Revelation but meteor rattling nerves over Pittsburgh


It wasn’t the Biblical “Wormwood,” a falling star described in Revelation, but a meteor over Pennsylvania Saturday definitely drew attention. The New Year’s Day “shooting star” caused an earthshaking boom over suburban ...

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Missionaries snuck past numerous guards in daring Haiti escape

haiti missionaries

Escaping captors in the middle of the night, 12 Christian Aid Ministries missionaries hiked silently through the moonlit jungle of Haiti, pausing at times to pray for the direction that led to ...

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Despite few masks, no lockdowns or vaccine, Amish community thrives during Covid

amish covid

The Amish could teach the government a few lessons about how to cope with the Covid pandemic. The Amish community in Lancaster, Pa., (and Amish counties across the state) is making it ...

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This humble Amish author has sold more than 350,000 books and she’s not done


Amish author of 39 books has fans around the world. Imagine you’re a writer who has never received a rejection letter and you have a contract to write two novels per year ...

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Our readers share their memories of September 11

For the 20th Anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, Metro Voice asked our readers for their memories of that morning. For most, the images remain difficult. They still create a pit ...

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Convicted of murder as a teen, Gene McGuire has found true freedom


In 1977, then 17-year-old Gene McGuire found himself at the wrong place at the wrong time. His 24-year-old cousin had come for a visit, and the two went to a tavern in ...

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Transplanting scalps of aborted babies onto rodents raises ethical concerns

A new video has exposed a disturbing experiment in which scientists were taking the scalps of aborted babies at 20 weeks and implanting them onto rodents. The videos and photos show the ...

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Here’s how the census will affect Missouri congressional seats

missouri census

Census numbers released Tuesday show primarily Democrat states will lose seats in Congress while red states like Florida, Texas and Montana will gain seats. The numbers show that although much of the ...

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Family Research Council warns of Rachel Levine’s radical agenda

Pro-life groups continue to decry the confirmation of Rachel Levine as assistant secretary of health. The Family Research Council is warning Levine will use the position to target and punish parents and ...

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Senate Democrats confirm controversial Levine as health secretary

The U.S. Senate on Wednesday confirmed Rachel Levine as assistant secretary of health. Levine, a pro-abortion activist, is also the first openly transgender federal official to win Senate confirmation. Pro-abortion Republicans Susan ...

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Where does your state compare to those with highest tax rates?

A new report lists the states with the lowest and highest tax rates. A survey by WalletHub  found that four blue and one red state topped the list. Illinois came in as ...

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Justice Clarence Thomas concerned about mail-in ballot fraud


Although the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the way Pennsylvania conducted its presidential election because of the timing of the case, Justice Clarence Thomas expressed concern about the potential for fraud. ...

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In letter to public, Sen. Josh Hawley explains why he objected to electoral votes

Last week, I objected during the Joint Session count of electoral votes in order to have a debate on the issue of election integrity. My objection proceeded according to the letter of ...

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VIDEO: President Trump addresses nation about election battle

In a message to the nation late Tuesday, President Donald Trump explained to the American people why he is pursuing all legal and constitutional challenges to “stop the theft of the presidential ...

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Trump campaign files challenge to Pennsylvania in U.S. Supreme Court

The Trump re-election campaign has filed an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a lower court ruling. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court had upheld changes to the election process made by ...

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