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Tag Archives: republicans

Up to 9 more nations line up for peace with Israel

It has been revealed up to nine more nations are seeking peace deals similar to those between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. President Donald Trump made the announcement to reporters gathered for the historic ...

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Why Kenosha may matter in November

Of all the riots that have gone unchecked in the country this summer, the one in Kenosha, Wisconsin, might matter most with regard to the November presidential election. The vivid imagery in ...

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Republican voters twice as likely to conceal presidential preference from pollsters

Are Trump supporters punking the pollsters? Probably, as Presidential polls may be undercounting Republican and independent voters, who are twice as likely as Democrats to conceal their preference, a recent survey found. ...

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Democrats concerned that rioting could hurt Biden in swing states

As rioting continues in numerous cities with Democrat mayors, polls show it may be hurting the party, Joe Biden and even down-ballot candidates in key swing states. With less than three months ...

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Facebook removes thousands of Antifa, QAnon groups

Tech and social media giant Facebook has finally removed thousands of groups, pages, and ads related to Antifa, the violent fascist group that claims it is fighting fascism. Facebook also took down pages accused ...

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‘Stoking fears,’ WH Chief of Staff accuses CNN’s Jake Tapper on Post Office funding

post office

As Democrats and news outlets push the conspiracy theory that the US Post Office is tampering with the election, the White House is hitting back with a little history. White House chief ...

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Most people want churches to follow same pandemic rules as other groups

Most Americans believe churches should follow the same rules about social distancing and large gatherings as other organizations or businesses in their area, a new Pew Research Center survey found. About eight ...

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Trump may bypass Democrats, issue unemployment order; also require preexisting conditions to be covered by insurance

President Trump said on Friday he could sign executive orders within a week that would extend unemployment benefits that expired on July 31, and that he will also sign an executive order ...

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Voter Guide: Kansas 3rd Congressional District

The struggle to unseat Democrat Sharice Davids for the Kansas’ 3rd Congressional district seat may be an uphill battle for Republicans. While political junkies may be familiar with Davids’ ties to the ...

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Republicans announce details of HEALS Act stimulus effort

As Democrats revive Congressional hearings over the now debunked Russian collusion theory, Senate Republicans have finished a second stimulus plan to nurture the economic expansion. The proposal aims to stimulate the economy ...

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New $1,200 stimulus checks to go out in August

Stimulus checks will once again be distributed to most Americans in August, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters on Saturday. The Treasury announced they will again be $1,200. The new payments will ...

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New Republican-led stimulus focuses on ‘kids and jobs’

Discussions on the next stimulus relief effort will bring Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to Capitol Hill on Tuesday. Mnuchin said the next round of ...

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Forget the polls as political science professor says Trump headed for a landslide

Four years ago national polls showed Hillary Clinton 12 points ahead of then candidate Donald Trump. On election day, Trump won in an electoral college landslide. Fast forward to 2020 and polls ...

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HISTORIC: Trump’s 200th pro-life judge confirmed

Republicans in the Senate this week reached a historic milestone in on one of the most important things they and President Donald Trump can do. They confirmed yet another pro-life judge. The ...

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Media outlets ignore death threats to black GOP Senator Scott


News networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have all turned a blind eye to a New York Times report detailing recent death threats and racial slurs being left on the office voicemail of ...

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‘Getting away with murder’ Pelosi says of reform bill written by African-American GOP Senator

Senate Democrats blocked a police reform bill Wednesday, calling on the African-American Senator who wrote it to start over. Democrat House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi has refused to apologize for stating “So ...

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Sen. Tim Scott discusses how his faith shapes his views on race relations and police reform

Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, one of three black members of the U.S. Senate, recently discussed faith and race relations with Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Crusades. The interview, recorded ...

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Failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams calls on Missouri Democrats to “take back your power”

Stacey Abrams, the Democrat candidate who still has not conceded her 2018 race for Georgia governor, told Missouri Democrats at their convention to “take your power back.” She was the keynote speaker ...

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Lawmakers demand records from states that forced nursing homes to accept Covid-19 patients

nursing homes

Five states that mandated that nursing homes take in COVID-19 patients despite federal pandemic warnings against the deadly practice, are being investigated by Congressional lawmakers. The governors are being blamed for causing ...

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As Democrats push for mail-in ballots, postal carrier charged with election fraud

main-in ballots pennsylvania election lawsuit

Federal prosecutors announced on May 26 that a West Virginia postal carrier has been charged with attempted election fraud after the party affiliations of several mail-in requests for absentee ballots were altered. The ...

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Rising optimism about economy bad news for Democrats in November

Americans are famous for their optimism. What does that foretell for the economy and the 2020 election as the nation opens back up? The New York Times recently ran a piece declaring ...

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Earthquake: Republican Garcia wins seat held by Dems since 98


In an election that pundits say could foretell the November elections, Republican Mike Garcia has won back a Congressional seat last held by a Republican in 1998. Democrat Christy Smith was defeated ...

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Just released Democrat House Committee found ‘no evidence of collusion, coordination, or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russians’

In a bombshell development that again have destroyed Democrat assertions of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday released previously sealed transcripts of interviews from its ...

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Missouri lawmakers argue over funding for coronavirus response

missouri coronavirus schools, red zone, missouri

Missouri lawmakers are sparring over an emergency spending plan passed by the House. The plan includes $33 million in federal funds and also frees up another $7 million in state funding that ...

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President Trump locks up nomination with primary victories in Florida, Illinois

Although it was overshadowed by coronavirus news and the Democrat primaries, President Donald Trump secured the Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday. He won both the Florida and Illinois primary elections. In a ...

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