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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Here’s what Christian leaders are saying about the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett

Christian leaders overwhelmingly support President Trump’s decision to appoint Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is what several of them had to say. “This is a great day for ...

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On day of first debate, author tells nation what’s at stake in election

The first presidential debate of the 2020 election season takes place tonight at Case Western University and the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. Political pundits on both sides of the aisle say ...

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Washington DC Prayer march called nation to repentance

Christians across the nation are still talking about what happened Saturday in Washington, D.C.. On the same day that President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barret to the U.S.. Supreme Court, tens of ...

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President announces 150 million rapid covid tests to be delivered

“In a major announcement, President Donald Trump on Monday said the distribution of 150 rapid covid tests are ready to be distributed across the nation. The President said the new rapid tests ...

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Thousands participate in Kansas City Trump parade

Thousands of Kansas Citians turned out on Saturday for a Trump Parade from Liberty Memorial to the Country Club Plaza. The local Public Radio station KCUR, which along with the Kansas City ...

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$100 million anti-trafficking effort announced by Ivanka Trump, AG Barr

The Trump White house is continuing its aggressive take-down of human trafficking rings across the nation. Now, Ivanka Trump and Attorney General William Barr have announced $100 million to combat human trafficking ...

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Judge temporarily blocks ban of Communist-owned TikTok app

A federal district judge has temporarily blocked the ban on Chinese Communist Party-owned TikTok. The injunction allows the app to remain available for download from U.S. app stores. U.S. intelligence services say ...

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Jewish groups demand Biden apologize for comparing Trump to infamous Nazi

biden goebbels

Jewish groups are demanding Joe Biden apologize for comparing President Donald Trump to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. “The rule in debate is that if your only argument is to call your opponent a ...

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Prayer echoes through Washington as march and rally fills National Mall

Thousands of Christians from across the nation gathered for prayer and rally at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Saturday. Estimates put the number at anywhere between 10,000 and 20,000 people. ...

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United Methodist pastor demands changing denomination’s “racist” logo            

methodist logo

The cancel culture may be coming for the logo of the United Methodist Church. The cross and flame -— two red flames intertwined with a thin, black cross — is racist, according ...

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Religious freedom under attack, Attorney General William Barr says

attorney barr

The connection between freedom and religion is under assault, U.S. Attorney General William Barr said this week. “That crucial link between religion and liberty, so well understood at the founding, is all ...

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Thanks to financial grant, Missouri folklore being put on the map

Every community in Missouri seems to have its own folklore that is passed down from generation to generation. A recent grant will enable the state to erect signs commemorating some of those ...

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Focus on the Family will share powerful pro-life event on Saturday

The issue of abortion is front and center as the presidential race heats up and President Donald Trump appoints the successor to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. “See Life 2020,” on online event ...

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State Board of Accountancy opens investigation of Auditor Nicole Galloway

Missouri Auditor Nicole Galloway, who also is the Democrat candidate for governor, is now under investigation by the Missouri State Board of Accountancy. The investigation is in response to a complaint filed ...

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Woman gains right to be euthanized for depression, autism

depression autism

Amy de Schutter is a physically healthy woman suffering from depression and autism. She claims that the right to be euthanized saves lives after she was granted the right to assisted suicide. ...

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Yom Kippur is an act of repentance that changes one’s life course

It’s time for the spiritually spectacular day of the Biblical year! YOM KIPPUR begins sundown Sunday September 27, continuing Monday morning, afternoon and through the evening closing service marked by the last ...

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Gov. Parson activates National Guard as precaution in wake of protests

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson has declared a state of emergency and activated the National Guard as a precautionary measure as protests broke over the death of Breonna Taylor. He also said the ...

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Kansas City Awakening March to coincide with Franklin Graham march in Washington

“Join your Christian brothers and sisters to cry out for God to bring a spiritual awakening in our city, nation, and the world!” is the call of Bishop John Birmingham. Birmingham and ...

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Serbia and Kosovo move towards naming lake and bridges after Trump

The nations of Serbia and Kosovo are naming a major lake after President Donald J. Trump. The news comes after Trump was already nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his successful ...

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China infiltrating state and local gov’t with propaganda

Communist propaganda has seeped into state and even local city governments and citizens must be vigilant. That the assessment of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. According to Pompeo, it is the ...

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Old Testament practice of gleaning still helps feed the hungry


The Old Testament practice of allowing gleaning of harvested fields was used to take care of the poor. It has become more common during the Covid pandemic, even as it eases across ...

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Like her biblical namesake, our friend Esther Levens influenced kings and presidents


Recently, Anita and I mourned the loss of a spunky person named Esther Levens. Esther, who passed away August 21, 2020, was a personal friend and a supporter of our newspaper and ...

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Open Doors says North Korea catastrophe is near

North Korea is on the verge of a catastrophic meltdown according to according to reports reaching Open Doors from North Korean Christians. “North Korea faces a major crisis with multiple causes,” say Timothy Cho, ...

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When noted journalists bashed political polls


Poll-bashing – the aggressive, even extreme lambasting of pollsters and their work – used to be blood sport among prominent American journalists. Mike Royko, one of Chicago’s most famous, if cantankerous, journalists, was ...

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Jim Caviezel’s ‘Infidel’ is an honest look at dying for one’s faith


Inspired by a true story, the new movie Infidel begins in Iran, with a man on the brink of being executed. As the trigger is pulled, he closes his eyes and there’s ...

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