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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Missouri bill to give private and public schools same minimum wage exemption

The Missouri House this week passed a bill that would exempt religious and private schools from the state’s minimum-wage law. In 2018, Missouri voters approved incrementally raising the state’s minimum wage to ...

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Increase in ‘church hopping’ among trends found in State of the Church survey

The days of joining a church and staying in it for life are long gone. New research by the Barna Group shows that practicing Christians and churched adults believe in the value ...

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Ministry aims to rebuild villages destroyed by ISIS

Ever since former President Barack Obama called ISIS the “JV team,” the terrorist organization has decimated countless cities and villages across the Middle East. Now, a Christin ministry aims to rebuild the ...

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Will Netanyahu survive Monday’s election?

Monday will bring yet another national election in Israel – the third in less than a year. The top two candidates for Prime Minister have pulled out all the stops to get ...

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Trump administration, Taliban sign deal to end Afghan war

afghan war

Polls show overwhelming support for ending the war in Afghanistan and today President Donald Trump made good on his campaign promise to do just that. The United States signed a peace agreement ...

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Movieguide announces top movies

“The Lego Movie 2” took home the top award at the 2020 Movieguide Awards, which were broadcast Monday on the Hallmark Channel. The mainstream film won the honor of Best Movie for ...

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Israel announces coronavirus vaccine within weeks

Israel has announced their scientists are just weeks away from releasing the world’s first vaccine against the deadly coronavirus. The Galilee Research Institute (MIGAL) spent four years creating a vaccine against the ...

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Panasonic says no thanks to Tesla solar power venture

In an company statement that helped to shake Wall Street this week, Japanese electronics giant Panasonic announced it is pulling out of its ‘Gigafactory’ solar roof joint venture with Tesla.  Tesla is ...

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Barna study: Adults still find church attendance relevant

The Barna research organization, which specializes in issues of faith, reveals in a new study that that practicing Christians and churched adults still enjoy gathering and worshiping in church. The younger generation? ...

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Providing young girls in India an alternative to prostitution

india girls

For 500 years, one tribal group in northern India has relied on the prostitution of its oldest daughters as a key source of income. This tribe, known as the Banchara, is part ...

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The Call of the Wild unites Harrison Ford with a St. Bernard named Buck


“Never was there such a dog,” says grizzled Yukon explorer John Thornton, admiring the antics of Buck, the canine star of “The Call of the Wild“. Indeed not. For the Buck in ...

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Senate Democrats vote down born alive protections for babies that survive abortion

This week the US Senate voted on two major pieces of pro-life legislation: The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protections Act. In both instances Democrats moved ...

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Mayor Bloomberg banned churches from using public buildings

Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg helped evict churches from meeting in public places when he was mayor of New York City, according to a former Barack Obama staff member. The controversy involved dozens of ...

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Josh Hawley agrees with Marco Rubio that Bernie Sanders is a Marxist

Many political observers and pundits are calling Tuesday night’s Democrat debate a train wreck. From Joe Biden claiming 150 million Americans have been murdered, Bernie Sanders defending a Marxist regime to Michael ...

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Mexican family loses Supreme Court case over damages in border death

The Obama and Trump administrations both agreed that a U.S. border agent should not be held liable for the death of a young Mexican killed along the border. The Supreme Court also agreed ...

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U.S. Supreme Court to hear case involving adoptions to same-sex couples

The U.S. Supreme Court this week agreed to hear a case that could determine if faith-based adoption agencies can decline to place children in same-sex homes because of the agency’s religious beliefs. ...

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Son of pastor John MacArthur charged in investment scheme

Mark MacArthur, son of pastor and radio host John MacArthur, has been charged with defrauding clients in a $16 million investment scheme. The Securities and Exchange Commission charged the California-based investment advisory ...

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Missouri House committee may vote this week on transgender athlete bill

Student athletes would have to participate in sports based on their biological sex under a proposed transgender bill in the Missouri House. The General Laws Committee could vote on the bill this ...

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Support of same-sex marriage surges among mainline pastors

Almost one-half of pastors of mainline Protestant churches say they support same-sex marriage, according to a new survey from LifeWay Research. However, support remains low among evangelical pastors. The poll of 1,000 ...

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Branson ministry helps employees through slow season

Branson attractions and businesses hire thousands of workers to meet the high demand during peak tourist season. But when things slow down during the off season, one ministry is stepping in to ...

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Israel announces cease fire with Islamic Jihad in Gaza

After 24 hours of rocket attacks from Gaza, the Palestinian extremist group Islamic Jihad announced a ceasefire with Israel Monday evening. As of Tuesday, it appeared to be taking hold. The region ...

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Bernie Sanders says he’ll only nominate judges who support abortion until birth

Bernie Sanders is doubling down on his radical view on abortion. The socialist Senator says he would only nominate Supreme Court judges who support abortions up to birth. He made the controversial ...

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Chiefs owner Clark Hunt supports Explore God Miami initiative

faith miami chiefs. decisions, hunt

The victory by the Kansas City Chiefs may be over, but the impact still is being felt in host city Miami. More than 100 churches and groups came together on Super Bowl ...

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The Office actor John Krasinski defends patriotic roles


The actor who played Jim Halpert on The Office is hitting back at critics on the left. John Krasinski is responding to liberal criticisms by those in the “cancel culture” because of ...

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Could coronavirus cause cancellation of Summer Olympics?

Time Magazine is reporting that the 2020 Summer Olympics, scheduled for July 24 in Japan, could be moved or cancelled. The news comes as Japan deals with a the spread of the ...

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