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Politics & Policy

Effort to defund Fort Worth police defeated by voters

The defund the police movement has been rebuked in the nation’s 13th largest city where voters approved the continuation of a tax that funds the city’s police department. More than 64 percent ...

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Missouri attorney general calls out controversial St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner

gardner louis attorney

St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner continues to be in the spotlight for making controversial decisions including releasing rioters arrested for looting and arson in recent protests. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt responded ...

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Trump-backed candidates sweep House, Senate primaries

Candidates who tied themselves closely to President Trump swept Republican primaries across the nation on Tuesday as voter enthusiasm among Republicans reaches historic levels. Two of the races have huge implications for ...

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Payroll Protection saved 665,000 church jobs

The federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) saved 665,000 jobs for churches and ministries, according to data. The PPP was part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed signed ...

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Trump criticized for Stone commutation while Obama had 1,712

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) suggested on Saturday that the House may introduce a bill to limit presidential pardon power following President Donald Trump’s decision to commute the sentence of his longtime associate and former ...

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Local authorities have conflicting face mask regulations

If you’re confused about requirements to wear a face mask don’t feel alone. Across the sprawling Kansas City Metro, which encompasses 14 counties, there are almost as many different regulations. The problem ...

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Gov. Mike Parson plans to call special session to target violent crime

accept refugees

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson plans to call a special legislative session later this year to address violent crime in the state, Missourinet reported. “I think I’ve talked to most of the mayors ...

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Forget the polls as political science professor says Trump headed for a landslide

Four years ago national polls showed Hillary Clinton 12 points ahead of then candidate Donald Trump. On election day, Trump won in an electoral college landslide. Fast forward to 2020 and polls ...

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Hamilton: a brilliant and inspirational story that makes us fall in love with history


When we kids of a certain age first learned about the Founding Fathers in elementary school, we could be forgiven if they all sort of blended together in a torrent of knee-length ...

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Liberty Alliance launches campaign to support pending crime bill

Liberty Alliance, a conservative advocacy group, is supporting a Missouri crime reform bill that other conservatives oppose. The organization has launched a digital ad campaign to encourage Gov. Mike Parson to sign ...

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J.K. Rowling, Wynton Marsalis among liberals saying ‘cancel culture’ needs to end

Many have decried the increasing loss of free speech and thought at the hands of the “cancel culture.” The move to shut down speech, rewrite history and destroy art because of the ...

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‘Do more than vote,’ Kansans for Life tells pro-life voters as it endorses Trump

Kansans for Life (KFL) has given President Donald Trump the most enthusiastic endorsement one can get.  But the organization says those who have pro-life views need to up their game this year ...

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Media hated Trump Mount Rushmore Speech while public applauded

mount rushmore, china, news

President Trump’s Independence Day speech was met with cheers from the right and derision from the left.  Media critics are wondering if news outlets actually watched the speech before commenting on it. ...

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Supreme Court unanimously upholds ‘faithless elector’ laws

faithless electors

The Supreme Court has unanimously affirmed the constitutionality of “faithless elector” laws that allow states to fine or remove Electoral College members who fail to vote for the presidential candidate they were pledged to ...

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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo receives Friends of Zion Award

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Kansas congressman, earlier this week was awarded the Friends of Zion Award. The award was commissioned by the late Shimon Peres, the ninth President of the ...

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Justice Clarence Thomas criticizes faulty reasoning in Roe v. Wade abortion decision

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas believes the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion was incorrectly decided. “Roe is grievously wrong for many reasons, but the most fundamental is that its core holding ...

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Judge slaps down Gov. Cuomo church restrictions

A federal judge slapped down a major portion of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s restrictions on religious institutions. The ruling lifted a capacity cap on services as churches, mosques, temples and similar ...

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Minnesota Gov. now wants $500 million to rebuild after protests

After telling President Donald Trump he did not need help dealing with rioting in Minneapolis, the state’s Democrat governor now wants millions in taxpayer money to clean up the destruction and rebuild. ...

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Reaping billions for his company, Hunter Biden also got Secret Service protection

In another bombshell dealing with the Obama administration and Hunter Biden, newly released records detail it was given an official stamp. Judicial Watch announced Tuesday it received records from the U.S. Secret Service ...

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As St. Louis protesters enter private neighborhood, homeowners appear with guns

st louis guns

A violent weekend in St. Louis left two people dead out of thirteen who were shot. The shootings may have led one couple to brandish guns as a large group of Black ...

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Henry Louis Gates: “Tiny fraction” of slaves actually ended up in U.S.

When it comes to the history of slaves in the New World, there is perhaps no one more versed on the subject than Dr. Henry Louis Gates. The Harvard professor, who is ...

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National Guard will protect monument honoring Lincoln and paid for by freed slaves

As a poll shows that a majority of Americans, including many blacks, are against removing statues, Black Lives Matter protesters are now targeting statues that honor the end of slavery. The Emancipation ...

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“God, Trump and COVID-19” takes timely look at today’s critical issues

“God, Trump and COVID-19: How the Pandemic Is Affecting Christians, the World and America’s 2020 Election,” a new book by Stephen Strang, brings clarity to the world-changing events of 2020. The book ...

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Supreme Court ruling a big defeat for open border proponents

Open border proponents were given a setback this morning as the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government may deport illegal aliens quickly and with only limited judicial review. The ruling also ...

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HISTORIC: Trump’s 200th pro-life judge confirmed

Republicans in the Senate this week reached a historic milestone in on one of the most important things they and President Donald Trump can do. They confirmed yet another pro-life judge. The ...

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