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Politics & Policy

Tactics of Meet the Press’ Chuck Todd don’t rankle Roy Blunt


Missouri Senator Roy Blunt seemed unphased as he appeared on Meet The Press Sunday and was immediately pressed by moderator Chuck Todd. Blunt was asked to respond to a tweet from Saturday ...

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Missouri State House August 7th Primary Preview

Across the metro, there are several highly contested races for the Missouri Legislature. Below is our first preview article on races south of the river. An additional article will be  posted for ...

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Void of collusion, Mueller’s Manafort trial turns to money laundering

WASHINGTON – The trial for Paul Manafort, who was indicted in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, begins today minus one big piece of evidence – collusion with Russia. It’s expected to ...

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Democrats finally agree to meet Supreme Court nominee

For the first time since his nomination, Democrats have agreed to finally sit down and meet Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) became the first Senate Democrat to meet ...

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Congresswoman says God sent her to impeach the president

The fallout continues 0ver Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) who, on Sunday, suggested in a church sermon in Los Angeles that she’s on a divine mission from God Himself to stop President Trump, blasting the ...

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Hollywood inserting itself into Missouri Prop A measure

Hollywood is inserting itself into Missouri’s Aug. 7 election as Unions attempt to repeal the state’s Right to Work law by opposing Proposition A. Actor John Goodman of “Roseanne” fame and a ...

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Another racism hoax: Waiter admits forging receipt


Earlier this week, Khalil Cavil claimed he was “sick to his stomach” after he received the note while working at the Saltgrass Steak House in Odessa, Texas – but it has since ...

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New poll shows what Americans think is mainstream in politics

A majority of respondents in a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll of registered voters said Democratic congressional candidates are out of step with most Americans and the mainstream. Asked whether Democrat candidates’ ...

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Federal Judge slaps down Planned Parenthood lawsuit

WASHINGTON — A federal judge appointed to the bench by President Donald Trump has dismissed a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood challenging the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for altering its Title ...

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Missing or destroyed servers remain hush-hush by media, Mueller investigation

Evidence that the national media, and the Mueller investigation are ignoring was brought up by President Trump this week in Finland. They are the three servers are those of the Democratic National ...

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Black Christian leaders call for censure of Maxine Waters over her dangerous call for harassment

A group of black Christian conservative leaders are calling on House Speaker Paul Ryan to censure Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters of California for comments she made last month urging harassment of administration ...

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American media outnumbers protest in awkward reporting

nato protests

Cable news outlets reported it as a huge planned protest with thousands expected to fill the streets against President Trump during his appearance at the NATO summit. “Make Peace Great Again” organizers ...

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Media pushes false story on breastfeeding to attack President


A front-page New York Times article claimed that, at a World Health Assembly in May, the United States opposed a resolution to encourage breastfeeding. “U.S. Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution Stuns World Health ...

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Missouri Democrats battle over admitting pro-life voters

After a publicly painful battle, the Missouri Democrat Party narrowly approved a new platform — one including a last-minute amendment welcoming “a diversity of views” on abortion. “We respect the conscience of ...

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Supreme Court nominee to be announced Monday


The most lasting legacy of any president is the choice of a nominee for the Supreme Court. President Donald Trump is finalizing his own decision–which will undoubtedly be the most important of ...

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Avowed socialist beats 4th most powerful Democrat in Congress

Democrats are still reeling from their most shocking loss of the mid-term election cycle. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old member of a socialist political party, won a shocking upset when she decisively beat ...

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Congressman Cleaver defends Maxine Waters in viral elevator video


In a confrontation yesterday between a journalist and California Rep. Maxine Waters, another U.S. Representative comes to Waters’ defense–Missouri Congressman and pastor Emanuel Cleaver II. Cleaver represents Missouri’s 5th Congressional District that ...

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Supreme Court upholds Trump travel ban on Islamic countries

WASHINGTON – In a stunning ruling that silenced many of his immigration opponents, the Supreme Court today ruled that President Trump has the legal authority to restrict travel for citizens of countries ...

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China hopes for implementation of N. Korea-U.S. summit outcome

BEIJING (June 19, 2018) — Chinese President Xi Jinping told North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Tuesday he hopes Pyongyang and Washington can fully implement the outcome of last week’s nuclear ...

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New governor earns praise from Congressional delegation


One of the first acts of Missouri’s new governor resulted in bipartisan support and praise from the state’s congressional delegation. Republican Gov. Mike Parson, a strong Christian, called a rare meeting yesterday ...

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Christians Who Hate Trump

They are the Christians who hate Trump.  Let’s call it for what it is: hate.  It is their hate—strange for professed Christians—that dulls their ability to see the inaccuracy of their comments ...

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Admitted pedophile and white supremacist running against Republican congresswoman


Nathan Larson, a confessed pedophile and prospective congressional candidate in Virginia who once spent 16 months in prison for threatening to kill former President Barack Obama, says he now wants to legalize incest so ...

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500 days in, what has America gained under Trump?

President Donald Trump marked his 500th day in office this week with a celebratory message on Twitter pointing to a long list of achievements accomplished since he was inaugurated in January last ...

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Kris Kobach appears in parade with military gear, upsets city officials


The City of Shawnee is apparently afraid of military equipment being viewed by kids and touchy adults. After Secretary of State Kris Kobach appeared in the Old Shawnee Days Parade in a ...

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China blinks, bends to Trump pressure over tariffs

In a huge victory for the Trump administration’s tough talk on trade with China, the communist country has announced it will cut import tariffs on a range of consumer items including apparel, cosmetics, home appliances, and fitness products ...

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