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U.S. and Israel hold joint navy exercise in Mediterranean

israel navy

The United States and Israel conducted a joint security patrol on Monday in the Eastern Mediterranean, the U.S. Navy said in a statement. The exercise comes after a devastating oil spill last ...

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Did St. Patrick expel snakes from Ireland?

A famous legend from the life of St. Patrick explains how he banished snakes from the entire country of Ireland after praying on top of the mountain Croagh Patrick during the 40 ...

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Vatican: Church cannot bless same-sex unions

vatican same-sex

The Catholic Church is affirming that it doesn’t have the power to bless same-sex unions. “Does the church have the power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same ...

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‘Wall of Jesus’ brings hope to Pakistan’s Christians


Residents of a Christian neighborhood in Lahore, Pakistan have found hope amid despair as they visit the “Wall of Jesus.” It’s not a shrine but a way to receive free weekly assistance ...

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Canadian pastor will remain imprisoned for holding church service

Christians around the world are speaking out on behalf of a Canadian pastor imprisoned since Feb. 16 for holding in-person worship services. Pastor James Coates with GraceLife Church of Edmonton was arrested ...

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Christian group sends urgent letter to Biden over Israel policy

A group of leaders from a broad section of American Christianity is lobbying the Biden administration over its policy towards Israel. It comes after growing alarm in both Israel and the United ...

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Offering love and hope to those shunned because of leprosy


For millions around the world living with leprosy, loneliness and despair is a way of life. In an age of Covid, that despair is compounded by additional isolation brought on by the ...

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Myanmar police raid church as pro-democracy protests continue

Churches in Myanmar have been drawn into the violent crackdown against pro-democracy protesters. On Tuesday military and police ramped up use of tear gas and rubber bullets against citizens demonstrating the February overthrow ...

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Opposition leader and atheist poisoned by Putin has found God

The opposition leader fighting the authoritarian rule of Vladimir Putin has found God.  Noted atheist Alexei Navalny unveiled his newfound faith during a court appearance after his arrest for speaking out on ...

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Top 20 stories affecting Israel in 2020

2020 was one for the ages – one of the strangest, most painful, most bizarre, yet most historic years in modern global history. This was certainly true in Israel and throughout the ...

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Facebook’s blackout of Australian news and how Big Tech is swallowing the web

When Facebook disabled Australians’ access to news articles on its platform, and blocked sharing of articles from Australian news organizations, the company moved a step closer to killing the World Wide Web – the ...

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Poland’s top court votes to protect babies with disabilities from ‘eugenic’ abortion

Poland’s highest court has ruled that abortions of children with disabilities is unconstitutional. The decision by the country’s Constitutional Court affects the majority abortions. Terminations will only be permissible in cases of ...

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The U.N. confirms: The U.S. doesn’t need the Paris Climate Accords

The United Nations has released its Emissions Gap Report 2020, which gauges a country’s contribution to greenhouse gas and carbon emissions. The data has put President Joe Biden in an awkward position ...

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Christian teen Leah Sharibu is still missing after three years


“Her bold faith is an inspiration. How many of us, when confronted by killers, would do as she has done?” Those words were spoken about Christian teenager Leah Sharibu, after her abduction ...

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My six days behind the Iron Curtain, and why it matters today

Iron Curtain

Yes, I spent six days behind the Iron Curtain. In the summer of 1981, I sang with a group called, “The Continental Singers.”  After a two-week rehearsal camp, we started our tour ...

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After a month, Biden calls American ally Israel

It took a month but President Joe Biden has finally spoken to perhaps America’s most important ally – Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his American counterpart called him on Wednesday. The ...

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In the shadow of Chernobyl, rebuilding homes and hope


“Hey Jeff climb in,” Andrey said. “We are driving about two hours today to a village near Chernobyl to see Marina and her kids.” I always enjoy spending time with Andrey because ...

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Ethiopia comes apart as ethnic Tigray Christians battle the government and each other

ethiopia tigray

Christians in the Tigray region of Ethiopia are reporting a campaign rape and torture at the hands of government forces with tens of thousands of civilians dead. The region is involved in ...

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Palestinian Authority caught destroying remains of Joshua’s Altar

The Palestinian Authority is under fire after it purposely began destroying the remains of Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal. Archaeologists discovered the destruction of the compound when visiting the site late this ...

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6 ways to remember persecuted Christians in 2021

christians 2021

As Christians around the world face rising persecution, Metro Voice regularly shares stories that highlight their plight.  As we’ve reported, persecution has increased, especially in an age of Covid as governments use ...

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The embattled Christians of Nigeria: can 2021 get worse?

It was an occasion for joy and celebration when the threat of terrorist attack and Covid could be forgotten for a little while. Christians gathered in the village of Kukum Daji in ...

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Group pleads with Biden to stop Chinese genocide against Uyghur minority


A Uyghur group protesting Chinese treatment of minority religious populations is calling on President Joe Biden to act upon the Trump administration’s “genocide” designation against China.  The East Turkistan National Awakening Movement ...

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Biden administration will keep U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem

macarthur pray

In a surprise move, the Biden administration will keep the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. The announcement eases fears that the U.S. would abandon its most important ally in the Middle East. What’s ...

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Kosovo recognizes Israel, will have embassy in Jerusalem

Kosovo has become the latest Muslim nation to officially established diplomatic ties with Israel. It marks yet another diplomatic achievement of the Trump administration coming weeks after Donald Trump left office. In ...

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Republicans want to move 2022 Winter Olympics out of China

china olympics genocide boycott

A move is on in the U.S. Senate to move the Olympics out of Communist China. The action comes after a string of blunders by China, including handling of the Covid pandemic ...

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