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Is China preparing to invade Democratic Taiwan?

Editor’s Note: Religious communities are under attack in China. Now, the Communists leaders of the world’s most populous nation are illegally taking over Hong Kong in a breach of a Treaty China ...

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Turkey scapegoats Christians for coronavirus

Christians have become the scapegoat for Turkey’s growing coronavirus outbreak. Christians and other religious minorities are being falsely accused of bringing COVID-19 to Turkey where a series of attacks on churches is ...

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US may ban communist Chinese app TikTok over security concerns

TikTok, the social media app gaining popularity in the U.S. and around the world, may soon be banned. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said late on Monday that the United States is ...

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Turkey opens trial in death of Muslim Brotherhood columnist Jamal Khashoggi

A Turkish court with close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood regime of Turkish President Recep Erdogan, has put 20 Saudi Arabian individuals on trial in absentia on Friday for the murder of ...

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Chinese dog meat ‘festival’ opens amid outcry

European news outlets are reporting that the notorious Dog Meat Festival has opened in China. In recent weeks, Communist China changed the classification of dogs from livestock to pets but have not ...

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Genocide in Nigeria: Calling it what it Is, calling for it to end

In terms of lives lost, families separated, people imprisoned, and churches shut down, the 21st century has, so far, been the worst period of persecution against Christians in recorded history. Among the hottest ...

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Syrian newborn flown to Israel for life-saving heart surgery

Israel has again become a life-saver after a 10-day old Syrian baby born to refugees in Cyprus was airlifted to Tel Aviv Thursday to receive potentially life-saving treatment for his severe heart ...

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Pompeo, Brownback focus on China and ‘decades-long war on faith’

Religious persecution in China has intensified over the past year as the regime continues with its “decades-long war on faith,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on June 10 while presenting his ...

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More Palestinian citizens publicly supporting Israel annexation

Palestinians are now talking openly of  accepting the peace deal being offered by Israel. Tired of years of conflict, failed promises by their own leaders and increasing frustration by Arab countries, many ...

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Christians in Nigeria: Almost 700 slaughtered by Fulani militias this year

nigeria fulani

Christian women, children, the elderly, disabled and men continue to die by the hundreds across northern Nigeria at the hands of Muslim Fulani terrorists. A new report from Nigeria details the latest ...

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Christians around world mobilizing to support Israel ahead of sovereignty declaration

Around the world, Christian heads of state and political leaders have signed letters expressing support for Israel as the nation prepares to once again establish sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria. ...

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Nobel Prize-winning scientist questions value of coronavirus lockdown


As local churches work to reopen, many people are questioning the value of the lockdown, which took a heavy toll on the economy. A Nobel Prize-winning scientist, who correctly predicted in the ...

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Matt Damon and the local non-profit he founded, push for clean water to fight Covid-19

Water is essential for proper sanitation, not only during the current pandemic but at any time. A nonprofit organization in Kansas City, co-founded by Matt Damon, is working hard to provide broader ...

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Middle East nations experiencing spike in domestic abuse during lockdown

abuse middle east

As billions of people around the world are told to stay safe at home, many are finding that home is not always a safe place. Middle East Christian satellite broadcaster SAT-7 said ...

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What you need to know about China’s cyber war with the U.S.

China’s Cyber War on America has been ceaseless, comprehensive and longstanding. In the past 15 years, China has hacked official government departments, defense contractors, utility companies, and U.S. and alliedintelligence agencies. The ...

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Trump sanctions and Israeli pressure causing Iran to leave Syria?

A combination of President Donald Trump’s sanctions on Iran, coupled with targeted strikes by Israel is apparently causing the Islamic regime to begin withdrawing from Syria. America’s and Israel’s arch-enemy in the ...

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Good neighbor: U.S. sending Russia 200 ventilators

It’s never a bad thing to be a “good neighbor.” That’s true for two houses separated by a picket fence as well as two nations. Living up to that mantra this week ...

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While Covid-19 grabs headlines, Malaria kills over 400,000 per year

Gospel for Asia has issued a Special Report on how the alarming increase of mosquito-blamed cases in the U.S. may awaken Westerners to the “deadly scourge” of malaria that still claims thousands ...

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Top Ukraine police official demands list of Jews

ukraine jews

A demand by a senior police officer in western Ukraine for a list of the names, addresses and phone numbers of local Jewish community members has been roundly condemned by Jewish leaders ...

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Facebook sparks controversy by naming Muslim Brotherhood activist to ‘oversight’ board

LONDON – The name of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Yemeni Nobel Prize winner Tawakkol Karman stood out as an odd addition to the oversight board of Facebook. The new oversight body includes four chairs: Former ...

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World uniting against Communist China over pandemic

china world

The world is uniting against China after diplomatic frustration and anger over the Communist regime’s secrecy, propaganda, misinformation and aggressive diplomacy reaches a boiling point. In recent weeks, Chinese diplomats have engaged ...

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Germany bans Hezbollah, raids mosques across country

Germany on Thursday completely banned Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah movement from carrying out activities on its soil, as police raided mosques and venues linked to the group. The action is another foreign  policy ...

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Lockdown in India: 1 billion people on edge of starvation

The world’s biggest coronavirus lockdown has been extended, leaving more than a billion people in India on the edge of survival amid fears of mass starvation, Gospel for Asia reported this week. ...

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Sen. Graham: North Korean leader dead or incapacitated

north korean

News from media outlets in Hong Kong and Japan are indicating North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is dead or incapacitated. South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who is privy to US ...

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Trump and Putin issue statement on Elbe River meeting of armies in WWII

elbe river

Seventy-five years after American and Soviet troops met on the Elbe River in Germany on their way to defeat Nazi Germany, U.S. President Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin issued a joint statement on Saturday ...

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