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Respect Life

Bridges across nation will sport pro-life signs June 28


Over 50 communities across the nation will make a pro-life statement for National Pro-Life Bridges Day make a Friday, June 28. Missouri cities participating include Jefferson City, St. Charles and Springfield. In ...

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Sen. Ben Sasse says Democrats ‘ridiculously extreme’ on abortion

United States Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) has called out Democrats from Senate floor for their increasingly extreme positions on abortion. The well-respected conservative legislator contrasted how far the Democratic Party has even ...

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No more abortions by Planned Parenthood in Missouri

The last abortion clinic in the state of Missouri has again lost its license and cannot perform the procedure. The current license for the abortion center expired Friday and the Missouri Department ...

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Liberal court unanimously rules on pro-life side


A surprise ruling from the nation’s most liberal federal appeals court was delivered today in favor of a Trump administration pro-life policy. The Protect Life Rule stops clinics from receiving federal funding ...

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Amendment needed in Kansas Constitution to regulate abortion

For 84 days in 2015, the state of Kansas led the nation by banning live dismemberment abortion, then a Judge found a new “right” in our Kansas Constitution, and ordered that live ...

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5 disturbing facts about Illinois abortion expansion

Illinois Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed an abortion bill into law on Wednesday that expands the state’s abortion rights in profound and disturbing ways. The new law strips all rights from unborn ...

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As some businesses rush to support abortion, Wendy’s raises funds for adoption

Planned Parenthood frequently purports to be about “choice,” but only if the choice involves abortion. Although in 2018, just .03% of their services included adoption referrals (and even this must be questioned, as the ...

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Missouri Secretary of State says abortion referendum effort is unlawful

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft has denied two pro-abortion referendum petitions today aimed at blocking sweeping pro-life legislation from becoming law. Ashcroft says the efforts are unconstitutional because part of the ...

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Trump pulls funding from gov’t scientists using aborted body parts

In yet another act solidifying its place as the most pro-life presidency in history, the Trump administration announced Wednesday that government scientists will no longer conduct research using elective aborted baby body ...

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NY Times dehumanizes unborn baby heartbeat

heartbeat texas supreme

When is a heartbeat not a heartbeat? Apparently not when it’s beating in an unborn child according to the New York Times. The liberal newspaper has single-handedly changed biological science in its ...

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Supreme Court rules in favor and against pre-born

The US Supreme Court has just upheld an Indiana law that requires abortion providers to treat pre-born babies in the same way adults and children are cared for in burial. The court has ...

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Conceived in rape, former Miss Pennsylvania shares why every human life deserves protection

When model, marketing consultant and former Miss Pennsylvania, Valerie Gatto, was in third grade, she found out the difficult truth that she had been conceived when her mother was a victim of ...

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Missouri Gov. signs bill that protects babies after 8 weeks

Governor Mike Parson has signed the “Missouri Stands For the Unborn Act,” bill. Pro-life organizations say this is groundbreaking legislation that will save lives and set the standard for pro-life legislation nationwide. ...

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NPR: Unborn babies are not ‘babies’

A supervising editor at National Public Radio has advised NPR staff that it is incorrect to use the word “baby” to refer to a child in the womb and warned against using ...

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Franklin Graham responds to Jim Carrey’s abortion art

In a recent tweet, actor Jim Carrey shared an image to his followers showing the head of Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey being sucked up into a tube as a gloved hand holds ...

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Rape, Incest and Abortion: searching beyond the myths 


“How can you deny an abortion to a twelve-year-old girl who is the victim of incest?” complains an indignant supporter of abortion. “And how can you call yourself a loving Christian if ...

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I was conceived in rape; I’m the 1% they exploit to justify 100% of abortions


Missouri. Iowa. Kentucky. Mississippi. Ohio. Georgia. Alabama. What do these states have in common? Courage and compassion. They’ve passed Heartbeat bills (Missouri and Louisiana are on their way), banning the brutal act ...

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Pro-life community steps in, saves woman taken off life support

A Texas woman who had her life-sustaining breathing assistance withdrawn by the doctors who were meant to be caring for her has been saved through an emergency hospital transfer. The transfer, which ...

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Family rushes to save mom after life support forcibly removed

A Texas woman who was forced off life support by her hospital has shocked doctors by continuing to breathe. Instead of giving needed treatments to improve her condition, other life-saving services have ...

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Missouri Senate votes to end most abortions after heartbeat detected

The Missouri Senate passed a bill early Thursday to protect babies from abortion after eight weeks of pregnancy. The Republican-led Senate approved the legislation 24-10. It needs at least another vote of approval in the House of Representatives before it can head to Republican Gov. Mike ...

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Alabama votes to protect babies from most abortions

The Alabama Senate voted 25-6 Tuesday that would make the state one of the most pro-life in the country. The bill would save babies at any stage of pregnancy.  It includes a ...

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Companies blocking pro-life billboard in Times Square

New York City and their billboard companies are apparently frightened by pictures of babies. That’s the assumption by pro-life leaders after Focus on the Family failed with three companies who have denied ...

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Kansas Senate overrides veto in stunning rebuke to governor

kansas senate

In a what is seen as a damaging rebuke to the abortion-at-any-cost policy of Gov. Laura Kelly, the Kansas Senate has overridden her veto. She had vetoed a bill last week that ...

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KS Supreme Court rules state constitution guarantees abortion

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The pro-life movement took a hit this week in Kansas as the Kansas Supreme Court ruled there is a right to abortion in the state constitution. The root of the decision involves ...

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Pro-life leaders call veto of abortion reversal info bill ‘hypocritical’

abortion reversal lockdowns sports kansas licenses

Kansas Democratic Governor Laura Kelly’s veto on Monday of an abortion reversal measure puts pro-abortion elected officials in a tight spot. The bill would have expanded resources given to women who have ...

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