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Trump more like Churchill than critics want to admit

British leader Winston Churchill, like President Donald Trump, had his critics and his foibles. It’s ironic and hypocritical that many on the left have been so desperate to criticize the President in ...

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Wrestling star Hulk Hogan encourages Christians to put quarantine to good use

The ongoing stay-at-home orders present a good opportunity for Christians to focus on strengthening their relationships with Christ, wrestling star Hulk Hogan said. “God has taken away everything we worship,” he wrote ...

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Bible sales surge during pandemic

More Americans appear to be turning to God’s word for comfort and direction during the coronavirus pandemic. Bible publishing companies report increased bible sales. Tyndale House Publishers reported increased sales during the ...

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The Easter Story – Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection

On this Easter Sunday, as Christians celebrate the Resurrection in their own homes, we take a look at the story of Easter from the Bible, including the Last Supper, Judas’ Betrayal, the ...

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Message to churches: Just streaming your service won’t cut it

With all of the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing churches and pastors can be sure about is that streaming an online service is simply not enough. As ministers of the ...

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Strong majority of surveyed pastors believe current events sign of second coming

second coming

Are current events lining up with what Jesus said would happen just before his second coming? That’s what the majority of pastors now say in a new poll from LifeWay Research. Over ...

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Print On Demand is revolutionizing Wycliffe and Bible distribution

print on demand

In many parts of the world, giving out Bibles will get you tortured – or worse. That’s also true for Wycliffe Bible translators working to give people a Bible in their own ...

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Local seminary president known for making Bible gender neutral, resigns over ‘ethical lapse’

seminary president

A local seminary president has resigned because of an unspecified “ethical Lapse.” Molly T. Marshall stepped down from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Shawnee on March 1. The resignation was announced publicly ...

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Expert: How churches can weather the coronavirus financial storm

churches coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic may have a severe impact on the finances of churches, ministries and nonprofit organizations. Phil Cooke, a Christian media consultant in Los Angeles, recently shared his advice on how ...

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19 suggestions for loving your neighbor

Many Christians are seeking the proper balance between staying safe and helping their neighbors. The National Christian Foundation offers 19 ideas for loving your neighbor during the pandemic. Shop locally: Call local businesses ...

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Here’s some good news: God still cares

good news pandemic

It’s easy to focus on what is wrong right now. Yet, God is not sitting on the sidelines. He is at work, as He always is, showing mercy and granting help. So, ...

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Free educational resources for homeschooling during crisis

With schools shut down, many parents are being thrust into the brave new world of homeschooling for the first time. Free help and resources are available from several Christian organizations. One company, ...

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Christianity brought the world justice and freedom

roman empire christianity world freedom

Many today would argue that Christianity has changed the world for the worse. In reality it introduced true justice and freedom. The “new atheists” don’t just see Christianity as wrong but evil. ...

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Senator shares encouraging scripture to calm virus fears      

Senator Josh Hawley, R-Mo., is using his daily Twitter messages to share scripture as well as updates on the virus threat the world faces. Earlier this week, he tweeted Joshua 1:9: “Be ...

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Traditional marriage Methodist churches may leave denomination

methodist churches

As the fallout continues over the issue of homosexuality in the United Methodist Church, a number of churches are considering starting a new denomination based on a traditional interpretation of scripture. A ...

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When your boy wants to identify as a girl

I have been writing this column since 2006 and there is one topic I have never written on – transgenderism. What do you do if your boy wants to identify as a girl? ...

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Episcopal Church disciplines Bishop for supporting Biblical marriage

The United States Episcopal Church is disciplining one of its bishops because he upholds the biblical position on sex and marriage. Bishop William Love, of Albany, has been accused of violating canon ...

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New prayer app on YouVersion Bible gets kudos

The popular YouVersion Bible app has expanded to include a prayer application, and more than one million people were added during the first week alone. “We’re blown away by the response we’ve ...

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What’s the best religious museum in America?


What’s the best religious museum in the nation? That question was posed to USA Today readers who responded by choosing the Ark Encounter. It comes just in time as families’ talk turns ...

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Support of same-sex marriage surges among mainline pastors

Almost one-half of pastors of mainline Protestant churches say they support same-sex marriage, according to a new survey from LifeWay Research. However, support remains low among evangelical pastors. The poll of 1,000 ...

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New research traces growth of Spirit-empowered Christianity


An in-depth study finds that Spirit-empowered Christianity is growing exponentially around the world and shows no signs of slowing. Oral Roberts University will hold an event on February 24 to release new ...

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Trail Life USA explains policies in light of Boy Scouts filing bankruptcy

boy scouts bankruptcy

A Christian youth organization has expressed its regret over this week’s news that the Boy Scouts of America has declared bankruptcy in the face of sex-abuse lawsuits. “Trail Life USA, a Christian ...

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Virtual reality being developed to spread the gospel

Virtual reality can entertain but can it effectively spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ? It can according to Cooke Media Group, winner of the NRB 2020 Media Award for Best Long-Form Video. ...

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Swarm of locusts devouring eastern Africa in Biblical proportion

The United Nations this week warned that a growing swarm of locusts puts hundreds of millions at risk of starvation across eastern and central Africa.  The swarm  passed through the Middle East ...

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SUN New Testament will allow millions worldwide to read the Bible

wycliffe deaf

Around the world, deaf individuals will now be able to read the New Testament thanks to a fantastic effort by Wycliffe Associates called SUN. Symbolic Universal Notation (SUN) is a written, concept-based ...

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