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Tag Archives: biden

‘Evangelicals for Biden’ having buyers remorse over abortion

A group that billed itself as “Evangelicals for Biden” is having buyer’s remorse. In spite of President Biden’s long history of support for abortion, the group had supported his candidacy. They now ...

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Top Republican leaders optimistic about taking back Congress in 2022

After a rocky start to the Biden administration, the Republican Party is optimistic about taking back both the House and Senate during the 2022 midterm elections. Former President Donald Trump pledged to ...

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How to find peace in a divided nation


As President Joe Biden begins his leadership of the United States, he has made calls for peace, reconciliation and unity in the nation.  Former President Donald Trump issued similar thoughts in some ...

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Migrants arrive at border with ‘Biden, Please let us in’ t-shirts

Who printed and paid for the t-shirts? That’s what many are asking after hundreds of migrants showed up at the southern U.S. border wearing shirts that read, “Biden, Please let us in.” ...

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MSNBC’s Joy Reid continues stoking racial division


Joy Reid, host of MSNBC’s The ReidOut, continues to stoke racial division even while her ratings nosedive. According to the latest numbers, The ReidOut has lost 20 percent of its viewers just ...

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Joe Biden has divided Catholics over his leftist agenda

biden catholics conscience

Catholics are divided in their response to President Joe Biden touting his loyalty to the church while enacting a radical agenda on abortion, religious freedom, and other issues. Unlike President John F. ...

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Biden voters much less likely to have biblical worldview, survey finds

biblical worldview

President Biden’s base of supporters is 60 percent less likely to hold a biblical worldview than other Americans. Although nearly two-thirds of those voters consider themselves to be Christian, many of their ...

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Justice Clarence Thomas concerned about mail-in ballot fraud


Although the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the way Pennsylvania conducted its presidential election because of the timing of the case, Justice Clarence Thomas expressed concern about the potential for fraud. ...

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Courts blocking Biden administration over unconstitutional acts

biden court

Court rulings blocking unconstitutional Biden adminsitration policies are ramping up. Thursday saw a U.S. District Court rule that Biden does not have the authority to issue a nationwide moratorium on evictions. Earlier ...

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State AGs respond to Biden cancelling sex offender crackdown

Across the nation, state Attorneys General are attempting to persade President Biden to reverse his decision to cancel Operation Talon, a nationwide operation to remove illegal immigrants who are convicted sex offenders. ...

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The U.N. confirms: The U.S. doesn’t need the Paris Climate Accords

The United Nations has released its Emissions Gap Report 2020, which gauges a country’s contribution to greenhouse gas and carbon emissions. The data has put President Joe Biden in an awkward position ...

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Biden reverses Trump ban on Communist influence on campuses

President Joe Biden has rescinded a Trump administration order that required universities in the U.S. to reveal their ties with a Communist organization. The move has human rights activists alarmed. President Trump ...

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After a month, Biden calls American ally Israel

It took a month but President Joe Biden has finally spoken to perhaps America’s most important ally – Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his American counterpart called him on Wednesday. The ...

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Kansas City Archbishop calls out President Biden for abortion policies

The pro-abortion policies of President Joe Biden are in direct opposition to Christian teachings, said Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, who also serves as chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic ...

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Biden proposes state travel ban while increasing migrant entries

President Joe Biden is being called out for hypocrisy after he floated a ban on Americans traveling to Florida and other states over Covid fears.  The suggestion comes as his administration prepares ...

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Biden notifies Congress he is defunding southern border wall

President Joe Biden has defunded work on the southern security wall with Mexico. He informed Congress Feb. 11 that he reversed President Donald Trump’s emergency declaration that funded construction of the wall. ...

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Biden administration will keep U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem

macarthur pray

In a surprise move, the Biden administration will keep the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. The announcement eases fears that the U.S. would abandon its most important ally in the Middle East. What’s ...

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Biden Administration flips on schools reopening

President Joe Biden’s promise to completely reopen schools during the first 100 days of his presidency has been considerably scaled back. The new plan is to reopen more than half of schools ...

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Kosovo recognizes Israel, will have embassy in Jerusalem

Kosovo has become the latest Muslim nation to officially established diplomatic ties with Israel. It marks yet another diplomatic achievement of the Trump administration coming weeks after Donald Trump left office. In ...

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Gun sales soaring in response to Biden Administration policy goals

If nothing else, the Biden Administration has been good for gun sales. “That’s undoubtedly connected to President Joe Biden’s plans to attack the firearm industry by undoing and rewriting regulations and executive ...

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Trump Administration officials nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for Mideast deals

Several Trump administration officials have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for helping negotiate normalization deals between Israel and Arab nations. Attorney Alan Dershowitz nominated former White House senior advisor Jared ...

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Federal mask mandate goes into effect today, with penalties

mask mandate jackson

A new national mask mandate put in place by the CDC goes into effect today. Requirements to wear a mask apply to individuals traveling on buses, subways, trains, planes, taxis, ferries and ...

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Coalition of state AGs to fight unconstitutional Biden acts

unconstitutional biden

Six state attorneys general have notified President Joe Biden that they would challenge any potentially unconstitutional executive actions or federal overreach. “We stand ready to meet with your administration to discuss more ...

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Biden Administration’s crackdown on religious liberty raises alarm

Christian leaders are bracing for religious liberty to be curtailed under President Joe Biden. “Early indications are troubling,” Professor Edward A. Morse, a member of the board of directors of the Thomas ...

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To Christians who voted for Biden: Did you not see this coming?

For the last four years, those of us who voted for Donald Trump and who identify as committed followers of Jesus have been asked incessantly, “How could you vote for him? If ...

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