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Tag Archives: christians

Christian starts bank to counter cancel culture threat to commerce

Nick Vujicic, a motivational speaker who traveled the world through his organization to speak to millions about his Christian faith, became a co-founder of a pro-life bank after he was kicked out ...

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What do leaked Facebook documents reveal about its response to sex trafficking?

facebook trafficking

Does Facebook allow sex trafficking organizations to use the site while banning Christians? It does says media critic Ted Baehr in an interview on CBN News. Baehr laid out the social media ...

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American, British bureaucracy is killing Afghan Christians

british afghan

In his speech to the U.K. parliament on Sept. 6, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson updated the House of Commons on efforts to evacuate British nationals, British forces and Afghan colleagues from ...

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For the Martyrs plans march in Washington to call attention to persecuted Christians

For the Martyrs

Christians under Taliban rule in Afghanistan are among more than 340 million people around the world suffering persecution for practicing their Christian faith. The annual March for the Martyrs will take place ...

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Sam Brownback joins Open Doors USA to combat Christian persecution

brownback open doors

Sam Brownback, former Ambassador for International Religious Freedom under President Donald Trump, has joined Open Doors USA as a senior fellow. “Open Doors USA is a leading global advocate for Christians and ...

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Glenn Beck helps evacuate more than 5,000 people from Afghanistan

beck afghanistan

Conservative talk show host Glenn Beck is putting his money where his mouth is. His organization the Nazarene Fund has rescued 5,100 Christians and other at-risk people from Afghanistan after the Taliban ...

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Organizations urgently call Christians to pray for Afghanistan

International Christian Concern and Gospel for Asia are among groups calling followers of Christ to urgently pray for Afghanistan and especially its underground Christians. The plea comes as almost 300,000 Afghan refugees ...

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Tim Tebow teams with Samaritan’s Purse to help Afghans

tebow purse

Samaritan’s Purse has partnered with Tim Tebow to bring aid to Afghans fleeing the Taliban. The effort is ramping up as more than 300,000 people are said to be on the move ...

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In Moscow, Idaho, ‘Christian Reconstructionists’ thrive amid Evangelical turmoil

evangelical idaho

Evangelical groups in the U.S. are facing dwindling numbers. And a messy cultural fight over the direction of the movement might serve to drive further defections. But while some of the largest Protestant denominations in ...

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Afghan Christians being “hunted like animals,” urgent prayer needed

International Christian Concern, which monitors persecution around the world, is pleading with Christians to pray for Afghan believers.  They face persecution and death in the face of the Taliban’s takeover of the ...

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Media ministry SAT-7 reaches out to Christians trapped in Afghanistan

sat-7 afghanistan

The Middle Eastern media ministry SAT-7 is providing a lifeline for isolated Christians in Afghanistan as the resurgent Taliban go door-to-door, executing believers who refuse to renounce their faith. “We’re hearing from ...

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Israel concerned about repercussions of United States abandoning Afghanistan

Officials in Israel are concerned about the chaos following the hasty and chaotic U.S. retreat from Afghanistan. “The message being that America is withdrawing, that America is abandoning its allies, that America ...

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Christians under threat as U.S. flees Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

afghanistan taliban

As a humanitarian crisis explodes in Afghanistan while the United States makes a hasty retreat from the Taliban, the White House remains virtually silent. The country’s Christians are also silent because they’re ...

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Support for vaccination increasing significantly among white evangelicals

evangelicals vaccination

White evangelicals now are much more accepting of COVID-19 vaccination than they were in March, a new survey found. The survey of 5,123 adults by the Public Religion Research Institute and the Interfaith Youth ...

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Census data point to rebound in number of two-parent families

The traditional two-parent family is making a comeback, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. In the mid-2000’s, only about two-thirds of families included both mother and father in the home, ...

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders encourages Christians to prayerfully consider COVID-19 vaccinations

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former press secretary to President Trump and current gubernatorial candidate in Arkansas, said she was vaccinated against COVID-19 and encourages others to consider doing the same. In an op-ed ...

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International summit on religious freedom brings together diverse speakers

Sam Brownback concluded a conference on international religious freedom in the nation’s capital on July 15, after bringing together an array of faith and political leaders with the goal of tackling discrimination ...

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Survey finds that decline in white Christians has slowed

The decline in the numbers of white Christians appears to have slowed, according to the 2020 Census of Religion by the Public Religion Research Institute. The survey also looked at data for ...

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First Christians in Iran sentenced under brutal new law

Morning Star News reports the first Christians to be punished under a newly amended law in Iran aimed at halting the growth of Christianity and other religious groups were sentenced to five years ...

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New documentary says Canadian church crackdown similar to China

canadian china

A new documentary claims that the crackdown on churches by the Canadian government resembles communist China. “The Government War on Worship,” which was released by the Calgary-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, ...

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Presbyterian Church (USA) is latest denomination to report losing membership, congregations

The Presbyterian Church (USA) is the latest denomination to report troubling membership losses. The PCUSA lost approximately 56,000 active members and closed more than 100 congregations in 2020, according to a recent ...

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Watch and Pray: South Sudan

In this installment of “Watch and Pray” we look at South Sudan. column. No one can know for sure the total number of letters written by the Apostle Paul, likely in the ...

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China releases new app for users to report ‘mistaken opinion’ of others

It’s getting so bad in China, some people may think it’s Silicon Valley. That’s the joke on social media over reports of the Communist regime’s new app for reporting the “mistaken opinion” ...

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Three reasons your church should be praying for Africa and Mozambique

Metro Voice is launching a new “Watch and Pray” column. The goal is to live out the biblical imperative. This week we focus on Africa and Mozambique. 1. We underestimate the power ...

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Christians gathered to pray arrested in Eritrea

eritrea christians

Christians gathering to pray in Eritrea are being arrested. Two prayer meetings were recently raided by soldiers in the African nation leading to the arrest of 35 individuals – many of them ...

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