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Tag Archives: christians

Pro-life Democrats rally to protect Hyde Amendment

Pro-life Democrats rallied on Capitol Hill on Sunday to protest other Democrats’ threats to ditch the Hyde Amendment which bans the use of tax dollars to fund overseas abortion. Democrats for Life ...

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China now terrorizing social groups focused on Christian service

China is ramping up its effort to wipe out house churches, the only place some say independent Christianity exists in the Communist country. The new campaign focuses on new restrictions on para-church ...

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How CUFI has awakened the ‘sleeping giant’ of Christian Zionism


This year, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), one of the most powerful voices for Israel in the United States, marked its 15th anniversary. “We could never have imagined CUFI would achieve so ...

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‘Great damage to the church’ says Sean Feucht about ‘Equality Act’

feucht equality

Worship leader Sean Feucht is encouraging Christians to draw a line in the sand against the Equality Act, which passed the U.S. House last week and now moves to the Senate for ...

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Hallmark Channel reaffirms commitment to including LGBTQ characters in programs

hallmark lgbtq

The Hallmark Channel is just one network that has been targeted by the LGBTQ community to add more diverse characters in programming. The company says it is already doing so with that ...

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The embattled Christians of Nigeria: can 2021 get worse?

It was an occasion for joy and celebration when the threat of terrorist attack and Covid could be forgotten for a little while. Christians gathered in the village of Kukum Daji in ...

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Group pleads with Biden to stop Chinese genocide against Uyghur minority


A Uyghur group protesting Chinese treatment of minority religious populations is calling on President Joe Biden to act upon the Trump administration’s “genocide” designation against China.  The East Turkistan National Awakening Movement ...

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750 Christians killed at Ethiopian church that is said to house Ark of the Covenant

One of the largest mass killings of Christians in Africa is being reported. The massacre of 750 people occurred at the Ethiopian Maryam Tsiyon Church in Aksum. The church, which for 100 ...

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340,000,000 Christians now persecuted worldwide

Every day around the world, 13 Christians are killed for their faith; 12 are illegally arrested or imprisoned; 5 are abducted; and 12 churches or other Christian buildings are attacked worldwide. These ...

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Release International expects increase in persecution of Christians in 2021

Release International, which supports persecuted Christians around the world, expects increased persecution in many nations in the coming year. The assessment comes after a review of 2020 and new policies put into ...

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Christian leaders agree lawsuits between believers should be avoided

Although 82 percent of evangelical leaders said that 1 Corinthians 6:1–8 does not forbid all civil lawsuits between Christians, they also indicated that lawsuits should not be the typical way a Christian ...

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China and its ‘tainted’ cotton picked by persecuted religious minorities

china cotton

China is forcing hundreds of thousands of Uighurs, Christians and other minorities into hard, manual labor in the vast cotton fields of its western region of Xinjiang, according to new research seen ...

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Corrie ten Boom honored by Jewish community

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Why Corrie ten Boom is important to the Jewish and Christian communities. In Jewish culture, we believe that only very few, the most virtuous of all, have the distinction of passing through ...

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‘I am Israel’ available for free for churches and small groups

i am israel

A ground-breaking short film, I Am Israel, is receiving praise in over 10,000 church congregations around the world. The movie is now being made available for viewing by groups or churches for ...

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Christian music icon John Michael Talbot says keep your eyes on Jesus during the storm


Acclaimed musician John Michael Talbot has advice for Christians as they process the results of the recent elections. “Don’t be overly exhilarated if your candidate wins, and don’t be overly depressed if ...

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Bible translator tortured, murdered in Indonesia

indonesia translator

A new report has revealed the horrific story of a Bible translator being tortured and murdered in Indonesia. The killing was at the hands of a military officer. On Monday, Indonesia’s human ...

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China’s crackdown on religion worst since millions murdered in Cultural Revolution of 60s

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is cracking down on Christians and other religious minorities at a rate not seen since the cultural revolution. That was the assessment of a panel hosted by ...

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Dr. James Dobson: The election isn’t about you

dobson election

Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, has released a letter about the election to his millions of listeners and fans of his books. Dear reader, This will be my ...

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Essential Oils – God’s Gifts Of The Earth

Welcome to Essential Oils and the Bible, a mini journey of exploration about these ancient oils and their application today! It is said that Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts revealed that priests ...

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Israel Allies Foundation recognizes top 50 Christian allies


Franklin Graham, Michelle Bachman and John Hagee are among “Israel’s Top 50 Christian Allies” as selected by the Israel Allies Foundation. The list highlights pastors, business leaders and politicians who have “conveyed ...

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Here’s how evangelical and other voters faith are lining up this year

President Trump’s lead among evangelical voters is larger than it was in 2016, according to a recent survey from LifeWay Research. The news comes as some pundits say the Democrat effort to ...

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Jim Caviezel’s ‘Infidel’ is an honest look at dying for one’s faith


Inspired by a true story, the new movie Infidel begins in Iran, with a man on the brink of being executed. As the trigger is pulled, he closes his eyes and there’s ...

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Mike Pompeo tells Christians to remain diligent in prayer

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo encourages Christians to focus on their faith and remain diligent in prayer. “We should be mindful of our responsibility, our duty, our obligation and our capacity to ...

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Liberal Christian group releases pro-Biden poll but ignores real news

As many as 11 percent of Evangelical and Catholic voters in swing states could switch from voting for President Trump to Joe Biden, according to a poll by Vote Common Good, a ...

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One in five evangelicals believe gender identity is a choice

Evangelicals who believe in biblical teaching about gender may have their work cut out for them. A recent survey from Ligonier Ministries shows that 22 percent of U.S. evangelical Christians agree with ...

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