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Tag Archives: covid19

Here’s what the church may look like when pandemic ends

From virtual services to community outreaches, the pandemic has led to major changes for most churches. Media consultant Phil Cooke looks ahead to what the church might look like after the pandemic. ...

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New Johnson & Johnson vaccine morally compromised, say Christian bioethecists

johnson & johnson

As the CDC and media herald the arrival of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, bioethics groups say it has ethical issues. The National Catholic Bioethics Center and the United States Conference ...

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Johns Hopkins professor: Covid herd immunity by April

johns hopkins

The coronavirus will be “mostly gone” by April, according to a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Professor Martin Makary, who also teaches at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, says ...

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New Arkansas law protects churches from arbitrary Covid lockdowns

arkansas churches overtime

While other states fight in court for religious freedom during the pandemic, Arkansas is taking the lead in protecting churches. A bill that limits the governor’s power to close churches and that ...

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Churches modifying Ash Wednesday practices over Covid

The pandemic is complicating plans to mark Ash Wednesday, which will start the Lenten season on Wednesday, February 17. The solemn day — officially known as the Day of Ashes — is ...

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Biden proposes state travel ban while increasing migrant entries

President Joe Biden is being called out for hypocrisy after he floated a ban on Americans traveling to Florida and other states over Covid fears.  The suggestion comes as his administration prepares ...

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Biden Administration flips on schools reopening

President Joe Biden’s promise to completely reopen schools during the first 100 days of his presidency has been considerably scaled back. The new plan is to reopen more than half of schools ...

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Organization shares tips for celebrating National Marriage Week

National Marriage Week will be observed this week despite the ongoing pandemic. National Marriage Week USA has released a new COVID guide and called for organizations across the United States to provide online marriage-strengthening activities ...

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Supreme Court strikes down California church closures

Embattled California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Saturday was forced to revise guidelines for indoor church services after the U.S. Supreme Court slapped down his ban on indoor worship. The new state guidelines ...

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In Philadelphia, a scandal over vaccinations led by 22-year-old

It started as a group of college friends who wanted to help during the pandemic. They had tech skills, so they used 3D printers to make face shields. Then they organized as ...

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Scotland faces legal action from Christian leaders after all public worship banned

Spiritual leaders across Scotland are suing the government after the Scottish Minister closed churches and outlawed all public worship. Christian Legal Centre represents the 27 church leaders from a wide range of ...

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Health officials warn of vaccination-related scams

New scams related to COVID-19 vaccinations are spreading across the nation. Missouri health officials are joining other states in listing precautions. “Health departments. are not going to be asking people for their ...

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Poll: Pandemic strengthened faith, family ties of many

Amid the negative news, is there a family silver lining to the ongoing pandemic? Yes, according to a new poll from the Pew Research Center. The poll found that 28 percent of ...

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Missouri jobs struggle with continued lockdowns

The Missouri unemployment rate increased substantially in December, still is showing the effects of lockdowns and decreased economic activity. The seasonally adjusted employment rate increased for the month by 10,400 jobs. The ...

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Cass County counters KC mayor, offers to host Chiefs parade

cass parade

Bob Huston has a solution to Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas banning a Chiefs parade. Hold it in Cass County, Missouri. Huston, who serves as Cass Presiding Commissioner, made the suggestion in ...

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Jewish groups rebuke Rashida Tlaib for calling Israel racist over vaccinations

Jewish organizations are criticizing Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan for calling Israel a racist state that deprived her grandmother of the COVID-19 vaccination. “I think it’s really important to understand Israel ...

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Lockdowns causing drug addictions and deaths to skyrocket

navajo nation

The lockdowns imposed by governments in many parts of the country are taking a toll on recovering addicts and even creating more addictions. Many are struggling even more now because of boredom, ...

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Christian persecution up as governments, extremists leverage Covid restrictions

covid persecution

Violence, discrimination and oppression surged against the world’s Christians in 2020 according to research by Open Doors USA. Their latest report on persecution lists underlying reasons including the Covid restrictions, more and ...

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Parents challenge vaccine requirements on religious grounds

While surveys show that 40% of Americans say they may not take the COVID vaccine, parents in Missouri are challenging the state’s mandatory vaccination policy in court. In presentations before a judge ...

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Kansas City extends and revises COVID-19 restrictions

Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas has extended the city’s state of emergency and updated its restrictions and safety guidelines. The Covid state of emergency will now continue until May 1.  The news ...

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Metro counties in first phase of vaccinations

Jackson County Missouri and Johnson County Kansas are beginning COVID-19 vaccinations this week. There is no list for the general public to sign up for the vaccine, regardless of the age or ...

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Presidential inauguration will proceed, Sen. Roy Blunt says

The presidential inauguration will go on as planned despite covid and last week’s riot at the U.S. Capitol, Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt said. “We will be outside, and just as it was ...

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Palestinian Authority quietly gets vaccine from Israel: report

palestinian vaccine martyrs

While publicly the Palestinian Authority is at verbal war with Israel, privately they’re asking for Covid help. It was revealed this week that the PA secretly asked for and received the COVID-19 ...

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New Missouri House speaker prioritizes education, adoption

missouri education

Newly elected Missouri House Speaker Rob Vescovo, a Republican from Arnold, made education a top priority in his address to members on Wednesday. “As a student who struggled, I believe I do ...

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Pro-life group looks at fetal tissue origins of COVID-19 vaccines

As the approval of three COVID-19 vaccines draws closer, many Christians are asking questions about pro-life implications. Many say that a vaccine that was developed and tested using fetal tissue derived from ...

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