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Tag Archives: freedom

How much do you know about Memorial Day?

about memorial day

How much do you know about Memorial Day? As we ponder the selfless sacrifice of the men and women of our armed forces, we hope that you will join us in reflecting ...

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Missouri homeschoolers may get more access to public schools

missouri public

Missouri state Sen. Ben Brown of Washington has pre-filed a bill that would allow homeschooled students to participate in public school activities. It has been coupled with provisions rolling back state oversight ...

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Popularity of homeschooling surging in surprising places

homeschooling surprising

It’s no surprise that homeschooling has become increasingly popular since the pandemic. What is surprising is that it is growing even in large cities and among a range of political ideologies. “The ...

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India officially targeting Christian believers, ministries

According to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, conditions for Christians and Christian ministries in India have worsened over the last several years. It recommends the United States designate India ...

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Biden administration ignoring religious freedom, Oklahoma senator says

The Biden administration is failing to enforce basic protections of religious liberty, said Sen. James Lankford. An Oklahoma Republican, the state’s senior senator is making religious freedom the pillar of his political ...

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End-times author cautious about future uses of artificial intelligence

The growth of artificial intelligence may be a double-edged sword for Christians, end-times author Jeff Kinley said. “One of the biggest concerns is that it replaces human intelligence,” he says “We are ...

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Republican senators seek to protect rights of religious groups on college campuses

Senate Republicans have introduced legislation that would stop the Biden administration from removing protection for religious groups on college campuses. The Trump administration introduced the Religious Liberty and Free Inquiry Rule to ensure that ...

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Easter Eggs help Ukrainian women reclaim religious freedom

ukrainian eggs

Pysanka, or Ukrainian Easter eggs, are those distinct and intricately flourished orbs painted in crimsons and cobalts, with symbols of flowers, chickens, deer and other organic indicators of the rebirth of spring. ...

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Why you should be concerned by Biden’s digital currency plan

Digital currency

President Joe Biden signed an order on March 9, directing the Treasury Department, Office of the Attorney General and Federal Reserve to work together to produce a “legislative proposal” to create a ...

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At CPAC, Missouri Senator warns of government overreach

Sen. Eric Schmitt is warning that the United States is at a crossroads and that government overreach and media control represent the biggest threats to Americans’ freedoms. The Missouri Republican made the ...

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Missouri ranks 17th, Kansas 36th in education freedom, Heritage Foundation report finds

missouri heritage residents

Missouri ranks No. 17 in the nation in overall education freedom, according to a new report from The Heritage Foundation. The state is in the top 10 in school choice, regulation and ...

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Entire church congregation remains in limbo after fleeing Hong Kong

A congregation of Christians continues to seek asylum after fleeing Hong Kong.  The group remains in Thailand asking the United Nations refugee agency for protection from religious persecution at the hand of ...

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Why should we all truly love America?

America, I love you! Economically resilient, stubbornly optimistic, miraculously birthed, divinely blessed, statistically exceptional America. Historically flawed?  Sure.  What country isn’t?  But I love America! And so should you. Merta (not her ...

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3 real-life inspirations for George Orwell’s 1984

George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four is widely regarded as one of the greatest novels of the 20th century. British literary critic V. S. Pritchett could have been speaking for many in his review for ...

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Iranian Christian explains the plight of women

iranian women

Iranians have recently been shocked by the news of two “honor killings” of women, including one woman believed to have been killed for her faith in Christ. Iranian Christian Omeed Jouyandé discusses ...

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Case of praying coach could be decided soon by Supreme Court

praying coach

While attention is on attacks and threats against the U.S. Supreme Court over a possible decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade, another decision could come within weeks and it involves a ...

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Truckers I-70 Corridor Freedom Convoy passes through Topeka & KC today


The American version of Canada’s truck convoy includes routes from all over the country converging on Washington D.C. One of those routes, called American Freedom Convoy, has departed from Aurora, Colorado and ...

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Words of Washington, Lincoln still ring true

washington lincoln

President’s Day may have been overshadowed by news from Ukraine but the words of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln remain inspiring amid growing uncertainty. Presidential historian Craig Shirley, author of a new book, ...

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Canadian truckers gain nationwide support against mandates as major crossing shuts down

As protests in Canada gain support across that country, truckers have forced one of the busiest crossing points between Canada and the United States to shut down. The Canada Border Services Agency ...

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Marines become first military branch to get religious exemptions

The Pentagon has finally begun to grant religious exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The U.S. Marines approved several requests in the last week. The news comes as the Armed Services have ...

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Russia evacuates citizens from Kazakhstan as it sends in “peacekeepers’

Russia may be preparing to invade Kazakhstan after its military forces evacuated more than 1,400 of its citizens from the country over the weekend. The move comes as political unrest continues to ...

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Employee group sues United Airlines over vaccination religious exemption policies

The friendly skies are not so friendly to thousands of employees who risk losing their jobs by seeking religious exemptions to United Airlines vaccination mandates. “Any pilot or any employee that all ...

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Marking Christmas, Israeli Christians are ‘thriving’ while Middle Eastern brethren face persecution

While Christians are facing persecution and shrinking numbers throughout the Middle East, Israeli Christians are facing a different reality with growing numbers and high quality of life. The number of Christians in ...

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Coach sues after he was fired for replacing BLM poster with one about Jesus caring for all lives

coach poster

A former college coach has filed a lawsuit saying his First Amendment rights were violated when he was fired for removing a BLM poster from his office door at Illinois State University. ...

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Survey: More people support religious freedom after divisive year

Religious organizations are finding it more difficult to serve their communities because of new policies initiated by the federal government.  It comes as a new survey finds that Americans’ support for religious ...

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