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Tag Archives: hamas

Dozens injured Thursday in Palestinian attacks on Isarelis

Security forces have arrested the Palestinian man responsible for injuring 12 soldiers when he rammed his car into them early Thursday morning outside First Station. The attacks on Israelis some just a ...

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World leaders in Jerusalem today to remember Holocaust

The world’s attention will be in Jerusalem Wednesday and Thursday as world leaders and heads of state from around the globe gather are to mark and participate in ceremonies commemorating the 75th ...

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Israel has developed Star Wars laser technology to combat missile threat

Israel receives billions in U.S. aid each year and while some call for it to be ended, the investment is making both Israel and America safer. Now, Israel’s Defense Ministry has revealed ...

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At UN, Israeli mother pleas for return of son’s remains held by Hamas

Leah Goldin, the mother of Israeli soldier Hadar Goldin whose remains are being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, addressed the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday. In her ...

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Omar, Tlaib banned from Israel over BDS support

Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), the radical US Congresswomen who have both been accused of making antisemitic statements, are being banned from entering Israel over their support for an ...

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Congresswoman Omar’s Israel visit may be blocked over radicalism

Anti-Semitic US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) is not welcome in Israeli if the organization Shurat HaDin is successful in attempts to block her from visiting the country. Omar has made several vocal ...

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Artists descend on Israel to turn bomb shelters into art

SDEROT, Israel – When the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement started creeping into the world of street art, one group of renowned artists decided to speak out in their own ...

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‘Peace to Prosperity’ plan for Israel, Palestinians to be announced

Attempting to succeed where others have failed, the Trump administration will unveil its peace plan for Israel and the Palestinian people during an international conference in Bahrain in June, the White House ...

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Dem candidates silent about terrorist rockets fired into Israel

The silence is deafening. That’s the conclusion of a report studying the response of the leading 2020 Democratic candidates and their reaction to a barrage of nearly 700 rockets fired by Hamas ...

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New Congresswomen defends terrorists for rocket attack on Israel

While terrorists in Gaza rained down hundreds of rockets on Israeli civilians over the weekend, freshmen congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) spoke out in defense of Hamas and Palestinian ...

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Gaza threatens Israel ahead of Eurovision singing event in Tel Aviv

Gaza’s Hamas terrorist regime has threatened to ramp up attacks on Israel. The threat comes as Israel will host the huge Eurovision singing competition in two weeks. Palestinian factions in Gaza have ...

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ACLU sues Texas over pro-Israel commerce law

Texas is being sued by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) over a state law requiring contractors to certify that they do not participate in a boycott of Israel. In 2017, Gov. ...

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UN votes to support Hamas terrorism

The United Nations General Assembly acted in a way that supports terrorism Thursday as it voted down a US-sponsored draft resolution that would have condemned the terror group Hamas for the first ...

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US pushes for UN to condemn Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel

U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley is set to confront the anti-Semitism of the U.N. General Assembly again today as it votes on a United States-sponsored resolution that condemns Gaza’s ruling Hamas terror organization ...

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Cancer patient enlisted by Hamas for attacks


The terrorist group Hamas is utilizing the ability of cancer patients to travel to Israel for treatments to transmit messages between the novice terrorists and their handlers in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s ...

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Hamas fires over 400 missiles into Israel

JERUSALEM, Israel – More than 400 missiles have been fired into Israel from Hamas-controlled Gaza yesterday and overnight. It was the largest attack on Israel by missiles in one day ever. Israeli ...

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US is cutting funding to UN for Palestinians

With increasing radicalism within the Palestinian government, the Trump administration will cut all US funding to the United Nation’s aid program for Palestinian refugees, according to a report from Foreign Policy. The newspaper ...

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180 missiles fired at Israel from Gaza overnight

More than 180 missiles were fired from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel overnight, injuring nearly twenty people including a woman who remains in critical condition. Sirens began blaring across Israeli communities ...

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Hamas forced into cease fire after Israeli response to rockets

Gaza’s terrorist Hamas rulers said Saturday they had accepted a cease-fire ending a massive Israeli onslaught on militant positions after an Israeli soldier was shot dead. The concession by Hamas, which has ...

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Israeli Kindergarten targeted with mortars by Hamas-controlled Gaza

An Israeli Kindergarten has come under attack from mortar shells fired by Hamas from the Palestinian-controlled Gaza strip. The latest incident of attacks on Israel was not widely reported in the media ...

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Oops. Hamas leader admits most killed were terrorists


If the public’s distrust of mainstream media reporting couldn’t get any worse, it just did after reports about Hamas in Gaza. Monday’s coverage of Israel’s 70th birthday as a nation and the ...

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