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Tag Archives: iranian

Muslim convert urges churches to evangelize their local Islamic communities

islamic muslim

Churches need to do more to evangelize the growing U.S. Islamic population, a Muslim Somalian refugee who became a Christian missionary says. “We take our personal discipleship and personal growth very seriously, ...

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Iranian president, foreign minister dead in helicopter crash

Iranian president

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash in the country’s northwestern East Azerbaijan province on Sunday, Iranian state media confirmed on Monday morning. Raisi was a fanatical hardliner responsible for ...

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Iran arrests more than 50 new Christian converts

iran christian converts

More than 50 Christian converts have been arrested over the past week in a series of raids by Iranian state security services. This wave of arrests and arbitrary detentions within the Christian ...

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Israeli music video becomes anthem for Iranian women

Iranian protests continue with millions of women, men and teenagers protesting the brutal regime that dictates most aspects of life. Now, a music video originating from the Iranian regime‘s arch-enemy, Israel, has ...

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Iranian Christian explains the plight of women

iranian women

Iranians have recently been shocked by the news of two “honor killings” of women, including one woman believed to have been killed for her faith in Christ. Iranian Christian Omeed Jouyandé discusses ...

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Israel considers airstrike on Iranian nuclear facilities

Israel takes the threat of a nuclear Iran seriously and is considering an attack on the nation’s nuclear facilities. Aviv Kohavi, Israel Defense Forces chief of staff, on Tuesday told the Knesset’s ...

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First Christians in Iran sentenced under brutal new law

Morning Star News reports the first Christians to be punished under a newly amended law in Iran aimed at halting the growth of Christianity and other religious groups were sentenced to five years ...

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Republicans call Kerry security leaks to Iran ‘disgusting,’ ‘criminal’

More Republicans are calling for the resignation of John Kerry, the Biden administration’s climate czar. In an explosive report published over the weekend, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif revealed Kerry had ...

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‘Jesus the game changer’ – Amazing testimonies of changed lives

game changer

“Jesus the Game changer: To the Ends of the Earth” is the title of the second series of an award-winning documentary by Olive Tree Media. It examines how the Gospel has traveled ...

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Upheaval in Iran as youth turn away from Islam

Iran is undergoing seismic shifts as the young turn towards the west and away from radical Islam. A first-of-its-kind survey reveals those changing attitudes toward religious beliefs and their authoritarian Islamic government. ...

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Ultra-Orthodox Jews and Israel’s future survival

For Israel, a clash of cultures involving ultra-Orthodox Jews and the less religious threatens society. Following the signing of agreements at the White House normalizing relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates ...

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Oops. Iran accidentally sinks its replica of US aircraft carrier

aircraft carrier

In yet another embarrassing episode for Iran, the replica a U.S. aircraft carrier it built to intimidate President Donald Trump has backfired in a big way. The Iranian regime is being mocked ...

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Iranian Christian faces deportation back to Iran after failing Bible quiz

iranian deportation

After missing several questions on a Bible quiz administered by a British judge, an Iranian Christian faces deportation and possible torture. The 38-year-old Christian convert’s appeal was earlier rejected because he wasn’t ...

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Clampdown on Iranian Christians grows during pro-democracy protests

Growing protests inside Iran have the Islamic regime stepping up pressure against Christians. The fear of Iranian officials, say experts, is that calls for democracy will lead to the expansion of the ...

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UK, France and Germany change tune, now backing Trump on Iranian sanctions


The United Kingdom, Germany and France have announced today they’re fed-up with Iranian violations of the 2015 nuclear deal and put the blame solely on the Iranian regime. That’s contrary to American ...

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Drone attack takes out half of Saudi oil production

Smoke is still blackening the skies over large areas of Saudi Arabia Sunday morning after an attack by  Iranian drones operated by rebels in Yemen on Saturday. The attack and resulting fires ...

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Contrary to media reports, California shooter may not have been a ‘supremacist’

Media reports on the motivation of the California festival shooter that also describe the suspect as a white supremacist are being contradicted by others who viewed his social media posts. The 19-year-old suspect, ...

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Iranian intelligence agents arrest 8 Christians


News has emerged from Iran that Eight Iranian converts to Christianity, including five from one family, were arrested at their homes. The coordinated operation was carried out by Ministry of Intelligence agents ...

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Brit official says Christianity Is violent, blocks Iranian Christian from asylum

An Iranian Christian was denied asylum in Great Britain after a government official in the Home Office used the Bible to argue that Christianity was violent, denying the refugee’s request. The man wrote ...

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Imprisoned Iranian Christians refuse to renounce faith

Two Iranian Christians at their final appeal hearing were ordered by a court to renounce their Christian faith to gain their freedom but they refused to do so. Christian Solidarity Worldwide said the ...

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Iranian who fled persecution raises $1 million for synagogue

A man who fled political persecution in Iran and now lives in the US is about to donate $1 million to the victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, ...

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