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Tag Archives: religious

Persecution of Christians in West on the rise, watchdog leader says

christians west

Persecution of Christians in the United States and throughout the West is on the rise, according to Jeff King, president of International Christian Concern in Washington. “Basically, we are frogs in the ...

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Can we cultivate civility? Braver Angels aims at depolarization

Braver Angels aims to help regular people “disagree better.” It’s no secret that we live in a polarized world. Even if you ignore politics (good luck trying that), you’d also have to ...

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U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear Missouri case about religious exclusion from juries

supreme missouri

In a case from Missouri, the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this week declined to decide if jurors can be excluded on the basis of religion. The case involved a state agency’s attempt ...

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India officially targeting Christian believers, ministries

According to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, conditions for Christians and Christian ministries in India have worsened over the last several years. It recommends the United States designate India ...

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Heaven is just a “fantasy,” says actor Arnold Schwarzenegger


Life after death is just a fantasy, actor and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently said. Responding to a question from fellow actor Danny DeVito about whether he believes humanity will endure, ...

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Republican senators seek to protect rights of religious groups on college campuses

Senate Republicans have introduced legislation that would stop the Biden administration from removing protection for religious groups on college campuses. The Trump administration introduced the Religious Liberty and Free Inquiry Rule to ensure that ...

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Biden wants to end protection for religious students on college campuses

The Biden administration is rescinding a Trump-era rule that withheld federal funding if schools restricted the speech of religious student groups. The Department of Education (DOE) announced action on Tuesday, opening the ...

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Rise of the ‘nons’ is shaking the American religious landscape


“The two biggest stories in American religion are the nones and the nons,” premier numbers guy Ryan Burge told Christianity Today. Nones, so prominent in the media this past decade, are those ...

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Study confirms stereotypes, bias against against Christians working in science

christians science

Secular individuals regularly stereotype and hold a bias against Christians working in scientific fields because they believe religion and science are in conflict, according to research by the University of Ohio. The ...

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Biden speaks at National Prayer Breakfast that is under new leadership

President Joe Biden spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday which is no longer overseen by a religious organization. The National Prayer Breakfast Foundation, headed by former Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor ...

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University of Idaho must pay Christian students over censored speech

idaho speech

Christian students and a faculty member have settled a lawsuit against the University of Idaho that limited their freedom of religious speech. The lawsuit, filed by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorneys in April, ...

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U.S. criticized for leaving Nigeria, India off religious persecution list

nigeria india

A government watchdog group is disappointed that the U.S. State Department left Nigeria and India off its annual list of countries where religious freedom violations are most concerning, despite pleas from advocacy ...

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PayPal stocks plunge after saying it will fine ‘misinformation’

paypal misinformation

Share prices for PayPal dropped more than 5% on Monday morning after a report from The Daily Wire highlighted the firm’s attempt to fine users $2,500 for spreading “misinformation” through the platform. The financial services ...

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Supreme Court rules Jewish college must accept gay activist campus group

supreme roe jeshiva

Yeshiva University, a Jewish college in New York, must accept a gay group on campus and exhaust all of its state legal options before the U.S. Supreme Court will hear its case. ...

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University of Oregon apologizes for anti-Mormon chants while mainstream media ignore story

oregon mormon

Leaders at the University of Oregon have apologized for anti-Mormon chants during a game against Brigham Young University on Saturday. Utah Gov. Spencer Cox shared a video of fans chanting on his ...

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Entire church congregation remains in limbo after fleeing Hong Kong

A congregation of Christians continues to seek asylum after fleeing Hong Kong.  The group remains in Thailand asking the United Nations refugee agency for protection from religious persecution at the hand of ...

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Case of praying coach could be decided soon by Supreme Court

praying coach

While attention is on attacks and threats against the U.S. Supreme Court over a possible decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade, another decision could come within weeks and it involves a ...

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Biden to overturn Trump conscience clause on abortions

Bowing to pressure from pro-abortion groups, the Biden administration is ending the Trump administration’s religious conscience rule over the abortion issue. The rule, which had been heralded by religious liberty advocates and ...

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Groups interested in running Missouri tax-credit scholarship fund are all faith-based

tax-credit scholarship

All of the organizations interested in collecting and distributing Missouri’s new tax-credit scholarship funds for private schools have religious affiliations. The application process to help manage the MOScholars program signed into law last ...

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Trust issues. Responding to our cultural authority crisis

In his book The Last Word, atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel, talked about an authority crisis – a “the fear of religion”: “… I don’t mean to refer to the entirely reasonable hostility toward certain ...

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Marines become first military branch to get religious exemptions

The Pentagon has finally begun to grant religious exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The U.S. Marines approved several requests in the last week. The news comes as the Armed Services have ...

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Report: Western nations soft-peddle China’s persecution of Christians, other minorities

The belief that downplaying Beijing’s human rights abuses would lead to reforms in China has not only validated the Chinese Communist Party’s approach against Christians and other religious minorities but has also ...

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Court finds Maryland violated Christian school’s rights

A federal district court ruled Friday that Maryland officials violated the First Amendment rights of a church-run grade school. The state had revoked the school’s eligibility to participate in a voucher program ...

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Supreme Court hears arguments in school choice, parental rights case

schools court

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday heard oral arguments in an important school choice case. Carson v. Makin challenges a Maine law that prohibits parents from using a state student-aid program if ...

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Religious Christmas postage stamps still point to ‘reason for the season’

christmas stamps

Step up to any United States Post Office counter or log onto its official government-sponsored website, and anyone in the market for “Christmas”-themed postage stamps has three options: “A visit from St. ...

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