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Kathy Zhu, fired as Miss Michigan, now has huge megaphone

Fired for her conservative views that were connecting in a powerful way with millennials, former Miss Michigan Kathy Zhu will now have an even bigger platform to express her views–the official 2020 ...

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After Russian cheating, US officially withdraws from nuclear treaty

After having been breached by Russian military nuclear expansion, the treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation is dead. The United States on Aug. 2 formally withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces ...

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Analysis: The debate over Food Stamp reform

Conservatives are applauding the Trump administration for proposing new regulations that would save taxpayers $2.5 billion a year by ending food stamp benefits for an estimated 3 million people, by taking away ...

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NBA icon Charles Barkley has advice for black Democrats

Charles Barkley, a former NBA star and now an NBA analyst on TNT, said after the Democratic presidential candidate debate on July 30 that political parties have been neglecting economic opportunities for ...

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‘It’s just crazy’: Baltimore residents describe their living conditions

baltimore residents

Baltimore residents are now coming out in defense of President Donald Trump’s recent comments about conditions in the city. Trump made comments condemning the poverty and crime in the city which is ...

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U.S. imposes sanctions on Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif

The United States on Wednesday imposed sanctions on Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control said on its website. The Treasury Department said it was ...

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China massing troops along border with Hong Kong

Is China preparing to invade Hong Kong? World leaders, including the White House, are monitoring the sudden “congregation” of Chinese military and special unit police forces at the border with Hong Kong ...

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Civil war evident in Democrat debates

The first of two nights of Democrat debates in Detroit highlighted what some analysts describe as a civil war for the direction of the Democratic Party. Liberal candidates pushing for radical change ...

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Remarks of President Trump at the 400th anniversary of the First Representative Legislative Assembly

REMARKS BY PRESIDENT TRUMP AT THE 400TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST REPRESENTATIVE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Jamestown Settlement Museum, Williamsburg, Virginia. 11:39 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Thank you very much.  Please, make yourselves comfortable. ...

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65 Christian Nigerians slaughtered after funeral


Over 65 Christians returning from a funeral in Nigeria have been slaughtered by Muslim extremists over the weekend. Nigerian state television is reporting it is one of the deadliest attacks on civilians ...

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Trump observations on Baltimore defended as Democrats make it a race issue

Democrats are being criticized for creating a race incident where none exists after President Donald Trump criticized the living conditions and crime in Baltimore. The district, which has some of the highest ...

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President Trump may declare ANTIFA a terrorist group

President Donald Trump announced on July 27 that his administration may declare the far-left extremist group Antifa “a major organization of terror.” “Consideration is being given to declaring ANTIFA, the gutless Radical Left Wack Jobs who ...

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President signs Hawley bill addressing police suicides

Legislation to help stop police officer suicides, and written by Missouri U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, has been signed into law by President Donald Trump. The bipartisan measure restores and expands grant funding ...

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Supreme Court sides with Trump on Pentagon funding border wall

In a major defeat for Democrats blocking construction of a border wall, the Supreme Court on Friday sided with the Trump administration’s attempts to use Pentagon funding. The Supreme Court said it ...

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Trump 2020 campaign has fun with straw bans

The campaign to re-elect President Trump is having some fun at the expense of the push to ban the straw. And that fun has found a receptive ear among Americans tired of ...

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Trump’s workforce initiative reshaping American job market

A whopping 300+ companies have thrown their support behind President Donald Trump’s  White House workforce initiative, committing to train over 12 million Americans for new job skills over the next five years. ...

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Mueller testimony called a ‘disaster’ for Democrats


During the day July 24, political commentators following the appearance of former special counsel Robert Mueller repeatedly called his testimony a disaster for Democrats. From CNN to MSNBC, anchors and pundits expressed dismay at ...

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Hall of Famer Rivera: I won’t turn my back on Israel, Trump

Mariano Rivera is arguably the greatest closer of all time, a recent Hall of Fame inductee, and an all-around family man. Despite his Hall of Fame career, Rivera was the target of ...

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Mueller contradicts self in testimony before Congress


Former special counsel Robert Mueller appeared flustered while answering questions from congressional members on July 24, repeatedly asking for questions to be repeated and reversing his answers multiple times. Mueller was answering ...

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Kansas new business decreases as nation grows

Kansas is the only state in the country with negative new business growth since President Trump took office, according to Bloomberg.  Data from the US Census Bureau highlights new business growth across the ...

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Media misusing 3 decade old video to tie Trump to Epstein


News Analysis | Following the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein on charges of molesting underage girls and sex trafficking children, media organizations have tried to tie him to President Donald Trump. On July 17, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” ...

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Boris Johnson to lead Britain as Prime Minister

Just a few years ago, Boris Johnson was described as Britain’s version of Donald Trump. The outspoken and often brusk British politician seemed constantly at odds with the established British political class ...

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Moving moments as President Trump hears stories of religious persecution

Victims of religious persecution are rarely heard, but Wednesday dozens of them met with the most powerful leader in the world, inside the White House to share their stories. It was an ...

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Republican women on CNN panel back Trump amid racism furor

A panel of eight Republican women assembled by CNN were unanimously supportive of President Donald Trump in the midst of a controversy over his attacks against four Democratic congresswomen of color. The ...

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Judge upholds Trump alternative to ObamaCare

The Trump administration is celebrating another legal victory after a federal judge upheld the administration’s expansion of cheaper short-term health insurance plans as an alternative to ObamaCare. Two years after its inception, ...

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