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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Slavic Gospel Association calls for prayer as coronavirus peak approaches in Russia

With the coronavirus disrupting life in the United States, it can be easy to forget the impact it is having in the rest of the world, such as Russia, where the expected ...

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Pastors: Join this call to learn about your rights during COVID-19 crisis

Pastors area asked to join a call with the Family Research Council and the nation’s top lawyers to learn about your rights and how the Trump administration is defending them against over-zealous ...

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Attorney General Barr: State unconstitutionally harassing drive-in church

In Mississippi, tickets to attend a drive-in church service were expensive — as much as $500 at Temple Baptist Church. That’s how much police were fining people for pulling into the parking ...

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Trump Justice Department sides with churches after public outcry over tickets for people in their cars

The Justice Department (DOJ) has weighed in on a dispute between the right to exercise one’s religious freedom with local and state official’s over-zealous efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus by ...

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Experts offer encouragement to parents new to homeschooling

Many parents are homeschooling now out of necessity instead of choice. Experts encourage them to give some grace to both their children and themselves. “As you start out, trying to juggle all ...

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Apple’s Tim Cook, others to join task force to restart economy

Now that the nation’s coronavirus hotspots have seemingly hit their peak, attention is turning to getting the economy roaring back to life. President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that is now a ...

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Media cuts away from Trump coronavirus briefing when he shows clips of their previous reports

Major news outlets don’t want you to see their reports from January and February that downplayed the threat of coronavirus. CNN and MSNBC cut away from airing President Donald Trump and the ...

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Attorney General William Barr opposes Mayor de Blasio plan to shutter churches

Easter weekend underscored the tensions between the authority of the government to quarantine citizens and constitutional rights of freedom of worship and assembly. U.S. Attorney General William Barr supports religious organizations and ...

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Trump and Pence speak to 10,000 religious leaders

As Christians adjust to a dramatically different type of worship, President Trump and Vice President Pence are finding reason for hope and sharing it with the nation’s religious leaders. The faith of ...

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LaMar’s Donuts making free deliveries to local healthcare workers

lamar's donuts healthcare

LaMar’s Donuts has a sweet offer for healthcare professionals on the front lines of battling coronavirus. The Kansas City company is establishing an Internet hotline for hospital doctors, nurses and other clinical ...

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World Vision activating distribution network to help needy families

world vision network

World Vision is activating its widespread network of existing partners to distribute food and supply kits to needy families during the coronavirus pandemic. The ministry is working from 13 strategic locations across ...

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Newspaper posts video of ‘dumbest’ media questions at COVID-19 daily briefings

You can’t make this stuff up. As tens of millions of Americans tune in to the daily coronavirus task force press conferences, they may be noticing some odd questions from the attending ...

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Bible sales surge during pandemic

More Americans appear to be turning to God’s word for comfort and direction during the coronavirus pandemic. Bible publishing companies report increased bible sales. Tyndale House Publishers reported increased sales during the ...

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#GratefulKC campaign supports people on frontline of pandemic

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City has launched the GratefulKC campaign to show support and gratitude for those on the frontline of the COVID-19 outbreak and response. “Throughout the greater Kansas ...

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Crown Financial Ministries offering free Covid-19 financial resources

One of the biggest challenges for any family or organization during the pandemic is making wise financial decisions. Crown Financial Ministries is offering sound, biblical advice at no expense. Thats even more ...

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Free online course on the Constitution available

Hillsdale College is offering a free study session for their most popular online course, “Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution.” Hillsdale is a private college in southern Michigan with ...

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Trump campaign donates meals to hardest-hit areas

trump meals

President Trump’s election campaign is anonymously donating meals to hospitals in areas that are the hardest hit by the coronavirus outbreak. It has been placing orders with local restaurants in New York, ...

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Coronavirus cabin fever? Learn some history from your car


With the continuing coronavirus pandemic, students may not return to finish the current school year. Can it possibly be an ideal time to learn history? It can! But wait. The museums are ...

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Israel under national curfew during Holy Week

organizations attacks

Christians are not the only ones having to adjust to the new reality during their holy week. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu enforced a Holy Week curfew. Residents were required to remain ...

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Favorite podcast? Readers give us their suggestions

The mind is a horrible thing to waste! We have heard this slogan for many years. However, it is true these days with COVID-19. There’s only so much television one can watch. ...

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Message to churches: Just streaming your service won’t cut it

With all of the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing churches and pastors can be sure about is that streaming an online service is simply not enough. As ministers of the ...

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Strong majority of surveyed pastors believe current events sign of second coming

second coming

Are current events lining up with what Jesus said would happen just before his second coming? That’s what the majority of pastors now say in a new poll from LifeWay Research. Over ...

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Quarantine and isolation can draw us closer to the Creator and family

There is solidarity in hardship and isolation – even for a family. This is a lesson that has become clear to Americans over the past few weeks as communities form “militias of ...

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Print On Demand is revolutionizing Wycliffe and Bible distribution

print on demand

In many parts of the world, giving out Bibles will get you tortured – or worse. That’s also true for Wycliffe Bible translators working to give people a Bible in their own ...

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4 Christian companies offering free streaming and video in April


If your only definition of streaming is “Netflix,” then April is a great time to try something new. That’s because multiple family-friendly services — including four of the best ones — are ...

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