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Trump Administration officials nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for Mideast deals

Several Trump administration officials have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for helping negotiate normalization deals between Israel and Arab nations. Attorney Alan Dershowitz nominated former White House senior advisor Jared ...

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Historic meeting of Arab leaders commemorate Holocaust

holocaust arab

In the wake of the Abraham Accords and in honor of International Holocaust Memorial Day on Jan. 27, individuals from the group Sharaka held an event to memorialize victims of the Holocaust. ...

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In last days, Trump administration honored City of David in Israel


The Trump Administration paid tribute to the relationship between the United States and Israel during its final days in power. Last week, the United State officially recognized the ancient City of David ...

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Jewish groups rebuke Rashida Tlaib for calling Israel racist over vaccinations

Jewish organizations are criticizing Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan for calling Israel a racist state that deprived her grandmother of the COVID-19 vaccination. “I think it’s really important to understand Israel ...

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Two more Muslim countries were on verge of peace with Israel

The Times of Israel is reporting that the Trump administration was finalizing peace agreements between Israel and two more Muslim nations but time ran out. According to the newspaper, Mauritania and Indonesia ...

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Palestinian Authority quietly gets vaccine from Israel: report

palestinian vaccine martyrs

While publicly the Palestinian Authority is at verbal war with Israel, privately they’re asking for Covid help. It was revealed this week that the PA secretly asked for and received the COVID-19 ...

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Agnes Keleti: Oldest living Olympic champion beat the Nazis, turns 100

holocaust olympic

For Agnes Keleti, the oldest living Olympic champion, the fondest memory of her remarkable 100 years is simply that she has lived through it all. The Holocaust survivor and winner of 10 ...

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Sudan signs historic Abraham Accords with U.S. and Israel

President Donald Trump has announced another historic peace deal involving an Arab nation and Israel. The government of Sudan on Wednesday announced it signed the Trump-brokered “Abraham Accords” with the U.S. and ...

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Palestinian leader: Jesus was a suicide bomber to be imitated

The Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority has said Jesus was a suicide bomber who shows young Arabs how to practice “martyrdom-death.” The startling comments came during a Christmas dinner last week. ...

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Israel could face new election if budget deal fails

Israel is heading toward more political turmoil as lawmakers look like they’ll fail to compromise on a new budget. The collapse of the government will mean another election in the spring. If ...

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Saudi Arabia removes anti-Israel material from all textbooks

The Trump administration continues to nurture peace efforts in the Middle East with Saudi Arabia announcing they’ve removed anti-Israel material from textbooks. The move comes after years of President Donald Trump and ...

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Discovery of oil lamp factory sheds ‘light’ on ancient Israel

israel lamp

Another major archaeological discovery has been announced in Israel. This week, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced one of the largest ancient ceramic oil-lamp workshops in Israel has been discovered in excavations before ...

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Israeli treatment will help famous singer perform Christmas concert

An Israeli company is helping renowned opera singer Andrea Bocelli present a message of hope for Christmas. Bocelli will appear live on Dec. 12 for his annual “Believe in Christmas” concert at ...

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Israel to launch second attempt to land on Moon

Israel is going back to the Moon and on Wednesday launched its Beresheet 2 project, the country’s second lunar mission. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin hosted the ceremony, which was joined online by ...

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U.S. and Israel working together with aliens, retired general claims

President Trump recently was on the verge of confirming the existence of extraterrestrials beings, a retired Israeli general has stated. Haim Eshed told Israel’s largest daily newspaper that not only are aliens ...

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Archaeologists may have found Nazareth childhood home of Jesus

The remains of the first-century home of Jesus, Mary and Joseph may have been found, a British archaeologist says. Ken Dark, a professor of archaeology and history at the University of Reading, ...

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Netanyahu thanks Trump on anniversary of recognition of Jerusalem as capital

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Israeli leaders are celebrating the third anniversary of the recognition of Jerusalem as its capital by the Trump Administration. “President Trump, exactly three years ago, you became the first world leader to ...

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New partner Bahrain defends Israel against boycotts

bahrain boycotts

The historic treaties secured by the Trump administration between Israel and Arab states is already bearing fruit as Bahrain defends Israel against boycotts. Members of the press were informed by Bahrain’s Minister ...

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Corrie ten Boom honored by Jewish community

ten boom

Why Corrie ten Boom is important to the Jewish and Christian communities. In Jewish culture, we believe that only very few, the most virtuous of all, have the distinction of passing through ...

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Rep. Rashida Tlaib retweets phrase about eliminating of Israel

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Minnesota on Sunday retweeted a phrase that is associated with calling for the elimination of Israel. StopAntisemitism.org highlighted the tweet that Tlaib retweeted, which stated: “From the ...

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Olive branch: Saudi Arabia opens airspace to Israeli airlines

saudi arabia airlines

In a major move towards normalization of relations, Saudi Arabia announced on Monday that Israeli airlines can use its airspace en route to the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Until now, Israeli ...

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‘I am Israel’ available for free for churches and small groups

i am israel

A ground-breaking short film, I Am Israel, is receiving praise in over 10,000 church congregations around the world. The movie is now being made available for viewing by groups or churches for ...

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Did Netanyahu secretly meet with Saudi Crown Prince?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia this week. That’s the assessment of sources close to the Israeli leader who say the historic ...

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Israel, Arab countries plan embassies

Regardless of the outcome of the U.S. election, one legacy of the Trump administration is the historic success at Middle East peace. That was on display on Wednesday as U.S. Secretary of ...

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Israeli demands apology for CNN host’s Holocaust remarks

CNN host Christiane Amanpour is under fire for remarks that many people in Israel say belittle Holocaust victims. The veteran reporter has a long history of misrepresenting facts on CNN. Amanpour compared ...

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