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Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger shares struggles that led to re-baptism

Professional football players face many temptations, and Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger admits that he gave into several of them. However, he recently was baptized a second time to show his commitment ...

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13,000 Christians from 500 churches march in Atlanta for racial justice

More than 13,000 individuals representing 500 churches across the denominational and cultural spectrum gathered Friday, June 19 (Juneteenth) in Atlanta’s Centennial Olympic Park before marching to the State Capitol to petition both ...

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Henry Louis Gates: “Tiny fraction” of slaves actually ended up in U.S.

When it comes to the history of slaves in the New World, there is perhaps no one more versed on the subject than Dr. Henry Louis Gates. The Harvard professor, who is ...

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Kansas News Briefs

Kansas News Briefs – Congressman Roger Marshall Faces Attacks in GOP Senate Debate TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A Kansas congressman running for the U.S. Senate has come under attack over a 12-year-old ...

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Former Princeton professor: Black Lives Matter using blacks to advance ‘cultural Marxist agenda’

Black lives matter marxist

Respected former African American Princeton Carol Swain, is denouncing the Black Lives Matter movement and the politicians who support the group. “It’s part of the cultural Marxist agenda against America, and many ...

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Fellowship Church of Greenwood will host church replant summit

Fellowship Church of Greenwood will be the host for the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board’s Replant Summit in August. The church provides a good example of what attendees hope to replicate ...

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Pew Poll: 80% of Americans say media favors one political side

news media poll

A recent Pew poll found that almost sixty percent of Americans believe news organizations “don’t understand people like them” and eighty percent believe the media are biased. “Overall, 59 percent of Americans ...

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National Guard will protect monument honoring Lincoln and paid for by freed slaves

As a poll shows that a majority of Americans, including many blacks, are against removing statues, Black Lives Matter protesters are now targeting statues that honor the end of slavery. The Emancipation ...

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Chinese dog meat ‘festival’ opens amid outcry

European news outlets are reporting that the notorious Dog Meat Festival has opened in China. In recent weeks, Communist China changed the classification of dogs from livestock to pets but have not ...

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Genocide in Nigeria: Calling it what it Is, calling for it to end

In terms of lives lost, families separated, people imprisoned, and churches shut down, the 21st century has, so far, been the worst period of persecution against Christians in recorded history. Among the hottest ...

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Iran changes laws to target online Christians, seekers

Iran is changing its laws to target virtual churches and online ministries. According to Article18, new amendments to an existing law expand Iranian authorities’ ability to persecute religious minorities. “Iran’s latest legislative ...

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Instagram labels Bethel Music as ‘harmful or false information’

instagram bethel

As the “cancel culture movement” continues to spread across the country, religious leaders are now under attack for simply praying during these tumultuous times. Bethel Music’s Sean Feucht shared several messages on ...

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BET founder Robert Johnson says ‘white privilege’ is silliest expression as he mocks those taking down statues

Across the nation protesters are now destroying statues of those that ended slavery, as well as confederate statues, in their attempt to rewrite American history. On Wednesday, BET Founder Robert Johnson mocked ...

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“God, Trump and COVID-19” takes timely look at today’s critical issues

“God, Trump and COVID-19: How the Pandemic Is Affecting Christians, the World and America’s 2020 Election,” a new book by Stephen Strang, brings clarity to the world-changing events of 2020. The book ...

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Supreme Court ruling a big defeat for open border proponents

Open border proponents were given a setback this morning as the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government may deport illegal aliens quickly and with only limited judicial review. The ruling also ...

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Woman removes mask, coughs on baby, in social distancing attack

social distancing baby

Social distancing attacks have been taken to a whole new level after a woman assaulted a baby in a restaurant. Police have identified a woman, who purposely coughed on a baby, as ...

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HISTORIC: Trump’s 200th pro-life judge confirmed

Republicans in the Senate this week reached a historic milestone in on one of the most important things they and President Donald Trump can do. They confirmed yet another pro-life judge. The ...

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Media outlets ignore death threats to black GOP Senator Scott


News networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have all turned a blind eye to a New York Times report detailing recent death threats and racial slurs being left on the office voicemail of ...

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Undercover: FB employees admit deleting content of conservative users

Investigative videographer James O’Keefe’s and Project Veritas on Tuesday released a short video as part of what the #ExposeFacebook movement, which reveals Facebook insiders opening up about how they delete pro-Trump material ...

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‘Getting away with murder’ Pelosi says of reform bill written by African-American GOP Senator

Senate Democrats blocked a police reform bill Wednesday, calling on the African-American Senator who wrote it to start over. Democrat House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi has refused to apologize for stating “So ...

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Food processing Covid outbreak forces church to reclose

Churches continue to seek a balance between reopening and keeping staff and members safe. Community Baptist Church in Noel, Mo.., has decided to reclose after increased testing discovered a COVID-19 cluster in ...

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Jewish leaders criticize anti-Israel platform of Black Lives Matter

Liberal Jews who support Black Lives Matter have been surprised to learn that the organization is anti-Semitic and has an anti-Israel agenda, “The Washington Times” reported. The agenda, which is clearly laid ...

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Blamed on hate, ‘noose’ in NASCAR garage was really garage door pull

NASCAR has become the latest entity to assume the worst of its fans. The FBI said on Tuesday that “no crime was committed” after an alleged noose was found in NASCAR driver Bubba ...

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Is President Trump a white supremacist and racist?

This past Saturday, after President Trump’s Tulsa rally did not draw the expected capacity crowd,  (it broke cable broadcast records) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, of New York’s 14th congressional district in NYC, tweeted, ...

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Jackson County Executive encourages discussions among those who disagree

jackson county

Jackson County Executive Frank White encourages Missourians to talk with others about the issues that are dividing the nation. “I think the thing to do if you live in a community where ...

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