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March for Life in Washington showcases progress

march for life

The nation’s capitol filled will pro-life individuals from across the nation Friday as the National March for Life got under way. While not getting the wall-to-wall coverage of the “women’s march”, the ...

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Undocumented immigrants cost U.S. $113 Billion annually, averaging over 2 billion per state

The cost of illegal immigrants on the U.S. is severe, according to a new report which finds that illegal aliens cost us all $113 billion a year. The Federation for American Immigration ...

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Teen sold kidney for iPhone, now bedridden for life

organ iPhone

A Chinese teen who sold his kidney for an iPhone a few years ago is reportedly bedridden for life. Wang Shangkun, who was 17 years old when he sold the organ, began ...

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President Trump’s letter to Pelosi canceling her trip

President Trump today sent a letter to House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi an hour before she was scheduled to depart the country on an overseas junket. The delegation included friends, family and ...

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Grounded: Trump has postponed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s upcoming foreign trip

President Donald Trump is postponing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “seven-day excursion” to Egypt, Afghanistan and Brussels that was scheduled to leave today. President Trump wrote a letter to Pelosi this morning informing ...

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“Miracle on the Hudson” survivor remembers day that changed her forever

hudson survivor

It is hard to believe but it has been ten years since Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenbergersuccessfully landed a malfunctioning U.S. Airways flight on the bitter cold waters of the Hudson River in January ...

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Weekend winter storm forecast for Northeast Kansas

A winter storm system is forecast to descend across Kansas Friday and Saturday with snowfall averaging between one to four inches in most regions of the state.  Heavier snowfall is forecast for ...

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Man sues to get donation back after school founder arrested for abusing children


A man who believed his donation of $150,000 to the founder of an Shawnee, Kan. Christian school would help kids has filed a lawsuit to get his money back after the founder ...

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Vice President Pence’s wife attacked for new job at Christian school

The battle to force private schools and churches to hire LGBT and cross-gender teachers, pastors and staff is heating up after the new job of the wife of Vice President Pence was ...

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Country that persecuted Christians makes dramatic turnaround

persecuted christians

A list released each year by Open Doors USA ranks persecution of Christians by country around the world. It has had a profound impact on one Middle East Country. The organization has ...

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Coalition forms to force Democrats to fund border wall

On a cold January morning outside the Capitol, a coalition of groups that support Trump had an even colder message for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) over ...

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New Kansas Gov. Kelly makes gender identity rights first official action

kelly gender

In an unprecedented move, new Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly has issued an executive order forcing private businesses to comply with a state policy that directs who they can and cannot hire based on ...

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Terrorist attack against White House prevented

terrorist attack, white house

Federal investigators announced this evening that a joint terrorism task force, led by the FBI, arrested Hasher Jallal Taheb, 21, after an investigation showed he planned an imminent terrorist attack against the ...

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Poll: Majority of voters agree with Trump, call porous border a ‘crisis’

The establishment media and elected Democrats have failed to convince the American public that mass illegal immigration, human trafficking and drug trafficking at the United States-Mexico border is a “manufactured crisis,” a ...

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Columbia, Mo police under fire for protecting sex trafficking ring

columbia trafficking police

A Central Missouri film producer has produced a documentary that is shaking the public’s confidence in the Columbia, Mo. police department after allegations they protected a sex trafficking ring. Citizens for Justice, ...

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Fox4 News helps church get hot tub baptistry repaired

church hot tub

After a Buckner church was left high and dry after a hot tub repairman absconded with a broken part and money, a Kansas City TV station has stepped in to help. “It’s ...

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Outcry forces YouTube to repost video they censored

A world-wide outcry has forced YouTube to repost an undercover video on Monday that exposed a Planned Parenthood employee advising sex traffickers on where to take underage girls for abortions and to lie about ...

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Justice Ginsburg misses another week, work starts on replacement

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg missed oral arguments again this week, as the Supreme Court entered its second week short of a full complement on the bench. Ginsburg’s absence was previously ...

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Network 2018 news coverage of Trump administration 90% negative; yet his approval ratings improve

Coverage of Donald Trump’s presidency on the three major TV networks—ABC, CBS, and NBC—was overwhelmingly negative in 2018, just as it was a year earlier, according to a study conducted by the Media ...

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Israel to assist in scanning river for Holocaust victims

For the first time since the end of WWII, a search is beginning for Jews killed and thrown into the Danube River in Hungary. The move is at the behest of Interior ...

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DNC drops Women’s March over anti-Semitism

women's march anti-semitism

The Democratic National Committee has dropped its partnership in the Women’s March over anti-Semitism concerns, according to a Democratic source. This development comes amid accusations of anti-Semitism within the movement’s leadership, causing ...

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Strange weather may bring Jerusalem snowstorm Wednesday

A rare winter snowstorm is expected to hit Jerusalem Wednesday, weather forecasters said, prompting the municipality to launch snow emergency preparations. “The Jerusalem municipality is completing its preparations for the possibility of ...

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Top TV news bloopers of 2018

tv news bloopers

It was a busy 2018 for news. Hurricanes, migrant caravans, terrorist plots and…TV news bloopers. While national TV anchors remain some of the most unpopular and least trusted people on the face ...

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Could weekend Kansas City snowstorm delay AFC game?

Kansas City snowstorm

Local meteorologists aren’t wasting any time in warning of a major winter storm striking Kansas and Missouri this Friday into Saturday. The storm will have significant impact on the Chief’s Sunday game. ...

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Evangelical leader sends letter to President on immigration and border

immigration and border

Many in the faith community strongly support President Trump’s immigration and border efforts to stem the deadly flow of addictive and poisonous drugs into the nation, and to curtail the infiltration of ...

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