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Biden inauguration priest Rev. Kevin O’Brien under investigation at university

A priest who moves in the inner circles of the Biden family is on leave after he exhibited certain “behaviors in adult settings.” Rev. Kevin O’Brien is one of Joe Biden‘s confidants ...

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Attorneys general from 21 states challenge part of Democrat stimulus bill

Attorneys general from 21 states are challenging the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill as an “unprecedented and unconstitutional infringement” on state sovereignty. Deep in the bowels of the 5,500-page bill is language that ...

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National Sheriffs Association: 50% of migrants have Covid

As the humanitarian crisis along the southern border grows, disturbing data has been released concerning COVID rates among migrants. Dr. Ivan Melendez, the health authority in Hidalgo County, Texas said “The reality ...

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Becerra nomination as HHS head moves forward in spite of ‘radical’ views

A controversial nomination has been advanced by the U.S. Senate.  Debate was ended on Wednesday moving a vote forward on pro-abortion Xavier Becerra as Health and Human Service Secretary. The Susan B. Anthony ...

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What you need to know about H.R. 1: The ‘For the People Act of 2021’

As a bill giving the federal government power to control local elections moves to the Senate, opposition is growing in many quarters. Constitutional scholars to State Attorney Generals to local election boards ...

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Senator Herschel Walker? Respected football star encouraged to run

Herschel Walker is one of the most respected athletes of all time. Now, he may be able to add “Senator” to his resume. The legendary running back for the Georgia Bulldogs is ...

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John MacArthur: ‘I wouldn’t fight for religious freedom because I won’t fight for idolatry’

macarthur idolatry

Supporting religious freedom is idolatry, according to Pastor John MacArthur. Last week, MacArthur delivered a State of the Church Address in place of this year’s annual Shepherds Conference, which was postponed because of ongoing litigation and recent ...

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Race to replace Roy Blunt could be most crowded in years

blunt race

No sooner did Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt announce that he will not seek reelection in 2022 than speculation began about might run replace him. “The Missouri Times” listed a number of potential ...

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Mexico, media, and Democrats begin blaming Biden for migrant crisis

Democrats and media outlets may be turning against President Joe Biden over the escalating humanitarian crisis on the southern border. In addition, Mexico is now blaming Biden for the crisis. In an ...

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Attacks on Hawley backfire as money rolls in for Republicans

Criticism of Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley over his push for election integrity has helped make him a fundraising rock star for Republicans. Hawley has faced intense criticism from Democrats for suggesting that ...

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Biden becomes first president in 100 years not to address Congress

For the first time in 100 years, a new American President has still not addressed a joint session of Congress. Reporters have brought up the unusual absence to White House officials, fueling ...

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Kansas House will hear testimony on restricting sexually oriented businesses

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A Kansas House committee is scheduled to hear testimony on a bill that would place restrictions on sexually oriented businesses (SOBs). Republican Representative John Barker of Abilene has agreed to hear Bill ...

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Survey finds that many Americans support possibility of secession


President Joe Biden came into office saying he wanted to unify the nation but a new poll shows polarization growing. Three in 10 Americans now support the concept of dissolving the country ...

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‘Evangelicals for Biden’ having buyers remorse over abortion

A group that billed itself as “Evangelicals for Biden” is having buyer’s remorse. In spite of President Biden’s long history of support for abortion, the group had supported his candidacy. They now ...

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Top Republican leaders optimistic about taking back Congress in 2022

After a rocky start to the Biden administration, the Republican Party is optimistic about taking back both the House and Senate during the 2022 midterm elections. Former President Donald Trump pledged to ...

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Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York mocks God

“God’s will is no concern of this Congress,” Rep. Jerry Nadler, R-N.Y., recently told a colleague during debate over the Equality Act. Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., said in his remarks on the House floor ...

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Republican governors respond to Biden’s ‘Neanderthal’ insult

Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte of Montana is fine with being called Neanderthal by President Biden. “If making data-driven decisions to reopen, loving freedom and trying to get back to normal is what ...

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Sen. Rand Paul forces removal of stimulus for Planned Parenthood

planned rumble parenthood stimulus

Democrats have been forced to remove funding for Planned Parenthood they had inserted into the Covid Stimulus Bill.  The funding had been inserted as just a part of the 90 percent of ...

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Migrants arrive at border with ‘Biden, Please let us in’ t-shirts

Who printed and paid for the t-shirts? That’s what many are asking after hundreds of migrants showed up at the southern U.S. border wearing shirts that read, “Biden, Please let us in.” ...

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HillFaith shares Jesus with Democrat and Republican aides on Capitol Hill


For the young Congressional aides that swarm into Washington D.C. every year, life on Capitol Hill can be exciting and an opportunity to enact some real change by assisting the nation’s politicians, ...

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House passes police reform bill some call ‘anti-police’

The House of Representatives has passed a police reform bill that would ban certain police tactics and require local law enforcement to follow guidelines outlined by Congress. The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act ...

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In dead of night, Democrats pass controversial election ‘reform’

Democrats have passed an “election reform” bill that some say actually weakens the democratic process and moves control of elections nationwide to Congress. The bill, which contains sweeping and controversial changes, was ...

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Congressman calls for states to counter progressive agenda

progressive agenda

Conservative states must take the lead in resisting the progressive policy agenda of the Biden Administration, Florida Congressman Greg Steube says. The Republican criticized the COVID-19 relief bill for including radical measures ...

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Joe Biden has divided Catholics over his leftist agenda

biden catholics conscience

Catholics are divided in their response to President Joe Biden touting his loyalty to the church while enacting a radical agenda on abortion, religious freedom, and other issues. Unlike President John F. ...

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In Harvard poll, even Democrats agree that cancel culture threatens freedom

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Americans believe cancel culture poses “a threat to our freedom” according to a new poll by Harvard CAPS-Harris. Two in three of all respondents, (sixty-four percent), answered yes when asked “Do you ...

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