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Tag Archives: democrats

Former Bush ethics advisor criticizes Trump spiritual advisor Paula White

The selection by President Donald Trump of Paula White as his personal faith advisor is drawing criticism, according to a story in liberal Newsweek. Richard W. Painter, who is not a pastor but ...

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Bernie Sanders promises to eliminate need for charity by taxing the wealthy

Jesus said the poor will always be with us, which is why the church is commanded to exhibit charity in their care. Bernie Sanders, socialist candidate for the Democrat presidential nomination, disagrees. ...

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Washington Post ‘fact checker’ gets fact checked, issues apology

fact checker

The primary “fact checker” at the Washington Post had to issue a correction himself after he was fact-checked for  tweeting false information concerning the impeachment hearing on Nov. 15. Glenn Kessler, editor and chief ...

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Dems vote against subpoena for witness in secret impeachment inquiry

The Democrat-controlled House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday voted against issuing the whistleblower at the center of the impeachment inquiry a subpoena. The vote was split along party lines 13-9, with Democrats led by ...

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Trump to release another phone call transcript to prove Dems wrong

After President Trump’s release of a phone call transcript with the Ukrainian President that proved there was no wrongdoing, he says there was a previous call that “nobody knew about,” and may ...

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Graham warns on impeachment if ‘witness’ kept from public

Senator Lindsey Graham has a warning for Congressional Democrats operating a secret impeachment process against President Trump. Graham says the Senate will not consider the impeachment efforts against the President to be legitimate if ...

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Migrants returning to home countries from Mexico under Trump policy

Thousands of migrants who entered the US illegally and were sent back to mexico to wait for asylum hearings, are returning to their home countries.

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Dems to bring first House vote on impeachment as early as Wednesday

After two weeks of hearings in a committee that is outside of the realm of congressional judicial matters, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday that “we will bring a resolution to the Floor that ...

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Poll: majority believe federal officials broke the law to prevent Trump from winning in 2016

In a poll that might give Democrats pause, a majority of likely voters believe that high-level officials in government broke federal laws in their attempts to stop Donald Trump from becoming president. ...

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1 in 5 people at Trump Dallas rally were Democrats

More than one in five people who registered for President Donald Trump’s “Keep America Great” campaign rally in Dallas on Oct. 17 were Democrats, according to Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale. Parscale, whose ...

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Democrats partner with leftist groups to push impeachment in media


Congressional Democrats are actively working with radical, left-wing groups such as MoveOn.org to promote House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unilateral push to impeach President Donald Trump.  Pelosi this week announced her decision to ...

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Democrats pass law stripping employees of many arbitration rights


Have Democrats killed arbitration? The House of Representatives just passed a bill that would make it harder and more expensive, even impossible, for Americans to resolve conflicts with their employers. The Forced ...

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Ted Cruz urges Trump to release Biden’s transcripts with Ukraine

The Trump administration is being urged to release Vice President Joe Biden’s phone call transcripts with officials in Ukraine. The call for transparency was initiated by Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz made ...

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Clinton judge blocks wall funding but some liberal experts say Trump’s ’emergency’ was legal

A federal judge appointed by Bill Clinton is trying to stop the construction of the new wall along the border with Mexico. U.S. District Judge David Briones, offices in Texas, has ruled ...

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Police officer will run against Rep. Ilhan Omar in 2020 election

One of the most controversial members ever to sit in Congress will face an opponent in the 2020 election. Democrat freshman representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, is being described  by Minneapolis police ...

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Ukraine president: ‘There was no blackmail’

The president of Ukraine is rebutting false news reports that assert President Trump used blackmail during the phone call now at the heart of the Democrats’ presidential impeachment inquiry. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy ...

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Fox News deceives through methodology on impeachment poll

Is Fox News playing with the poll numbers regarding impeachment? A look at the methodology and the samples lends considerable weight to that allegation. The news network released a major story Wednesday ...

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Pentagon pushes back against false media reports on Syria troop withdrawals

The Pentagon has pushed back against what it described as “misreporting” by American news media concerning the Trump administrations reassigning troops in Syria. After news outlets this week falsely reported that the ...

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Poll: Trump September approval shoots up to 49%


While Democrats ramp up efforts to impeach President Donald Trump, a September Gallup poll and new Harris poll may give them pause as his approval rating skyrockets. A Harris poll released today ...

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Todd Starnes fired from Fox News


Controversial comments on his radio show have ended in Fox News personality and Christian commentator Todd Starnes being axed from Fox News. The network quietly ended Starnes from its lineup and has ceased ...

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Impeachment efforts force scrutiny of Joe and Hunter Biden dealings

Democrats are moving ahead with efforts to impeach President Trump accusing the White House of attempting to lock down details of his phone call with the president of Ukraine. However, newly uncovered ...

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Christian groups upset with proposed refugee ceiling while ignoring facts

The Trump administration has announced a proposal to temporarily reduce the ceiling for refugee resettlement to a record low of 18,000. The move is seen as a way to speed up the ...

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Ted Cruz says impeachment push a ‘circus’

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in remarks on Sept. 27 said that the majority of Democrats appear to only care about impeaching President Donald Trump and not do their jobs as elected lawmakers, adding that the ...

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Media misleads as transcripts show Trump did not break law

The national media continues to misrepresent facts surrounding the phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky. Released transcripts on Wednesday show that the President did not exert pressure or ...

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Supreme Court rules all injunctions against Trump asylum rule be dropped


The Supreme Court is allowing a new Trump administration rule on asylum seekers to be enforced nationwide by dropping all injunctions brought by Democrats across the country. The new asylum law may ...

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