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People triggered by Bethlehem response on ‘Jeopardy!’

Although most children in Sunday school know that Bethlehem is in Israel, the location stirred up some controversy on a recent episode of “Jeopardy!” Bethlehem is roughly six miles south of Jerusalem ...

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Archaeologists discover ancient Jerusalem market on the path to the Temple


The Israel Antiquities Authority believes it has found a 2,000-year-old market next to the recently discovered Pilgrimage Road in Jerusalem that Jesus and other Jews once walked on to get to the ...

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Top 10 Bible archaeological discoveries of 2019

It was a big year in Israel both for the record number of tourists visiting the Holy Land but also for archaeological and biblical discoveries. One reason Bible discoveries are being made ...

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What Is Conservative American Nationalism?

Circumstances change; core principles do not. The country’s oldest foreign-policy tradition still finds its home on the right. What Is Conservative American Nationalism? Underneath all of the day-to-day tumult, for both critics ...

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Missouri lawmaker criticizes Roman god on top of capitol dome

Capitol roman

A Missouri lawmaker is not happy that a statue of Ceres, the Roman god of agriculture, is being returned to the dome of the capitol in Jefferson City after restoration. Rep. Mike ...

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Jewish group meets with German Passion Play over stereotypes

passion play

Once a decade, thousands of Christians make the pilgrimage to Germany for the Oberammergau Passion Play, which first was performed in 1634. As the May 2020 production approaches, a Jewish organization met ...

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Ghost towns of Kansas City

ghost towns kansas

The Kansas City area is dotted with old towns and ghost towns, some with distinct evidence of their existence, while others have faded away completely. Their histories, however, remain. Because of the ...

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What’s the truth about the first Thanksgiving?

There’s a lot of pressure to do away with Thanksgiving. Is it a day of gratitude or a day of guilt? Like Columbus Day, Thanksgiving is being attacked. Many stories surrounding the ...

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Trump becomes first president to attend Veterans Day Parade

You probably missed any mention of it in the news media this week. History was made during Veterans Day celebrations the nation’s largest city. Donald Trump became the first president to ever ...

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‘Garden of Eden’ just north of Kansas City, according to Mormon tradition

garden of eden

Different religions have their own sacred  spaces. Though most Mormons may not even know it, one of theirs is just a short drive north of Kansas City. It’s the “Garden of Eden.” ...

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The believer behind the charm of Brookside and Kansas City’s largest Bible study


Did you know Kansas City’s Brookside neighborhood is Christian? At least, its houses are. Baptist, to be precise. Behind the magical peaked roofs and Tudor-style European designs, their architect was a strong ...

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As the British attack, Francis Scott Key writes Star Spangled Banner


September 14, 1814 started out as a bad day for the United States of America. That’s the day British soldiers burned the White House and the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., one ...

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Early American History You Should Know…But Probably Don’t: Samuel Adams


Samuel Adams, Father of the American Revolution Samuel Adams was one of the earliest and most effective of the Founding Fathers in building support for independence and in generating opposition to every ...

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Cambridge professor defends Gospels, challenges British public to rethink Jesus

gospels jesus, great teacher

A leading theologian has claimed there is compelling evidence for the reliability of the Gospels, and spoken directly to the growing public perception of those who doubt Jesus’ existence. Peter Williams, Principal ...

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Jerusalem street on which Jesus walked, and built by Pontius Pilate, now open to public

Pontius Pilate has gone down in history for his role in the crucifixion of Jesus. However, archaeologists recently found that he also invested time and money in building the infrastructure of Jerusalem ...

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Gal ‘Wonder Woman’ Gadot will star in movie about Christian Holocaust heroine


The movie Schindler’s List won critical acclaim for telling the story of Oscar Schindler, who saved the lives of more than 1,000 Jews during the Holocaust. Now, Israeli Gal Gadot, who rose ...

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Poll: Trump September approval shoots up to 49%


While Democrats ramp up efforts to impeach President Donald Trump, a September Gallup poll and new Harris poll may give them pause as his approval rating skyrockets. A Harris poll released today ...

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Dwight and Anita Widaman to talk about Israel at October 12 event


Metro Voice publishers Dwight and Anita Widaman will be the guests of Calvary Baptist Church – Independence on Saturday, Oct. 12 for a special presentation titled, “Israel–See Beyond.” The free event will ...

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Is Pope set to give green light to married priests?

married priests

Pope Francis will commence a three-week synod of Amazonian bishops at the Vatican on October 6 which will consider breaking the centuries-old tradition of only having single priests. It is among 146 ...

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Early American history you should know…but probably don’t: Noah Webster

Noah Webster, School Master of the Nation and the Influence of His Faith. When the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, Noah Webster was a few months shy of his eighteenth ...

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Archaeologists find evidence for ancient kingdom of Edom


Archaeology continues to confirm what was written in the Bible thousands of years ago. Researchers in Israel recently found new evidence about the ancient kingdom of Edom. “Using technological evolution as a ...

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Ancient church discovered with mosaic floor of loaves and fishes


Tiberius, Israel – As new biblical finds continue at an increasingly rapid pace, Israeli Archaeologists have discovered an unusually well-preserved mosaic apparently depicting the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000. The mosaic ...

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Kansas City’s James A. Reed and his rise to power


The list of Kansas City Mayors is a colorful one, with the likes of Gage, Reed, Barnes, Cowherd, and Clever, but none were as colorful as James A Reed. A Pendergast man, ...

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Civil War cannonball discovered lodged in cut-down Independence tree


The owner of a local tree cutting service discovered a hidden gem inside a tree he cut down on a historic property in Independence. The cannonball he found dates back to the ...

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Is this a seal from the household of King David?


Did archaeologists just identify an ancient seal from the ring used by one of the sons of King David in a pile of dirt? That’s what experts believe. A 2,600-year-old bulla, or seal, ...

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