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Politics & Policy

‘Getting away with murder’ Pelosi says of reform bill written by African-American GOP Senator

Senate Democrats blocked a police reform bill Wednesday, calling on the African-American Senator who wrote it to start over. Democrat House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi has refused to apologize for stating “So ...

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Is President Trump a white supremacist and racist?

This past Saturday, after President Trump’s Tulsa rally did not draw the expected capacity crowd,  (it broke cable broadcast records) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, of New York’s 14th congressional district in NYC, tweeted, ...

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Jesus statues, paintings are new target for removal by protesters

Black Lives Matter activist and Democrat Shaun King called Monday for the removal of statues, murals and stained glass windows that depict Jesus as a “white European,” which he claimed “are a ...

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Violent Protesters fail to set up ‘autonomous zone’ outside White House

Police clashed with protesters outside the White House on Monday night as they attempted to build a “Black House Autonomous Zone,” in an apparent reference to Seattle’s “occupied” protest zone that was established ...

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Sen. Tim Scott discusses how his faith shapes his views on race relations and police reform

Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, one of three black members of the U.S. Senate, recently discussed faith and race relations with Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Crusades. The interview, recorded ...

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Niece of Martin Luther King Jr says Trump executive order brings “hope and sanity”

Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King Jr., praised President Donald Trump for signing an executive order to reform police tactics in the wake of several high-profile deaths. “Thanks to ...

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Family Research Council releases biblical principles for political involvement

The Family Research Council and 21 partnering state family policy councils have released a publication titled “Biblical Principles for Political Engagement: Worldview, Issues and Voting.” It aims to provide pastors and Christians with biblical ...

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MyPillow founder Mike Lindell may run for Minnesota governor

A familiar name is considering running for governor of Minnesota in the wake of the recent unrest in Minneapolis. Mike Lindell, founder and CEO of MyPillow, is looking at his options. Lindell ...

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House Democrats push for $1.5 trillion infrastructure spending in Democrat strongholds

WASHINGTON—House Democrats introduced on June 18 an extensive plan to rebuild American infrastructure, calling for more than $1.5 trillion in spending in roads, bridges, public transportation, housing, the “Green New Deal”, proposed ...

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In historic move, President Trump signs executive order on police reform

In a major move applauded by black community leaders across the nation, President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order on police reform in an effort to build trust between minority communities and ...

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‘Nothing short of historic for black America’: black roundtable discusses Trump policies

As President Trump’s approval rating remains high among African Americans, he is not shy when it comes to reminding Americans what he has done for the black community. Neither are young black ...

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Trump campaign Tulsa rally postponed to honor Juneteenth celebration

juneteenth trump

Anyone planning to travel to Tulsa for President Donald Trump’s campaign rally will have to wait a day. The event has been postponed from June 19 to June 20 because of a ...

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Trump tells West Point graduates military should not be embroiled in “endless wars”

President Donald Trump hailed the foundations of the United States, including God and justice, in an address on June 13 to graduates of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Trump said that carrying on ...

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Faith comes before politics for White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany

Kayleigh McEnany credits her strong faith for helping her thrive in her high-pressure job as White House press secretary. “I believe God put me in this place for a purpose and for ...

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McDowell wants to be first female Missouri Governor


Missouri Gov. Mike Parson now has more competition from his own party in his bid for a second term. Saundra McDowell, who ran for state auditor in 2018, has filed for the ...

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Missouri officials: No new COVID-19 cases caused by Lake of the Ozarks pool parties

After what many considered a media-driven expectation of a spike in new Covid-19 cases after much-publicized pool parties at the Lake of the Ozarks on Memorial Day weekend, those reports now appear ...

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Democrat Valerie Plame, Republican Steve King lose primaries

Two high-profile candidates, who were tainted by racism and anti-Semitism, lost their bids in Tuesday’s primaries to serve in the U.S. Congress. Valerie Plame and Steve King suffered resounding defeats. In New ...

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President supports protests, calls rioters ‘professional anarchists’

President Trump on Monday night spoke again concerning rioting and protests taking across the nation. The President specifically addressed the rioting which has taken the spotlight away from the protests over the ...

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Antifa to be designated officially as terrorist organization

President Donald Trump on Sunday said his administration would designate Antifa as a terrorist organization. The move comes after nearly a week of widespread looting and riots following the death of an ...

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Trump gives powerful response to death of George Floyd, racism and rioting

During the launch of two American astronauts aboard the SpaceX Dragon rocket on Saturday, President Trump addressed the death of George Floyd and the rioting in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. Below ...

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Trump signs Executive Order over social media censorship

President Donald Trump on Thursday signed an executive order to crack down on what he described was censorship by social media sites after Twitter added fact-checking labels to several of his posts. ...

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In interview with Pastor Greg Laurie, Mike Pompeo says he turns to scripture for guidance

Mike Pompeo, secretary of state and former Kansas congressman, has a strategic approach to dealing with the world’s problems. In an interview with Pastor Greg Laurie of the California megachurch Harvest Christian ...

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Here’s a leaked draft of Executive Order targeting social media censorship

Metro Voice has received a copy of the leaked draft of President Trump’s executive order dealing with censorship and bias by big tech and social media companies. The President today is expected ...

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Trump to sign Executive Order over Twitter, big tech censorship

After years of Congressional testimony and user complaints of bias and censorship by Twitter and other social media platforms, President Donald Trump is set to sign an executive order on Thursday aimed ...

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As Democrats push for mail-in ballots, postal carrier charged with election fraud

main-in ballots pennsylvania election lawsuit

Federal prosecutors announced on May 26 that a West Virginia postal carrier has been charged with attempted election fraud after the party affiliations of several mail-in requests for absentee ballots were altered. The ...

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