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Tag Archives: attack

Jewish grandfather sexually assaulted by German teens

Attacks on the Jewish community of Germany continue as Berlin police investigate the second anti-Semitic attack in days. On Tuesday, five youths aged 12 to 15 sexually assaulted a 68-year-old grandfather on his ...

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President Trump addresses nation about Iran and recent events

President Trump spoke to the American people today, and by default, the Iranian people, stating that the United States does not want war but will do what is necessary to protect the ...

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Remarks of the President on the killing of Qasim Soleimani

Here are the remarks of the president concerning the attack and killing of Iran’s top general Qasim Soleimani who was the orchestrator of terror across the Middle East and war with America’s allies. ...

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Marines arrive in Baghdad to protect US Embassy


After President Trump ordered 750 Marines to the area, Iranian-backed militiamen withdrew from the US Embassy in Baghdad. The arrival of the troops capped two days of violence by Iranians and Iraqi ...

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Street preacher beaten, robbed by Muslim men but he refused to convert to Islam

street preacher

Authorities in Norway are investigating the brutal beating, robbery and attempted forced conversion to Islam of a preacher whom four muslim men kidnapped while he was preaching and praying for the sick. ...

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Democrat impeachment proceedings ‘botched’ as key witness apologizes for attacking Barron Trump

Democrats are still apologizing today after one of their key impeachment witnesses attacked Barron Trump, the teenage son of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. Doubling down on testimony that ...

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Columbia man sentenced to federal prison for Molotov cocktail attack on Planned Parenthood

columbia planned parenthood

Wesley Brian Kaster of Columbia, Mo. will face five to 21 years in prison after admitting that he threw a Molotov cocktail inside the Columbia Planned Parenthood building in February. He entered ...

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Muslim bus driver saves Christians from terrorist ambush

Eight Christians owe their lives to a muslim bus driver who sped away from Islamic extremist group who were demanding he stop so they could execute his passengers. The amazing example of ...

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Girl made up story that media used to attack Karen Pence


A Virginia sixth grader who claimed three of her white male classmates held her down and cut off her dreadlocks is now saying she made up the entire story. But the revelation may ...

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US carpet bombs ISIS infested island in Iraq

The U.S.-led coalition battling the ISIS terror group has released a video (below)  showing the carpet-bombing of an island in northern Iraq that was “infested” with terrorists. Dramatic footage released by the ...

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Seagull carries off Gizmo, the family dog

gizmo the dog

A British seaside town is desperately looking for a tiny Chihuahua dog that was last seen being carried off in a seagull’s beak. Four-year-old Gizmo’s owners took to social media, hoping he might have survived the ...

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Child bomber blows up wedding in Afghanistan

Citizens of Afghanistan are mourning after a child bomber carried out a suicide attack during a wedding in Nangarhar–a stronghold of both the Islamic state and the Taliban. The attack occurred Sunday when ...

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CNN reports Antifa attack on reporter while others whitewash

Antifa, a group of leftist terrorists, wants to violently shut down your opinion. Any ideas other than their own are not only wrong, they’re dangerous and must be stopped by, and I ...

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Australian police stop terror plot

An Islamic State terror plot has been stopped after Australian police on Tuesday arrested three men suspected of being involved in planning the attack on Sydney. Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner Ian ...

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Vicious shark attack leaves young American dead

shark attack

A vicious attack by multiple sharks in the Bahamas has killed a vacationing California woman. College student Jordan Lindsey, 21, of Torrance was snorkeling with her family near Rose Island on June 26 ...

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Jimmy Carter breaks with Democrats saying he supports Trump Iran response

Former President Jimmy Carter has broken with the often contradictory statements of Democrats on President Donald Trump’s response to Iran. Carter expressed his support for Trump’s recent decision to not take military action ...

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Grandmother reaches settlement after faith led to eviction

An elderly grandmother has settled a claim with her landlord who gave her an eviction notice for sharing her faith. The Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) has settled a claim on behalf of ...

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Muslim leader prevents terrorist attack on Coptic church

Every now and then, good news emerges from an area of the world where attacks of Christians is frequent.  In an incredible act of compassion and unity, a Muslim leader foiled a ...

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Syrian rebels kill Christian kids with targeted rockets

Children playing outside in a Syrian town have been murdered by a deplorable targeted rocket attack. Observers are calling the Sunday attack on the town of al-Suqaylabiyah  a targeted terror act against ...

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‘Hindu Extremists’ launch brutal attack on Indian Christians during prayer meeting

A group of Indian Christians was brutally attacked while gathering during a prayer gathering earlier this month. The savage beatings, perpetrated by six violent Hindu nationalists, took place at Praise the Lord ...

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New Congresswomen defends terrorists for rocket attack on Israel

While terrorists in Gaza rained down hundreds of rockets on Israeli civilians over the weekend, freshmen congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) spoke out in defense of Hamas and Palestinian ...

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Every child in Sunday school said they would die for Christ, minutes later half did

It was a children’s Sunday school much like that in churches around the world. On this Easter Sunday, in the children’s class at Zion Church in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, the kids were ...

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Video released of vicious attack on elderly man praying outside abortion clinic


Video has been released of a vicious attack on a 85-year-old pro-life man simply praying outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in San Francisco. The assault happened last Thursday. The San Francisco ...

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Video: Whale gives diver a taste of Jonah’s fate

A South African diver was given a rare tour of the inside of a whale’s mouth while snorkeling off the Port Elizabeth Harbour. Rainer Schimpf, 51, was filming a sardine run — ...

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Overland Park teen attacked in Oak Park Mall over Trump hat

oak park

An Overland Park man has lost his job after greeting a 14-year old teen with expletives as the teen entered the Oak Park Mall store wearing a “Make America Great Again hat.” ...

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