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Politics & Policy

Pro-life activists point out Kamala Harris’s extreme position on abortion

Kamala Harris, whom Joe Biden selected as his running mate, has a long history of supporting abortion, pro-life leaders say. Harris has faced criticism from pro-life advocates over her ties to abortion ...

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Biden chooses Kamala Harris who once called his policies ‘racist’

Joe Biden announced Thursday that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) will be his running mate for the 2020 Democrat ticket for president. The Democrat convention is expected to make it official even as ...

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No results on election night? Get ready, says Federal Elections Commission

The head of the Federal Elections Commission this week warned Americans that there is a “substantial chance” the final outcome of the presidential election may not be known on election night. The ...

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Majority of Americans think Biden would die during first term

A new poll finds that more than half of Americans polled think that Joe Biden would die before finishing a four-year term if he is elected to the presidency in November. In ...

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Black Seattle police chief resigns after Democrat city council defunding vote

After months of animosity from the Seattle City Council and mayor, the city’s police chief says she is stepping down. The announcement was made public the same day the City Council approved shrinking ...

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Accused rapist kills victim after release from jail over covid concerns

rapist relased

An accused rapist, released from prison because of the pandemic, has murdered the victim in her apartment. The horrific incident is being condemned across the nation by victims’s rights organizations and law ...

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Billy Graham statue will be added to Statuary Hall in U.S. Capitol

Christians finally have some good news about statues of religious figures. A life-sized statue of Billy Graham will replace one of a white supremacist in the U.S. Capitol’s Statuary Hall next year. ...

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Evangelicals for Trump event warns of radical Democrat agenda

Leading evangelicals spoke about the upcoming presidential election at an event called “Evangelicals For Trump — Praise, Prayer and Patriotism,” which was held in July in Alpharetta, Ga. The event featured prominent ...

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Trump may bypass Democrats, issue unemployment order; also require preexisting conditions to be covered by insurance

President Trump said on Friday he could sign executive orders within a week that would extend unemployment benefits that expired on July 31, and that he will also sign an executive order ...

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Condoleezza Rice calls out liberals for racial assumptions about black Americans

Liberals are wrong to assume they know how African Americans will think and act, said Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state. Rice, the first black American to serve in that position, talked ...

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Kansas primary results prove to be a shocker

Tuesday’s Kansas primary election results have provided some surprises with one Republican Congressman being sent home. First term Congressman Steve Watkins lost the Republican primary in the 2nd District to Kansas State ...

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Missouri voters pass expensive Medicaid expansion

Amendment 2, which expands Medicaid in Missouri to people who could otherwise work, was approved by Missouri voters Tuesday. The State Auditor’s Office estimated 250,000 Missourians will be added to the state-funded ...

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NARAL endorses Biden saying he will stop the pro-life ‘agenda’

NARAL Pro-Choice America has endorsed Joe Biden for president. The organization, considered the most radical pro-abortion organization in the United States, said he will “expand access to abortion” and stop the “anti-choice” ...

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Voter Guide: Kansas 3rd Congressional District

The struggle to unseat Democrat Sharice Davids for the Kansas’ 3rd Congressional district seat may be an uphill battle for Republicans. While political junkies may be familiar with Davids’ ties to the ...

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Former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain dead

Popular Republican candidate and business owner Herman Cain died Thursday after being hospitalized for Covid-19. Cain, 74, was admitted to an Atlanta hospital on July 1. His death was announced on his website and ...

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VOTER GUIDE: Kansas US Senate race

The Kansas U.S. Senate race is one of the most important races for people of faith this election cycle. For Republicans, it may be one of the most difficult to win. The ...

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Our Church Votes initiative seeks participation in this year’s elections

A nonpartisan initiative called Our Church Votes hopes to motivate evangelical Christians to vote in this year’s elections. “We are trying to reach every church,” CEO Jason Yates stated. “We are trying ...

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100 police agencies withdraw from guarding Democratic Convention

In a historic announcement, more than 100 police agencies are pulling out of agreements to send personnel to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) scheduled for August. The police departments stated they could ...

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New political ad attempts to use religion as weapon in 2020 election

religion weapon

Religion already is being used as a weapon in the presidential campaign, this time to encourage Christians to vote against President Donald Trump. A new commercial argues that the president’s rhetoric and ...

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Republicans announce details of HEALS Act stimulus effort

As Democrats revive Congressional hearings over the now debunked Russian collusion theory, Senate Republicans have finished a second stimulus plan to nurture the economic expansion. The proposal aims to stimulate the economy ...

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New $1,200 stimulus checks to go out in August

Stimulus checks will once again be distributed to most Americans in August, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters on Saturday. The Treasury announced they will again be $1,200. The new payments will ...

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Ready for mail-in ballots? Neither are most states

mail-in integrity court

The road to the November 2020 presidential election is already fraught with unprecedented crises and uncertainty. Now comes expanded mail-in voting. The COVID-19 pandemic has uprooted daily life and changed cultural norms, ...

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After endorsing Obama/Biden twice, police unions now support Trump

police unions

Families of police officers applauded this week as the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) endorsed President Donald Trump for reelection. It had supported the Obama/Biden ticket in 2008 and 2012. The ...

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Gov. Parson said he would pardon St. Louis couple who defended home            


If the St. Louis prosecuting attorney charges and convicts a local couple for protecting their home from protestors, Gov. Mike Parson said he will issue a pardon. The Republican governor told a ...

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225 federal agents coming to KC to tackle huge spike in murders

federal agents

With the Kansas City murder rate having doubled from 2018 levels, more than 200 federal agents soon will arrive to investigate unsolved homicides. The city has reached at least 102 homicides so ...

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