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Respect Life

7 things to know about SCOTUS judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Here are seven things to know about Supreme Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. 1. Jackson’s legal background The 51-year-old judge clerked for Justice Stephen G. Breyer — whose seat she fills at ...

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Susan B. Anthony List prepared to defeat politicians who favor abortion in midterms

A pro-life leader expects abortion to be a critical issue in November’s midterm elections. “The context is historic,” President Marjorie Dannenfelser of Susan B. Anthony List says. The election falls in the ...

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Spanish-language ad campaign targets pro-abortion Democratic senators

Another group is targeting pro-abortion Catholic politicians in this fall’s midterm elections. CatholicVote is launching a digital ad campaign urging Hispanic voters to challenge pro-abortion Catholic senators in Arizona and Nevada over ...

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Tax money being used for experiments on aborted body parts, new report says

The National Institutes of Health is using tax money to pay for research using body parts of aborted babies, a government watchdog group alleges. “A new White Coat Waste Project investigation has ...

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U.S. Senate narrowly approves FDA commissioner with pro-abortion history

The new commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will be a rubber stamp for the abortion industry, pro-life leaders warn. The Senate narrowly confirmed President Biden’s appointee, Robert Califf. Califf ...

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Actress Patricia Heaton: standing strong for pro-life cause in Hollywood

A pro-life website ran an article this week on why we should be encouraged in 2022. It wrote that “celebrities such as actress Patricia Heaton are using their platforms to promote a ...

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Pro-life advocates rally at Topeka Capitol with “value them both” message


Pro-life advocates from across Kansas and the nation marched, rallied and prayed at the state Capitol Tuesday, Jan. 25. The annual event, which has taken place for over a decade, drew attention ...

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Volunteer recalls taking her first call at the pregnancy resource ministry Birthright

birthright call

“Birthright, this is Christy.” I felt great energy and enthusiasm in my voice as I lifted the receiver and responded to the insistent ringing of the cream-colored phone with the curly, long ...

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Abortion once again was leading cause of death worldwide last year

Abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2021, with more than three times as many people losing their lives to abortion than the second-leading cause of death. Worldometer, a database ...

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Report: Texas women are traveling to ‘crowded’ clinics in Kansas for abortion


“Pregnant people” in Texas who are seeking an abortion are traveling to “crowded” clinics in Kansas to access the procedure, The Texas Tribune reported recently. On Sept. 1, a new law in ...

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This could be final January March for Life if Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade

The annual March for Life makes a powerful statement each year, but Kathryn Jean Lopez of “National Review” hopes this is the last time it will be held in January. You can ...

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Texas pro-life heartbeat bill wins another challenge in Supreme Court

heartbeat texas supreme

The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected the abortion industry‘s attempts in finding a path to overturn a Texas abortion ban. In a 6–3 ruling (pdf) fueled by Trump appointees, the court declined ...

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Pro-life activists optimistic, determined as they gather for March for Life

A Supreme Court case that could overturn Roe v. Wade by returning to states their original ability to govern abortion, has energized pro-life advocates attending this year’s March for Life on Friday. ...

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Martin Luther King’s dream includes the unborn, his niece reminds Americans on holiday

luther niece mlk devotional unity

As Americans pause to remember the Martin Luther King holiday, his niece reminds them to also remember the sanctity of life. “As we remember the birthday of my uncle, the Rev. Dr. ...

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Pro-life community invited to pray Wednesday at Kansas City’s Federal Courthouse

prayer courthouse

The pro-life community from across western Missouri will gather Jan. 19 at the Ilus Davis Plaza in front of the Federal Courthouse in downtown Kansas City. The prayer vigil from 1 pm ...

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March for Life in Washington DC will take place Jan. 21

The 49th Annual March for Life annual rally in Washington, DC, will proceed as planned on Friday, January 21, despite the city’s vaccine and coronavirus testing requirements. The organization announced in a press ...

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Missouri Right to Life supports 7-1 Republican advantage in redistricting

missouri redistricting

Missouri Right to Life wants the state’s eight congressional districts redrawn to give pro-life Congressional representatives the advantage. Susan Klein, executive director of the organization, testified at a House Special Committee on ...

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Kansans for Life endorses Schmidt, Estes, LaTurner and Mann in 2022

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The political action committee of Kansans for Life (KFL PAC) is endorsing Attorney General Derek Schmidt for Governor. Additionally, the PAC is making a historic, early endorsement of Congressmen Ron Estes (KS-4), ...

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Annual ‘Rally and March for Life’ planned for Kansas State Capitol Jan. 25

Kansans for Life will hold the Annual Rally and March for Life in Topeka on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. The event has drawn thousands in the past. The day will feature numerous ...

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Pro-choice group calls 2021 worst year for abortion rights in half-century

2021 abortion

The pro-life movement has momentum on its side in the new year. The Guttmacher Institute, a pro-choice research organization formerly affiliated with Planned Parenthood, released a report titled “State Policy Trends 2021: The ...

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Pro-life group wins as court blocks new California abortion law

California pro-lifers scored a major legal victory just before Christmas. On December 23, a federal court granted Life Legal’s motion to block enforcement of a law that criminalizes First Amendment activity outside most abortion ...

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Missouri bill would protect unborn after heart activity is detected

missouri heartbeat bill unborn clergy-led

Abortions after doctors have determined an unborn child has cardiac activity would be banned under a bill filed in the Missouri Legislature. Under the bill, private citizens could sue doctors or others ...

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Half of all states will protect unborn children if Roe overturned

states roe

More than half of the states would ban abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, according to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute. “If Roe were overturned or fundamentally weakened, 21 states have ...

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Missourians rally for life as U.S. Supreme Court hears critical case

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As the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that could overturn Roe v. Wade, pro-life advocates held a rally at the Missouri Supreme Court in Jefferson City. Secretary of ...

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Optimism after Supreme Court justices voice skepticism of abortion rights in Constitution

democrats court pack court cases foster law justices

Pro-life leaders are cautiously optimistic after oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday in a case that could lead to the reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision. Several justices ...

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